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8-Month-Old Crawls Into Stranger’s Arms on a Plane. 60 Seconds Later, Dad Snaps Viral Photo


Evan Hughes was not ready to be separated on the flight from his wife due to bad weather. What added to the stress of the situation was that he had to take care of his 8-month old son.

Since his son didn’t take flying on an airplane so well, he was getting more and more fussy.

Good thing, there was a kind stranger beside them on the plane who asked to help the panicking father. At first, he declined. But when the child began to be more uncontrollable, the dad let her hold him.

What happened next will warm your heart. The baby started to find a comfortable position on the stranger’s chest and then fell asleep within a few minutes.

A kind stranger helps calm the son of Evan Hughes during flight home.
What did the stranger have that Evan allowed her to have the baby?

Before the flight, Evan had already met the stranger. She had been sitting next to him the entire flight. They talked about her. Evan knew that she had two kids and that she worked at a daycare. This was why she was really good with kids.



Another reason why his son was so comfortable with her was that, “He was wanting to climb over me trying to get to her,” according to the father.

Evan recalls, “He (and I, exhausted) willingly oblige to the strangers request. Not 60 seconds later he puts his head down on her chest and falls asleep!”

The kindhearted stranger even joked to Evan when his son fell asleep, “The power of boobies!” because of the position that the child fell asleep in. She even went the extra mile and told the father that if he wanted to take a nap, she would look after the child.

Evan was so grateful that he said, “The kindness of this stranger was truly refreshing on what was quickly becoming one of the worst days in a long time. There is still hope!”

Upon landing, Hughes asked for the woman’s email address and later sent her a Starbucks gift card to express his gratitude.

Everyone needs a break from this life. If you can, pay it forward to anyone. God who sees your deeds will reward you in due time.

5-Year-Old Bonds With Great-Grandma Who has Dementia by Singing ‘You Are My Sunshine’ at First Meet


A 5-year-old girl named Sophie touched the hearts of thousands of people online after a video of her singing “You Are My Sunshine” went viral on the internet. The song is famous and millions of people around the world have sung their own versions of it. What makes Sophie’s video extra special?

In the video, the little girl could be seen singing the classic song to an elderly lady who was revealed to be her great-grandmother. Sophie’s “Great Nana” suffers from dementia and has been living in a home for the elderly where she receives round-the-clock care. Her illness has left her unable to speak or take care of herself.

Confined to her bed, Great Nana has never had the pleasure of meeting little Sophie until she was five years old. In the description written in the original YouTube video post by Sandy Miller, he said, “We were worried what her reaction would be but what happen next surprised us……. a beautiful moment.”


Sophie may have only just met her great grandmother for the first time, but you can never tell by watching the video. In it, she could be seen sweetly singing “You Are My Sunshine” while gently stroking Great Nana’s face. The elderly woman, although likely unaware who Sophie is, could be seen intently listening and reacting to her great-grandchild’s voice. It was indeed a memorable moment for the whole family. Luckily, they captured the moment on video.

The first visit was clearly followed by more, as proven by a later video posted by Yvonne Brock Miller. In it, a slightly older Sophie could be seen bonding with Great Nana over the same song. The videos appear to be two years apart but luckily, Great Nana does not seem to have deteriorated. If anything, she seems to be more responsive to her great-granddaughter’s singing. Companionship and love from family members can indeed do wonders for one’s health.

A Mum Has Natural Quadruplets, 3 Years After Triplets


Angela Magdaleno’s husband wanted many children, she just didn’t know that they were going to have this many. Angela Magdeleno, who gave birth to triplets three years ago, gave birth to quadruplets on July 6 by C-Section, which doctors said was a rare case of multiple births. After giving birth to triplets three years ago, Angela Magdaleno thought she was done giving birth. She was wrᴏng four times.

Magdaleno gave birth to four Bᴏʏs on July 6 by C-Section. She now has nine children. The newest additions – two girls and two boys – were doing well on Wednesday, while their mother, resting at home, said: “I’m so glad they’re healthy and so am I.” However, Magdaleno, 40, still worries that she may be overwhelmed with work and sometimes struggles with mixed feelings about the future. “I don’t know if I’m sad or happy,” she said. “I’m happy but I don’t know. I don’t know how to explain it.”



Three years ago, Magdaleno gave birth to triplets after undergoing in vitro fertilization. She said her husband wanted to have more children. After they were born, she thought she was done. Then she became pregnant with quadruplets. Magdaleno said she was sʜᴏᴄᴋed to hear the news. “She wanted to run,” said her husband, Afredo Anzaldo, 45, who carpets for a living. Her doctor, Kathryn Shaw, a specialist in high-risk pregnancies, said Magdaleno did well throughout the pregnancy and had no complications.

Babies were born at 32 weeks – well above the 29-week average for 4-year-olds. At birth, girls weighed 4 pounds and were 17 and 17.5 inches long; the boys are about 3.5 pounds and 16 inches long. One in 800,000. Shaw said the odds of conceiving four children without fertility drugs is about 1 in 800,000. She only saw one other case of twins conceived without medication – 18 years ago.

Mom Gave Birth To Quintuplets After A Twin Mɪsᴄᴀʀʀɪᴀɢᴇ


In the United States, infertility is a developing problem for couples attempting to conceive. We can relate to acquaintances, family members, and perhaps even ourselves in the struggle of desiring to have children but feeling as though our biology is working against us. Today’s narrative is about a couple who had exactly that.

Despite a battle with her insurance provider for specialized care, a mother-of-two successfully delivered quintuplets. Amy, 34, nd Chd Kempel, 36, were desperate to find an out-of-network doctor who specializes in delivering multiples after their insurance company denied their appeal and was unable to provide a specialist with the necessary expertise.



After four miscrriges and the loss of twin boys born at 22 weeks, the couple was finally able to hve two girls, ages three and one, but feared this high-risk pregnancy would terminate in hertbrek without the appropriate cre. Though their ples went unanswered, on Jnury 11 at 27 weeks, my delivered three boys nd two girls at an in-network hospitl. According to the bbies’ parents, they are all healthy and in stable condition.

It began with fertility issues, and when the couple became pregnant with twins, it resulted in a miscarriage, which devastated the couple. Followed by additional miscrriges. Finally, Chd and Amy Kempel were able to have two healthy children. As content as they were, they desired a few more children. Eventually, Amy became pregnant again, but this time with a larger number of children. 5, ɑt one moment.

He says, “At that precise moment when the ultrasound appears on the screen. Every couple should be pleased at this time. Not have their heads travel exactly where ours traveled. Which made me think, Oh no, this is not going to end well.I was just genuinely terrified. Then, when they said, “I believe there is an additional heartbeat,” I erupted into tears. I was certain that we were going to have another funeral.””

Despite the odds, mom carried her five children to 27 weeks, when medical intervention was required for medical reasons. Three months earlier, the quintuplets were delivered via C-section. They spent 73 days in the NICU before being discharged.

Intrauterine insemination, in which sperm are inserted into a woman’s uterus near her ovaries, allowed the couple to conceive. The doctors had predicted that the procedure could result in twins or even triplets, but the family was unprepared to see five heartbeats.



Chd stated to Daily Mail Online, ‘At this juncture, everything is proceeding as well as it can. There are no major complications, oxygen levels are satisfactory, and brain scans indicate that the patients are healthy, but we are constantly on alert.

The couple’s anxiety stems from a history of heartbreak after experiencing four miscarriages and losing twin sons at 22 weeks of age in 2013. Amy, a stay-at-home mother, has an incompetent cervix, which makes it challenging for her to carry a baby to term. She received fertility treatments for all of her pregnancies, including the full-term births of her daughters Svnnh, 3, and very, 18 months.

Multiple bbies in the pregnancy increase the risk of premture birth, which can result in severe helth complications for the mother and permanent lerning and development disabilities for the infants. Amy had a cesarean section to deliver quintuplets weighing between 2 pounds 5 ounces and 2 pounds 12 ounces. The infants will be monitored in the neonatal intensive care unit for approximately ten weeks.

The internet was conquered by the unusual twins. How they look like now?


Every parent considers their children to be a miracle. It makes no difference what they look like, what color their skin is, or what race they are. To their loved ones, they will always be the most precious. The tiny ones can be very different from one another at times, yet they are still brothers and sisters. Judith Nvokochi is in an odd predicament.

She was born in Nigeria and currently resides in Canada. Kamis, the son, has dark complexion and brown eyes, making him look a lot like his mother. However, Kachi is an albino girl. As a result, the two polar opposites are linked by blood. As the mother stated, she had always wished for twins, and the ultrasound result verified her wish. She was most likely anticipating the arrival of two small children.



By the 37th week, the examination showed that the girl had stopped growing. In such a situation, it was necessary to urgently carry out an operation to save the. girl Judith had a cesarean section. The boy appeared first. When the mother received her little ones, she did not believe that it was her daughter. She waited for the nurse to tell about the misunderstanding, but everyone admired the little beauty. Like all albinos, the girl has poor eyesight and very sensitive skin, but in general, she has no health problems.

Others are perplexed by Kachi’s strange appearance, while others are fascinated. But the mother of two great children is unconcerned about this because she adores them regardless of their flaws. And the little ones have a wonderful relationship. They are extremely nice and devoted to one another. They don’t even notice the difference, as Judith points out.

A woman gives birth to ultra-rare “super twins” who were conceived three weeks apart but born on the same day.


Giving birth is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for any woman, but Rebecca Roberts’ pregnancy is so unusual that it’s only the 14th of its kind in medical history. It’s unusual to have twins, but this story has an “extra uncommon twist.”

Rebecca, 39, and her husband, Rhys Weaver, had been trying for several years to have their first child together. The couple went to a fertility clinic in Bath, England, since they were worried that she wouldn’t be able to get pregnant due to her age.



Rebecca has been prescribed a medication to aid in ovulation, and after completing her first cycle in February 2020, they received the news that Rebecca was expecting.

Rebecca had her first two scans at seven and ten weeks, and physicians only saw one baby each time. Her physicians discovered something unexpected during her 12-week scan—a second baby!

“To be told there were two babies instead of one was extremely, truly upsetting,” she told Good Morning America. “Then they informed me the physicians couldn’t fathom a three-week growth difference between the two newborns.”

Rebecca’s doctor, David Walker, an OBGYN at Royal United Hospital in Bath, said her circumstance was so unusual that no one knows how many times it has happened.

They later diagnosed Rebecca’s pregnancy as superfetation, where a second, new pregnancy happens during an initial pregnancy.

Her twins aren’t typical and are considered “super twins” because her eggs were released on separate occasions and fertilized at different times.

“My first thought was, ‘How did I miss the second twin?’” said Dr. Walker. “And after that, I was little comforted that it wasn’t my fault, but rather a truly amazing pregnancy.”

In Rebecca’s instance, Noah, her older twin, was three weeks older than Rosalie, his younger twin. This is thought to be one of the most significant age differences among known superfetation twins.

Without Rhys by her side, Rebecca learned about everything. Due to COVID-19 rules, he was not permitted to accompany her inside for appointments.

“I was so taken aback that I didn’t believe what I was seeing. “It’s a good thing I was on the couch or I would have passed out on the floor,” she told CBS News. “I felt extremely fortunate, but also incredibly astonished.”

The couple tried searching for any information online about superfetation, but there is hardly any literature about it. However, Rebecca believes they are the 14th case of super twins in the world.

The most challenging part of her pregnancy came when doctors said that her younger twin may not survive. But Rosalie was a fighter, and she came out alive and kicking with her brother Noah!

Doctors had to induce labor when Rebecca was 33 weeks pregnant because Rosalie had stopped growing due to a problem with her umbilical cord.

And on September 17, Rebecca gave birth to Noah, who weighed 4 pounds, 10 ounces, and Rosalie, who weighed only 2 pounds, 7 ounces.

Rosalie then spent the next 95 days in the NICU, while her brother spent just over three weeks at a different NICU.


The family was reunited just before Christmas when Rosalie finally came home.

“They’re my super twins,” Rebecca said of her babies. “Every day I look at them and think, ‘Wow, I’m so lucky.’”

Rebecca said that as early as now, she sees an incredible bond between Noah and Rosalie, who is catching up to her brother in size.

“When we lay them down next to each other, it’s like they instantly know and they reach out and touch each other’s faces and it’s just the most beautiful thing,” she said.

“Twins have an amazing bond anyways but the story between these two, when they’re old enough to find out, they’ll feel even more special.”

Rebecca has been sharing her pregnancy journey—and now her life as a mom of super twins—on her Instagram account. She hopes that by sharing her story, other people will see that “anything’s possible.”

“This wasn’t supposed to happen, but it has. The female body is amazing,” she said.

Rebecca’s pregnancy experience is something that can only be described as a beautiful miracle!

Please share this story with your friends and family.

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A talented 9-year-old impresses the judges of America’s Got Talent by singing a song by an artist named after her.


The world is filled with people who were named after renowned persons, whether on purpose or not. These people will be jokingly likened to their renowned namesake throughout their lives. Though it may be amusing at first, these folks will have heard all of the jokes in the book and nothing will surprise them any longer. The comparison will become more of a minor annoyance at this stage.

9-year-old Celine Tam, on the other hand, relishes comparisons to her idol and namesake, Canadian singer Celine Dion.

She loves to sing and found out one day that she actually sounded pretty amazing saying “When I was in the car, my dad was driving and suddenly I just sang ‘My Heart Will Go On and he was like, ‘Wow!’”

Celine decided to try her luck and join the popular competition series, America’s Got Talent



When asked what she would be singing, she stated unequivocally that she would be singing Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On.”

The judges and audience thought she did Celine Dion proud with her performance because she didn’t sing a note out of tune

The 9-year-old hardly seemed nervous and looked extremely comfortable belting out on the big stage

Needless to say, everyone was impressed and completely taken by her performance

The judges’ decision to advance her to the next stage of the competition was unanimous.

Watch her powerful performance below:

He Started Giggling Uncontrollably. But Don’t Take Your Eyes Off Of His Twin…


The twins in the clip are just 10 months old, but they have already formed a strong bond between them. This short clip is just a small example. When one of them starts to laugh, the other immediately joins in. And you know how contagious a baby’s laughter can be. We will never know what they are laughing about, but it sure feels like they are having a blast.



Watch this hilarious video below. Did this crack you up? Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Sarah McLachlan fans gush for Cormac’s ‘In the Arms of an Angel’ cover


Some singers are born with talent and blossom at an early age, which is the case with Cormac Thompson. At only 13 years old, he delivers an incredible cover of Sarah McLachlan’s touching song ‘Angel.’

Cormac Thompson

In the performance video, Cormac is accompanied simply by a piano while he sings. He sings in a light beautiful voice while standing in a dark studio. Near the song’s close, a bird flies away from the snow, and feathers fall from the sky onto the screen.

Cormac sings the emotional lyrics, ‘You spend all your time waiting for that second chance. For a break, that would make it okay. There’s always some reason to feel not good enough. And it’s hard at the end of the day. I need some distraction. Oh, beautiful release.’



When Cormac was just 12 years old, he auditioned for Season 15 of ‘Britain’s Got Talent.’ He comes from Lancashire in Northern Ireland, and for his audition, he sang ‘Run’ by Snow Patrol.

Simon Cowell said to Cormac, ‘It was a brilliant choice of song. You sang it beautifully. You made it your version.’ Although Cormac failed to make the semi-finals, he signed a recording contract with Decca records. He released his debut album titled ‘Hear My Voice.’

‘Angel’ is a song written by Sarah McLachlan that appeared on her 4th album titled ‘Surfacing.’ The lyrics talk about the pain of drug addiction. The song peaked at number 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts and spent 12 weeks at number 1 on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart.

Cormac’s voice is hard to believe. It is incredible this young teen singer can deliver such a difficult song to sing. He has only begun to entertain his fans, and it will be interesting to follow his career for years to come!

12-year-old girl wows AGT judges with unique rendition of ‘Dance Monkey’


Twelve-year-old Annie Jones took the stage on America’s Got Talent after a fifteen-hour flight from her home country of Australia. She seemed a bit nervous about performing in front of an audience.

Annie Jones

Once the music started to play, she was entirely in the zone. She began singing “Dance Monkey” by the Tones and I. She started strong, and then she got better.

As the beat dropped, Annie broke out some swag dance moves. The crowd clapped along to the music. Sofia, Simon, and Howie joined in, putting their hands together to the beat.

Annie Jones


With fancy footwork and overwhelming confidence, Annie captured the hearts of the audience members. She owned the stage, and the crowd went wild over her. Their cheers filled the auditorium.

When she had finished singing her song, Sofia and Howie told her how impressed they were by her choice of music and her ability to pull off some crazy dance moves.

Annie Jones

When it was Simon’s turn to give his feedback, he applauded her on her confidence and command of the spotlight. All three judges voted her through to the next round.

Annie jumped for joy. Her mother and grandmother beamed with pride. This little girl’s big dream was coming true, thanks to her dedication to music and her belief in herself.