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Dad Watches Kids While Mom’s Out, He Didn’t Notice Camera Set Up In Room


Dads don’t always receive the recognition they deserve when it comes to entertaining and caring for their children. The sad truth is that mothers often play the dominant role in parenting, or so we presume. This generalization hampers good fathers’ worth and involvement as parents, sometimes even making them feel left out and underappreciated.

Fortunately, one mother by the name of Rugeana decided to hit the ‘record’ button on her camera after she took off for a bit, leaving her husband alone to watch their two young children. Mom’s initial goal wasn’t to “spy” on her husband’s capabilities to parent alone, but rather to provide some adorable footage of her two girls for their grandma who couldn’t be there to watch. It was a simple yet sweet way to keep Grandma in-the-know of what her grandchildren were up to.

In the footage, Katy Perry’s “E.T.” lyric video is on TV with their baby girl happily jumping in a baby bouncer and their older daughter playing with a pair of pom-poms. Once Daddy sets down a box and walks into the room for a brief movement, we are left laughing and wiping happy tears from our eyes.



The father begins lip-syncing to Katy Perry’s song, performing crazy dance moves, and even making silly faces to his adorable toddler. The girls’ faces are entirely lit up. The eldest daughter passes her pom-poms to dad, and at this point, we get enough! If this man isn’t the cutest with kids, I don’t know who is!

In a confusing world that appears at times to be driven by fear and hate, it’s always enlightening to see something so positive, making us feel at peace.

What are some of the fun things you’ve done growing up with your dad? Or, if you’re a mother, how do you see your husband spending some quality time with the kids? Tell us in the comments below, we’d love to read all about your stories!

To really get a gist of how great fathers can be when it comes to their children, you need to watch the video below. You’ll smile, laugh, cry, and most of all, appreciate what this father can provide that some parents fail to do.

Young Man Delivers His Wife’s Baby At Home While One Of His Hands Is Broken And In A Cast


One of the craziest things about being pregnant is that your water can break at any time. You could be cooking up ramen in the kitchen as a midnight snack or going for a brief morning jog, and next thing you know, your body is informing you that you’re about to have your baby!

For 28-year-old Rhys Darby and his 24-year-old pregnant girlfriend Jade Brown, that’s exactly what happened: Jade’s water broke at an unexpected moment. Last summer, the Sunderland, England, couple was shocked when they discovered their baby girl Ariana was arriving in the middle of the night. Next thing you know, Rhys, who was currently recovering from a broken hand due to a football injury, was helping his girlfriend deliver their baby!

“I had the cast on one hand and a phone in the other—trying to deliver a baby!” Rhys said. “I was running around trying to find towels while the woman on the line was trying to give me instructions.

Rhys was frantic while he was waiting for the ambulance to arrive, but then it happened: out popped Baby Ariana.

“I bent down and stuck my hand out and the baby just came out. The ambulance arrived two minutes later and they cut the umbilical cord. I said: ‘It’s alright—I’ve done your job for you!’”



“It’s funny—Jade was adamant in the run-up that she didn’t want me near the business area during the birth,” he said. “I should have brought my baseball glove—then it would have been fine! But it was quite scary.”

The couple was completely baffled by the early arrival of their daughter. Jade had gone to the hospital the previous day thinking her little one would be soon to arrive, only to be sent home.

“We were told to come back at the next afternoon if nothing happened and they would start her off, so we went home. Jade tried to get some sleep, but by 2 AM, the pain was overwhelming,” Rhys recalled.

Then things got real.

“I was trying to just breathe through [the contractions] but they were getting more intense so I went downstairs and sat with Rhys,” Jade said. “I was squeezing his hand every time I got a contraction, but as time went on, I couldn’t cope with the pain and told Rhys we needed to go to the hospital.”

It seemed like once it all happened, it went by so fast, giving Jade and Rhys hardly any time to react.

“After a few pushes, our baby girl Ariana was born on the settee. I remember lying with her on my chest and I couldn’t believe how quick it all happened.”

According to Rhys, Jade didn’t have pain relief except for “a couple of paracetamol and some gas and air in the ambulance.”

Although Rhys didn’t get the chance to cut his daughter’s umbilical cord like he wanted, he’s thankful the labor process went relatively smoothly.

“Apparently we were quite lucky. Lots of stuff could have gone wrong. Ariana is a miracle, really. She was conceived two months after Jade had a miscarriage,” he admitted.

Jade, too, was also grateful and even more so knowing that the love of her life got to be apart of the experience.

“I was so glad that Rhys got to be so involved with the birth of our baby girl and I am so proud of him for delivering her—especially with a cast on his arm,” Jade said. “He was amazing during and after the birth and he’s an amazing dad to Ariana,” Rhys finished.

Congratulations to the new parents! Check out the beautiful family of three below.

10-Year-Old Artist Donates Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars She Earned From Her Paintings


As a child, I wasn’t really the best artist, and I still am not as an adult. But let me tell you: 10-year-old Daisy Watt from England is, and you’ll be just as shocked as I am!Her Floral Artwork is Impressive to Say the LeastArtist Daisy has a thing for flowers, bright colors, and splatters of paint. Her paintings may contain a common theme, but she definitely puts her own personal touches into it.

She Only Started Painting 4 Years AgoAnd, no, little Daisy isn’t new to art. While she’s still quite young, this is a hobby she took on back in 2016 at the age of just six! While many kids her age were still fingerpainting, she was experimenting with a wide assortment of paintbrushes.



Her Passion Was Inspired By Her Grandparents’ Cancer DiagnosesIt wasn’t until two of Daisy’s grandparents were diagnosed with cancer that she began to take painting very seriously. She kickstarted the hobby when she came up with the idea to paint them a picture to cheer them up.But The Love for Painting Didn’t Just Stop There…Her love for painting only grew. Four years later, she has created dozens of floral landscape paintings.She Decided To Start Selling Her Beautiful WorkWith so many completed paintings, such little space, and a desire to share her artwork, Daisy decided to start selling her paintings.

Great choice, Daisy!In 2017, She Earned Over $65,000 from Her Paintings!And you wouldn’t believe it: bidders from around the world are willing to pay thousands of their hard-earned cash to get their hands on one of Daisy’s work, many of which sell for over $10,000 a piece.Despite How Much She Earns, The Artist Remains Super HumbleShe may already have it made, but she’s not the type of girl to “show off” or rub her earnings in other children’s faces.




In Fact, She Donates The Money To CharityShe’s so humble that she’s more than willing to donate her deserved earnings to cancer charities.She Even Painted a Piece as a Tribute to Frontline WorkersAbove is a picture Daisy painted to honor our brave and super dedicated healthcare workers on the frontlines.Her Parents Couldn’t Be More ProudI’m just so proud of her,” her mother Karen said.

“Although she’s always been really creative, ever since she could hold a paintbrush, it wasn’t until she created that painting for her grandparents that we realized she had something special.”

Her dad would agree that Daisy definitely has something good going for her.


“The thing is she is really shy and humble about her work. She cringes at the attention and doesn’t see what all the fuss is about. I hope when she’s older she realizes just what a special thing she has been doing.”

Little girl and father sing ‘America the Beautiful’ in fantastic duet


Claire Crosby and her father sing a beautiful duet of ‘America the Beautiful’ while visiting various majestic destinations. Their performance starts with Claire running on a shore, her toes dipping into the seawater.

Small waves crash against the beach, turning into foam, and the sun sets over the horizon. The sand and water catch the yellow-orange light as it dances across their surface.

Claire starts to sing, and her voice is angelic. She walks with the sun behind her like a halo. Then he strolls through a field of wheat, touching them with her fingertips.




Flowers and rolling hills surround her, and then she finds herself in a forest. The countless trees are old and have grown tall towards the heavens, and Claire reaches out and touches the aged bark.

Her father joins her in singing, and his voice is soothing and sweet. Together they pay homage to the nature of their home, and Claire looks especially small and precious next to her dad.

For their finale, they perform on vast salt flats accompanied by a full orchestra. A strong wind blows against them, and Claire’s fabulous red dress dances with it.

They finish their wonderful song. Each place they stand is an incredible sight to behold. The sands, sun, forest, fields, and salt flats were their concert grounds.

Teen sings Elvis Presley’s ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ on ‘The Voice,’ stuns audience


“Well, since my baby left me,” he starts. “I found a new place to dwell…”

This 19-year-old singer performed a cover of Elvis Presley’s “Heartbreak Hotel” on the premiere of ‘The Voice Blind Auditions.’ And he blew everyone away with his uncanny impression of the King.

He received incredible reactions from the judges and tons of praise from those watching on YouTube. Judges Blake Shelton and John Legend turned their chairs around before the first couple of lines were sung.



“That had me fired the hell up,” Shelton proclaimed. Peedy did a version of Elvis and did a great job. Shelton added, he loves Elvis and would love to be Peedy’s coach, and he didn’t know

Legend also praised him, “Peedy, that was so much fun!” The musician said that if he was going to bring a classic to a new generation, the best way to do that would be by working with Peedy and bringing his music into the world.

But eventually, the youngster decided to side with the eight-time winner Shelton as his mentor.

The vocalist also loves Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., and the likes—prompting a judge to ask if he was transported from another time. Because with his outfit and hairstyle, he did indeed look like a blast from the past.

Dad Leans in and Starts Singing. Check Out His Baby’s Reaction. a Very Loving Moment!


As a parent, there’s nothing in the world like seeing your baby smile at you. Nothing.

The world melts away from you at that moment. There’s only that face and that radiant, usually toothless, grin. You’ll do anything to see that smile. Especially since a smiling baby is not a crying one!

This song is a sweet one – “You Are So Beautiful” – but seconds into his rendition, he’s reduced to the background as his daughter beams, enthralled at this man singing to her.

How can you tell? She doesn’t even make a sound – a laugh, cry or a coo. Instead, her face spreads into the widest smile possible.

This video is sure to make every father reminisce about their time with their daughters… or think about impending births. It’s a sweet one.

An Adorable Baby Sings His Favorite Gospel Song. This Totally Made My Day!


In case you haven’t had your daily dose of cuteness, this little man is here to make your day. From his prime spot in his car seat, Demetrius shares with us his own, soulful version of “I’m Blessed”. I have to face it, even as a baby, his little voice is much better than my own. It’s not just his voice that’s impressive, however, it’s his passion for the music. It’s safe to assume that little Demetrius may not fully understand the meaning behind the words he’s belting out, but the spirit is there. He’s well on his way to understanding exactly why he is so blessed and having a deep appreciation for life and all that it has to offer.



Lydia Majette, Demetrius’ grandmother is the person recording the video, as well as the little one’s duet partner. Her influence has given this little boy an appreciation for gospel music and it’s clear that she has a passion for it as well. The beautiful music, as well as her own talent, has rubbed off on her grandson in the best way. It seems that the entire family has a passion for singing and gospel music. Lydia has three other grandchildren that also enjoy singing along. She just happened to film Demetrius on this particular day.

For any one of us, it’s easy to get caught up in our daily lives and worries. As adults, we carry a lot of pressure and expectations around with us. We have jobs, families, financial struggles, and even health issues to deal with. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and forgot all of the wonderful blessings we do have. Today, let little Demetrius, young and free of the difficulties of adulthood, remind us in his wonderful way that each of us is truly blessed.

14-Year-Old Gets QUICKEST Chair Turn On ‘The Voice’


“Jade De Rijcke, a 14-year-old singer, wowed the judges on ‘The Voice Kids Belgium’ before going on to win the entire 2018 competition.

This was an impressive win for both De Rijcke and her coach, Gers Pardoel. 2018 was Pardoel’s first year as a coach. Relying on De Rijcke and his other singers, Pardoel beat out several more experienced coaches and sent his protege on to stardom.

After her win, De Rijcke went on to release her first single in April 2019. The single was called Straw House and was about a close relationship. Straw House was unique because it was De Riecke’s first original song. She was used to covering songs. She may have written original songs before, but this was her first time recording one.

What many viewers may not know is that 2018 was not De Rijcke’s first appearance on ‘The Voice Kids.’ She tried out in 2017 and did not make it past the blind auditions. De Rijcke later said her nerves got to her, and that she was disappointed because her audition did not even make it onto television.

But De Rijcke did not let that experience get her down, instead of going back to her training and making another try which succeeded beyond her wildest hopes. Sometimes a failure is what it takes to make a performer, or anyone for that matter, put in the hard work necessary for success at any chosen endeavor.

The ‘Road to’ videos show the performances of one contestant throughout their time on the show. It is a good retrospective, and a way to get all a performer’s songs into one document. For the blind audition, De Rijcke chose to sing ‘Homesick’ by Dua Lipa.



‘Homesick’ is a slow, plaintive, piano-driven ballad about a woman who is separated from her lover and longs to get back to him, through harsh obstacles and a feeling of loneliness. Just as De Rijcke kept steadily moving towards her goal, of winning the competition, the woman in this song will not give up her quest to find her lover.

For the semi-final, De Rijcke chose ‘Sober,’ by the American pop singer Demi Lovato. This is a rather sad song about Lovato’s troubles with alcohol. She outlines some of the behavior she regrets, as well as expressing fear of being unable to quit drinking. Singing a song does not mean one is living the song, but still, this is a bold choice for someone as young as De Rijcke. She tackled it with her usual cool and calm.

De Rijcke’s last song on the show was ‘Grand Piano,’ by the American Nicki Minaj. This is the song of a woman questioning her lover, whether he has been sincere or faithful in the relationship. The singer also spends a lot of time examining her, whether or not she has made stupid decisions. It seems troublesome relationships are one of De Rijcke’s favorite topics.

Despite the angst and sadness in any of her song choices, Jade De Rijcke has triumphed over her obstacles, winning a competition that, at one time, it seemed she could never win. This is an inspirational story, and watching the video helps show what a champion in the making looks like.”

Watch The Adorable Moment This 3-Year-Old Welcomes Her Newborn Sister Home


In the tapestry of family life, few moments are as precious as the introduction of a new sibling. The anticipation, the excitement, and the curiosity all blend into a beautiful tapestry of emotions. And in one heartwarming moment, we were fortunate to witness an enchanting encounter between a 3-year-old and her newborn sister as they embarked on a new chapter of their lives together.

The scene was set as the family returned home from the hospital, their newborn bundle of joy cradled in her mother’s arms. Waiting eagerly was the 3-year-old big sister, her eyes sparkling with a mix of wonder and delight. It was clear that she had been eagerly awaiting this moment, and she was ready to take on her new role.

As the front door opened, the little girl rushed forward, her tiny feet pattering with excitement. Her parents gently placed the newborn into her arms, and the look of sheer awe and tenderness on her face was nothing short of magical. It was a moment of pure sibling connection, a bond that would shape their relationship for years to come.



The 3-year-old’s eyes never left her baby sister as she softly whispered words of love and welcome. Her gestures were filled with care and affection as she gently touched the baby’s tiny hands and marveled at her delicate features. In that fleeting moment, the love between these two sisters blossomed.

Cameras captured this touching encounter, and it quickly became a cherished family keepsake. The video, now shared with the world, has touched the hearts of many, reminding us all of the pure and unfiltered love that children bring into our lives.

This heartwarming moment serves as a testament to the power of family bonds, the beauty of sibling relationships, and the remarkable capacity of children to embrace new responsibilities and opportunities for love. As these two sisters embark on their journey together, they have already given us a glimpse of the incredible love and connection that will shape their lives.

Luke Bryan’s Young Son Makes an Adorable Appearance at His Father’s Concert


Omg! Does anyone else just think that little boy will grow up to be the cutest kid in the world?! Haha I love Luke Bryan, but after this I love his whole family! Go country music and country families!

Near the end of the song, he just stops, looks at the cap on the ground and then out at the audience, like he’s just seeing them for the first time!! ‘Where did all those people suddenly come from?!’ So cute! 🙂



We have seen this video soooo many times, (my little girl says she’s gonna dance with Bo-Bo) but I still love it!!!