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After Nearly 140 Years Of Baby Boys, This Family Welcomes The First Baby Girl


After nearly 140 years of baby boys, the impressive streak is finally broken when the family welcomed a beautiful baby girl.

Having a kid is a precious blessing. It’s not unsual that every parent wants their children to arrive happy and healthy. However, prior to learning of their baby’s sex, parents likely secretly wish for a boy over a girl or vice versa.

One woman in Michigan desperately wanted a little baby girl, but iven the history of her husband’s family, the odds were not in her favor. According to People, not since 1885 had a girl been born in Andrew Clark’s family.



When Andrew told his wife, Carolyn the news about his family’s history, she thought it was a joke at first.

“He was like, ‘Oh, we don’t, we don’t have girls,’” she said. “And I’m like, ‘Ok.’ Like, I thought he was just messing with me.”

While the odds are heavily against her, Carolyn said she was going to be the one to break the baby girl drought in Andrew’s family. They began trying and ended up pregnant. Carolyn and Andrew became the happy parents of a beautiful baby boy, Cameron, as per News Center Maine.

Andrew and Carolyn began trying again, but sadly this time the pregnancy ended in a misc@rriage in January 2021, which Carolyn mentioned was their second.

A little more than a year later, the couple found out they were having another baby. And this would be the baby that would for sure break the 138-year-old streak.

The Couple Used Cookies and Frosting To Share the Good News of Their Baby Girl

“We, you know, did a countdown,” Carolyn said. “Three-two-one and we all took a bite.”



The bite revealed the pink frosting inside the baked goods. Carolyn and Andrew were going to have a baby girl.

On March 17, Audrey Marie Clark entered the world.

“It was just joy,” Carolyn said. “You know, just that she was here and healthy.”

Carolyn later added, “I got my girl.”

The two sisters went on stage and performed the legendary song, which was well received


Mariah Carey’s song “Without you” was the absolute hit of the 90s. Since then, many have tried to repeat the success of this singer, trying to surpass the original, but few have succeeded. The composition itself is vocally complex, and it took a lot of effort to sing it at least at a level.

You will be surprised, but the only ones who managed to do it are young Odessans Anastasia and Victoria Petrik. At the time of the performance, the eldest of the girls, Vika, was 16 years old, and her sister was 11. When they came out to sing, no one expected such penetration and power, but from the first minute their voice captivated the audience… The eldest of them was 14 years old, the youngest was only 6. Both of them were able to show their talent by performing such a difficult song. The jury didn’t trust them for a moment at first because no one had tried that song before, knowing that it wouldn’t work. These sisters came up on stage quite united and confident.



Seeing them, the jury thought that they should perform some ordinary performance. However, the impression changed and took a different course because there were girls with powerful and charming voices on the stage. They supported each other and understood each other at a glance. at that age too. But the fact remained a fact and a powerful performance was a powerful performance. Their voice spread throughout the hall, capturing thousands of hearts. Every note of their song penetrated the hearts of people, causing great emotions and thoughts. Due to their unparalleled voice, they became the unique performers and winners of the day. They were also praised. it was also reported in popular newspapers and on television, pointing out the fact of imitating the asexual voice data and the real singer. They presented their number hand in hand without being constrained, without being excited and without hesitation. Such a performance really deserved to be called a victory and to receive recognition. They were the only ones who changed the jury’s opinion and way of thinking.

“Noted for her uniqueness”: a beautiful girl with albinism became viral thanks to her unique appearance.


“Noted for her uniqueness”: A lovely girl affected by albinism has become a viral sensation due to her distinctive appearance. This is a rare example showcasing nature’s masterpiece in human beings.


Albinism is a condition where a person’s genetic makeup is altered, resulting in the absence of melanin pigment. It occurs more frequently in people of Slavic appearance than in those of African descent. Hence, this story serves as a rare and remarkable example of nature’s craftsmanship in human beings.

Eleven years ago, in the Clark family, a unique girl was born with curly blonde hair and fair white skin. Her name was Ava, and she had skin and eye color quite different from her mother and father. Born with unique features, she made an impression in her hometown. However, her condition was not just about the lack of melanin; she was also blind.



An enchanting and extraordinary girl had to attend school as a blind student. Fortunately, thanks to new technologies and the dedication of kind doctors, her vision was restored, and she began to see clearly. Apart from excelling in school, she also enjoys sports, especially running and gymnastics.

With her rarely captivating appearance, everyone notices her immediately, and modeling agencies are likely to shower her with collaboration offers. Her greatest achievement, as she considers it, would be to film a video with her idol, the singer Beyoncé.

A wonderful story: a cute cat immediately sensed that its owner was pregnant and expecting a baby.


A Wonderful Story: A cute cat immediately sensed that its owner was pregnant and expecting a baby. The cat took very little time to determine that the homeowner was pregnant.

One day, a young woman named Samantha Smith decided to get a cat. She didn’t want to buy a purebred kitten; instead, she wanted to adopt a pet from a shelter.



The cat, named Luna, is very gentle, affectionate, and attached to her owner, always seeking to be close to her. Samantha said, “I and my cat are connected by an invisible thread. I can see how much she loves me. Our guests love Luna so much, even those who are not big fans of cats like her.”

Since Samantha and her pet are very close, the furry beauty took very little time to determine that her owner was expecting. Throughout the nine months, the cat tried to stay close to Samantha. Luna was very affectionate and caring, and just before the baby’s birth, she started preparing a home for the new arrival.



When Samantha was six months pregnant, Luna began to pile up various objects during the night, creating something similar to a nest where a mother and a child could be accommodated. “The longer the term, the more often she started creating such places. Every day, I told Luna how grateful I was for her care,” Samantha said.

Interestingly, Luna always did this around five-thirty in the morning. Around the same time, Samantha gave birth to a baby, and now she is sure that Luna knew about it. After an anxious wait for the new arrival, Luna met the baby and was very happy. Now, the soft pet is getting used to the baby and remains cautious around him for now.

“Incredible beauty of the child”: this girl amazes the whole world with her unique appearance.


Incredible beauty of the child: This girl surprises the whole world with her unique appearance. Even during her childhood, it was evident that she would become a magnificent beauty.



A few years ago, a sweet girl was born. When her parents saw their daughter for the first time, they were simply amazed, and even all the doctors were surprised by her unusual beauty.

The girl is currently 7 years old and is very beautiful. Her mother always posts photos on social networks, and fans admire her unique appearance. She has always received invitations from advertising agencies.



Fans always discuss who the child resembles more, her father or mother. Her blue eyes resemble her mother’s, and with her beautiful curly hair, she resembles her father.

Already at this young age, she is a cute model, and all her relatives say she will become a top model.

Perhaps soon, everyone will see a photo of this girl in various fashion magazines. She is already popular at this young age, but everyone knows that a person’s appearance changes over the years, and many people think she will look different when she grows up.

Her blue eyes resemble her mother’s, and with her beautiful curly hair, she resembles her father

At the age of seven, these girls were considered the most beautiful twins in the world. And this is what they are now.


Ava Marie and Leah Rose were born in California. Their birth was eagerly awaited by their loved ones, their mother and father, as well as their older brother.



Seven years have passed. The girls have grown up and, thanks to social media, have become real stars, conquering millions of hearts with their beauty.

That’s what the newborn twins were like.

Their ethereal beauty is, of course, a credit to their parents. Look at this sweet couple.

When she appeared with her children in public places, the mother constantly heard words of admiration for her daughters and advice to send their photos to modeling agencies.

Jacqui Clementes, a mother of twins, turned her daughters into an Internet sensation after she set up an Instagram account for them on their seventh birthday. Online users were delighted with the sisters’ looks.

Building a modeling career girls began at the age of 7, it does not stop now. The young models, who recently turned 12, actively sign contracts with children’s clothing brands and fashion magazines.

Their mother personally promotes her children in the world of celebrities.

The woman has been and continues to be condemned online for depriving the girls of their childhood, but Jacqui invariably responds with one thing: «Have you met my children? No. I appreciate your concern and assure you that Leah and Ava are fine! They are happy! They have a wonderful childhood with lots of friends and activities.»





The world’s most beautiful twins also have an older brother who recently turned 14. The boy, like his sisters, works as a model.

Let the adorable twins be accompanied only by success in their future lives!

A girl of extraordinary beauty. Who are her parents?


Advances in science and technology now make it possible to travel around the world and communicate with people thousands of kilometers away. More and more often representatives of different nationalities, races, and religions decide to join their destinies. This proves once again that love has no boundaries.

It is not uncommon nowadays for people of different nationalities to join their hearts and live in a happy marriage. As they say, love has no boundaries and this amazing story confirms that. A man from Vietnam met a woman from Africa, feelings flared up between them and soon they were married.



After a while they had a beautiful daughter, Bailey. Her beauty captivated many, for she had inherited everything beautiful from her parents. She has her father’s beautiful eyes, and from her mother she inherited her luxurious curly hair. The girl’s parents have her own Instagram page with more than 100 thousand people subscribed to it.

She is only 2 years old, but her beauty is mesmerizing!

Of course, any little baby is beautiful and cute in its own way, but children who are born into a family of different nationalities have a rare, one-of-a-kind beauty. You can only imagine how beautiful Bailey will be when she grows up!

There is an Instagram page where many mixed couples post pictures of their children with the hashtag #prettymixedkids. They’ve put together a whole collection!



All children are adorable, but love mixed with genetic factors gives the world amazing beauty, don’t you agree?

The smiles of these adorable little girls bring unbelievable joy and happiness! Many of them are predicted to pursue a modeling career. Well, we shall see!

Twins invite their mother on a surprise date and use the money they have left to buy her the dinner of her dreams


«Mom, we can handle this, okay. Please go get some rest,» Travis lightly shouted to his 40-year-old mother, Alexis.

«Yes, Mom, we’re adults now. We can fix the garage,» Shaun added. «It’s just a hammer…it’s not going to break our hands. Stop worrying, Mom, and relax.»

But Alexis’ heart refused to listen. She had raised her two sons alone and had never let them do anything because of her overprotective love for them.

The 15-year-old twins, Travis and Shaun, thought they were old enough to take care of themselves. Plus, they wanted their mother to start enjoying her life instead of always looking out for them, asking them to do this or not do that.

One day, Travis jokingly comes up with the idea of finding a partner for their single mom, and his brother agrees. Regardless of the consequences, the curious boys embark on a secret mission to surprise their mother with a blind date…

Alexis’ life has been a roller coaster. Her husband Ronald cheated on her with another woman. When she confronted him, he ruthlessly dumped her and their newborns, Travis and Shaun, and moved overseas.

For the past 15 years, Alexis has chosen to remain single and has devoted her time and energy to raising her sons. She wanted them to grow up learning to respect women and not become a replica of their father.



Travis and Shaun loved their mother. But the only thing that bothered them was the fact that she sacrificed all her time to raise them and thus denied herself a fulfilling life. They realized that their mother could still date, even though Alexis was very disapproving of the idea.

«But Mom, you’re not that old… ‘Too old’ has never been an excuse to date… Please say yes,» Shaun argued.

«Mom, look in the mirror. You’re not old. You’re 40, and age is just a number. Haven’t you ever read it or heard it?» added Travis.

But nothing convinced Alexis. She was afraid of what people might say and had pushed the idea away.

«Dating is not what single 40-year-old moms do, kids. Please, I don’t want to talk about this anymore,» she laughed and chased the thought away while hoping her boys would do the same.

A few days later, Travis and Shaun came home from school and saw their mother struggling up the ladder trying to paint the wall.

Alexis felt that the division of labor between men and women did not exist. Sometimes she did all the heavy work that required a man’s hand and was too exhausted by the end. She refused to ask for help and would not allow her sons to do any work because she felt that «it was not for them.»

Fed up with their mother’s stubbornness, Travis and Shaun decided to show her what real fun in life looked like. They immediately remembered their single teacher, Mr. Walker, who used Tinder, and came up with an unusual plan.

«Are you sure this will work?» doubted Shaun. «Dude, what if Mom finds out?»

«No, she won’t know because we’ll start texting each other only after she’s asleep,» Travis said as he installed the dating app on his phone and created a profile for his mom.

That night, Alexis turned off the lights in their room and sighed as she wished them goodnight. She had no idea her sons were awake and ready to press heart on their teacher’s Tinder profile.

«It’s done, brother! Let’s wait and see if Mr. Walker likes Mom’s profile,» Travis whispered.

The next morning, the boys woke up to a notification on their phones. There was a match! Their teacher had liked their mom’s profile.

Although Travis and Shaun were excited, a strange feeling of fear came over them. For a moment, they wondered if they were on the right track. They trusted their instincts and kept going.

Over the next few nights, they exchanged texts pretending to be their moms, not sure where it would lead.

» Dude, did you see Mr. Walker? He was all smiles today… I guess he’s attracted to mom. But what if he finds out?» worried Shaun.

That evening, they were terrified when Mr. Walker said he wanted to meet Alexis at his favorite restaurant over the weekend. At that point, the brothers realized they couldn’t lie any longer.

They gathered all their savings and reserved a table at the restaurant where Mr. Walker wanted to meet their mother.

«Mom, hurry up. It’s getting late. We have to be on time,» Travis said. Alexis believed her sons when they told her they were taking her out to dinner, so she dressed up, assuming it would just be the three of them.

She was confused when her sons accompanied her to a table already occupied by a handsome, intelligent-looking man.

«Boys, why are we sitting at this table? It’s already occupied,» she grumbled. The boys looked at each other, trying to figure out how to explain to their mother what was going on. Before she could interpret things, Mr. Walker got up to help her with the chair.

«Travis? Shaun? What are you boys doing here?» he exclaimed, dragging a chair over so Alexis could sit down.

«Mr. Walker, I’d like you to meet our mother,» the boys said in chorus, while their mother looked even more puzzled.

«Me…thank you! Boys, what’s going on? Who is he, and why is he helping me with the chair?» she whispered.

Travis and Shaun then decided to come clean and started by apologizing.



«Mom, Mr. Walker, we’re sorry we tricked you! » they exclaimed at the same time, startling Alexis and their teacher.

«Framed us???» the mother exclaimed. «What do you mean by that?».

«Sorry, Mom, but we wanted you to know that you’re not too old to start a new relationship. So we created a profile for you on Tinder and set you up with our favorite teacher, Mr. Andrew Walker, who is also single,» Travis confessed.

«Yes, mom… We texted him… Mr. Walker, we’re sorry, but we thought you’d be a good partner for our mom,» Shaun added.

Alexis and Andrew were shocked and embarrassed.

«Mr. Walker, please forgive us if we did something wrong. But we like you, and you are still single….,» Travis explained.

After a deep thought, the professor smiled and indirectly approved of their action. Travis and Shaun looked at their mother, who smiled shyly after a few moments of silence.

«Thank you, darlings… You were right…age is just a number, and I’m not too old to fall in love again!» she said as she toasted the boys’ heartwarming surprise.

They enjoyed their dinner, laughing and joking about how it went. Gradually, Alexis and Andrew became good friends and started dating a month later. Travis and Shaun were happy to see their mom enjoying her life and never regretted what they did!

One day Dad came home with the 4-year-old daughter of an ex-girlfriend. We didn’t like the girl right away


My father was a sailor in the merchant navy.

In the 90s he would sign up for any voyage just to bring us, if not money, then things or even food, something for sale, so that we had money while he was at sea. I can’t say that we lived poorly, but we never lived in luxury. My brother was three years older than me, so I used to wear his clothes. We used to collect bottles and scrap metal together to buy our own goodies.

Whenever my dad had a vacation, the first thing he did was take us fishing or to the woods, or walks in the park all day so my mom could rest. But one day he got a telegram from his hometown and instead of the usual vacation walk he packed a small bag, kissed us all and left. How we wept! Mom couldn’t comfort us because we thought he had abandoned us.

A week passed and he came back, but not alone, but with a little girl (4 years old). His first school sweetheart had died of tuberculosis, and her little girl was left alone. They were going to send her to an orphanage, but Daddy’s aunt sent him a telegram, as if he were the father and was coming to get her, so they left the girl alone. The child went through the neighbors, dirty and half-naked, until my father arrived. That’s how they showed up on the doorstep.

Mom immediately picked her up in her arms and carried her off to wash her, feed her, put her to bed, and Dad sat down on the bench by the door and cried.

I was 7 and my brother was 10, and we didn’t like her right away, though our new sister didn’t give us any reason to. She was like a ghost, small, pale, silent. She never took our toys, never went into our room (we lived in a two-room house, she slept in our parents’ room), never was naughty and never demanded anything.

From her past life she brought only a soft bunny and a string of assorted beads, which she put on the bunny and then on her neck, rubbing and muttering something. Mother kept trying to shake her, singing and reading to her, but it was to no avail. She cried for the first time when my brother and I took away her bunny and threw it on the closet. She stood in front of that closet, sobbing, and pulled her arms up, and we laughed. We got a big kick out of our mom at the time.

The summer came and we were all allowed to go for walks, but on the condition that we would look after the little one. The day everything changed, we left her near the entrance on the bench, as usual.

We were playing quietly behind the house when we heard yelling and strange noises. When we smelled something wrong, we rushed to the porch, and there was a pack of dogs raging, and our little girl was sitting on the roof and holding a kitten in her scratched hands, not crying, just huge eyes in fear.

When we drove the dogs away, we saw an old bunny torn to pieces.

And then we realized that in place of the bunny could have been our little girl. I sobbed with fear and guilt, my brother was collecting the remains of the rabbit and also sniffling his nose when my mother finally ran out to us. She hugged my brother and me, and at that moment we heard: «Mom, look what we have a kitty!»

Then, together with the neighborhood teenagers, we took my sister off the roof, picked up the bunny, washed the kitten, smeared the scratches, and wiped away the tears. After a while my dad came back from his trip. We told him everything, and he just wondered how a 4-year-old could get on the roof. My sister was sitting on his lap at the time and very confidently said — my kitty helped me!

I don’t know how true that was about the roof, but Kitty certainly helped her to finally let go of the horror she had endured since the death of her mother. She started to teach him all sorts of tricks like give me your paw, and slowly began to come alive on her own. My brother and I also got involved in raising Kitty, and quietly became a not perfect, but a real brother and sister to our Baby.

Now we already have families and children. Everyone has a great relationship with each other. Parents are very happy with their grandchildren, both native and adopted.

«They’re triplets. Will you take them all?»


My name is Mila and my husband is Alex. We were married seven years ago. The wedding was wonderful and fun.

The guests wished us love, understanding and, of course, children. We rushed to have them right after the wedding.

My first pregnancy was unsuccessful, the embryo froze in development. We mourned and continued our efforts. But again it did not work. The second pregnancy was even worse than the first — it was an ectopic pregnancy. And after the operation I was given a terrible diagnosis — I could never have children again.

Now our grief was immense. Alex and I both took it hard. We began to live for ourselves. But we were now in the thirties. We have everything we need: a flat, two cars. We entertain ourselves by travelling twice a year, but there’s a feeling of emptiness in our lives.

Alex was the first to talk about adoption:

«Mila, why don’t we take someone from an orphanage? Everyone has children… everyone talks about prams, scooters and cartoons… I want to raise a child too…»

«Alex, I thought about it, but somehow I was afraid to ask you. What do you want? A boy or a girl?»

«I don’t care, but probably a girl, I want to raise her like a princess!»



«OK. Agreed.»

We started the paperwork. We were able to get the adoption licence very quickly because of our financial situation. And then came the big day when we went to meet the children at the orphanage. We weren’t expecting a newborn, it was a long wait, but there were lots of older children there.

The children were playing in the playground when we arrived. We stood apart and started to look at them. Suddenly I felt someone tugging at my hem. When I looked down I saw a little girl, blonde with funny freckles. She looked about three or four years old. She smiled and asked me:

«Auntie, aren’t you my mother?»

My heart almost stopped. I didn’t know what to say, but the tears flowed from my eyes and the words came from my lips:

«Yes, my darling, daddy and I are here for you!»

Alex took the baby in his arms and we went to see the director of the orphanage. When he saw the little girl in our arms, he shook his head negatively with some regret and asked the teacher to take the child. He took us into his office for a chat.

«You see… it’s complicated… this girl is not alone…»

I interrupted the director:

«So what, we’ll take both! Does she have a brother?»

«No, she has two sisters… They’re triplets. Are you taking them all?»

Alex and I clapped our eyes together. Three identical princesses? Is that even possible?

«They were abandoned by their parents?»

«Their mother is one of our foster children. She was very young when she became pregnant… And then three at once, so her body couldn’t cope: the children were saved, but she wasn’t… No one took them as babies. Who needs three at once? You can’t separate them!»

«We can!»

Alex said confidently, getting up from his chair.

«Come on, let’s show them all!»

We hurried to the girls. They immediately treated us like family, flooding us with questions and stories. A few days later the five of us went to look for a new, bigger flat, because we needed a lot of space for our now large family!