All-Girls Choir Group Performs Outstanding Version Of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”


The reason why some classic songs don’t die is probably because so many talented people keep on reviving and performing them.

An all-female choir included.


This group has a few awards under their belly from a choral championship for youth choirs, thanks to their amazing vocals.


Conductor Michael Spencer’s arrangement of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” served as their winning piece.


The video starts with the choir waiting behind the curtain, and when it reveals the all-girls group, excitement fills the air as the audience waits for the first note.

The girls belt out the first notes with pitch-perfect sound that’s almost like the original soundtrack.

Not only did they showcased their singing talent but also their creativity in pulling off the most minimal yet impactful choreography for their piece.

The choir concludes their performance with a bow and the audience gives them a well-deserved standing ovation for such a wonderful performance.

People on the internet are convinced that it is one of the best performances of Queen’s song that they think that even the original singer, Freddie Mercury, would be proud watching the girls sing the classic hit song.

Watch Frensham Madrigals’s amazing performance of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” in the video below.

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