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46-year-old mom gives birth to healthy identical triplets – the odds are ‘1 in 20 billion’


Becoming a mother is a special time for a mother. It doesn’t matter if it’s her first time or if she has multiple children already; the moment always remains special.

This mother from Utah not only defied all expectations but also defied all odds by giving birth to not two but three identical babies at the same time!Audrey Tiberius was in her forties but still dreamt of having more children. Her doctors told her it was nearly impossible for her to conceive again but in her heart, she knew it would happen.

New ‘do.

Posted by Audrey Flake Tiberius on Friday, July 10, 2020
At 41, she visited a fertility expert who recommended In vitro fertilization (IVF) but also warned her that at her age the chances of success were still 10%. She later shared, “They said, ‘I’m sorry, your eggs are too old.’ We did three rounds of in vitro, and they all failed.”

Audrey and her husband, Tyler Tiberius, were both 41 and disappointed that their three attempts at IVF had resulted in nothing. However, the couple still had their four Marcus, James, Christian, and Max and decided to feel content in that.

However, in her heart, Audrey still held out hope and prayed for a big family. She said, “I prayed and prayed for five years to have more children because I always wanted a really big family, and seven was kind of my number.”

Every day is magical 🌿

Posted by Audrey Flake Tiberius on Friday, May 1, 2020
When she was 45 years old, she felt something was up with her body. And soon she found she was pregnant! The news was a joyous one for the family who celebrated it immediately.

When they visited a doctor, Audrey got the second surprise, she was not just expecting one baby as they had thought but she was expecting three! Audrey recalls, “There’s no way to explain it other than a miracle. What a gift from God!”
Having identical triplets when the mother is 46 is exceptionally uncommon. They talked to a statistician about the possibility of this occurrence and found out the odds are about one in 20 billion!


Posted by Audrey Flake Tiberius on Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Because of her age, Audrey was at high risk for miscarriage and was scared of what might happen. She prayed for her safety and decided to trust herself, and thankfully nothing happened.

In March 2022, Sky, River, and Bay joined the Tiberius family. They completed the ideal family for their mother who always dreamt of having seven children!

And Audrey for her part is a committed mom. She breastfeeds her babies, changes their nappies, burps them, clothes them and much more. While she tends to keep a smile on her face throughout, she admits that at times it can get hard.

She said, “It’s a little crazy sometimes when we can’t tell who’s who because they’re across the room. They just look so much alike.”

While having seven children was always her ideal number, Audrey has not ruled out the possibility of adding to her brood further. When asked whether they would have more kids, she said, “Maybe we’re not done. Who knows?”

She is a strong advocate of honest interactions with doctors in regard to their fertility, she said, “Doctors need to talk to women about fertility and what their options are to save them heartache.”

She grew emotional talking about the three new additions to her family, saying that she hoped everyone was able to have the babies they desired. And coming from someone who struggled for a while, it makes it all the sweeter.

This wonderful mother really is proof that miracles do happen. We are sending this wonderful family all our love and hope they are always happy and healthy.

7-Year-Old Blind Piano Prodigy Plays ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ On American Idol


Once again, the network was surrounded by a video in which Avett Maness, a 7-year-old blind boy, showed his talent for singing.

Despite his blindness, he found his happiness playing the piano and his performance on American Idol impressed many on the Internet.

Avett becomes a real online star shortly after publishing a video with the help of her parents in which she played one of the Queen’s songs on the piano.



In the American Idol singing show, the boy was invited as a guest to the stage, where he performed the hit “Bohemian Rhapsody”. He played it on the piano, while also showing off his singing talent.

Listen to how the blind Avett performed the great Queen’s hit, released in 1975. Will this boy’s talent surprise you?

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Family surprised everyone with three sets of twins born on the same day


It is not always easy to give birth to a child, many couples make more than one attempt for this, and some, alas, cannot have children at all. So it happened with the Kozinskis. Then the couple decided to adopt a child and their decision had unexpected consequences.

In 2013, an acquaintance of Kerry and Craig informed them that she was pregnant and asked if they would like to adopt her child. The couple agreed and after they found out that the girl was expecting not one, but two children at once. On February 28, 2014, Kozinski’s first children, Adalyn and Kenna, were born.

A year later, the same girl wrote to the couple again asking for help. The fact is that she already had children – twins born on February 28, 2013 – however, she could no longer provide them with proper care, and therefore she suggested that Kerry and Craig adopt them – Jay-Jay and C-C, to which Kozinski gladly agreed.

In 2016, with the help of artificial insemination, Kerry herself managed to become pregnant. As often happens with this method of conception, she gave birth to twins – Clarissa and Caralline. But the most amazing thing is that they were also born on February 28!

Sounds incredible, right? “I get asked all the time, ‘You’re on purpose, aren’t you? You did a caesarean, you probably guessed it on purpose, right? “So no. The girls were born prematurely, each 725 grams. Believe me, I did not plan to give birth to them on purpose at 24 weeks,” Kerry noted.



But the adoption of children, according to her, was really part of the plans of the spouses. Moreover, they thought about it even before they knew that they could not have a child. True, they wanted to give birth to their own, and then take foster children to raise.

Now the couple most of all want to complete the paperwork process, which is still ongoing. “We simply won’t survive if we lose them. They are already our children. It seems to us that it was destined by fate so that they would come to us.”

The couple said they want more children. Especially Craig, because: “We have 5 girls and only 1 boy.” Well, if in a couple of years other babies appear in the Kozinski family, it will be funny if there are twins born on February 28th.

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Finally a daughter: a girl was born in a family with 14 boys


It’s hard to imagine what it’s like to be a mother of a girl if you’ve only had boys for more than a decade.


Today we will introduce you to the Schwandt family from Michigan, who already got into the media in April 2018, because she called her 14th son a very unusual name — Shiboyegen.



Sisters Who ‘Played’ Pregnant As Kids re-create ‘Sweet’ Childhood Photo Like 25 Years Ago


Their childhood dream came true, but this time their children are real people, not balloons. Impressive foreshadowing
When Chaulet Barba, 33, and Brie Dietz, 35, were 6 and 4 years old, respectively, they had no idea that their pretend simultaneous pregnancies would one day become a reality as they are right now. But the California siblings had the chance to replicate their childhood photograph with balloons in their costumes, only this time they were actually pregnant adults.


“Do you remember that picture? I questioned her when we discovered we were expecting together. Even now, maybe 25 years later, I can still recall everything with absolute clarity! Chaulet Barba was told by Dietz.

25 years ago, they discovered their photo. The photograph was taken in the 1990s and shows the two wearing nightgowns, curlers in their hair, and balloons below. The sisters later posed side by side in their pajamas once more, this time lifting their shirts to show off their enormous tummies. Barba gave birth to her daughter Gemma in January 2020, while Dietz gave birth to her daughter Goldie in October 2019.




The mothers of the little girls decided to extend the photo shoot and recreate their childhood balloon picture with their kids because the two of them are now very close, just as their mothers were and are. The most recent photograph of Goldie and Gemma standing with their own under-nightdress balloons is now available as a triptych.

“We got lucky to have a chance to recreate that,” Dietz — who is now a mother of three — said of the now decades-long photo series. “It made it feel not only like it came full circle from playing that as a kid, but it felt like a special sister moment.” She hopes that she, her sister, and their daughters’ sweet photoshoots can remind viewers of how wonderful girlhood family time can be.


Dietz said. “I hope it makes people remember that sweet time when you’re in this little world of your own with your siblings, and we can’t mimic that now in our busy day-to-day lives.”

That is a good idea for your and your sister to play the future game. How do you feel about this idea?

Sisters Gave Birth To Twins On Same Day And Babies Both Belong To Same Parents


Most parents would likely be excited to hear that they are set to have twins. Naturally, there is some added stress and uncertainly about the future, but also the doubling of joy and happiness in the family. Fraternal twins are conceived when a mother releases two eggs during the same cycle. Two different sperm fertilize these eggs. Identical twins are conceived from one egg and one sperm. So, identical twins share 100% of their DNA, but fraternal twins only share 50%.

Generally, women who undergo fertility treatment have a higher chance of conceiving twins according to Very Well Family, as well as women who have a family history of conceiving twins as multiples. There are many other factors that can determine if a woman will have twins such as height and weight as well.

However, in a rare story that came from Lewis Center, Ohio in 2013, in a miraculous turn of events, a woman became pregnant with twins shortly after she asked her sister to become a surrogate for her. Amazingly, both sisters were pregnant with twins! The parents, Annie and Joby Johnston, became parents to quadruplets after years of trying, and two of their babies were carried and delivered by Chrissy Knott, Annie’s sister.



This story has a beautiful ending for the Johnston family as both Annie and Joby were able to have their dream of becoming parents come true, and in the process, also experienced the deep sisterly love that Chrissy and Annie have for each other. It goes to show that miracles happen when we least expect them!

ABC News reported that Annie and Joby decided to take a break from the in-vitro fertilization, surgeries and artificial insemination they’d gone through for five years to try to have a baby in February 2012.

“We were tired of doing the same thing and expecting a different result,” Annie, 34 at the time, said. “Chrissy was our different thing this time around.” Chrissy was Annie’s 37-year-old sister, who was married and had two children.

With some research, Chrissy found that she would be able to act as her sister’s surrogate mother, an option which she offered to Annie and Joby. After some thought, the couple decided to take Chrissy up on her offer, and Chrissy was inseminated with Annie’s fertilized eggs. The news outlet reported that both Annie and Chrissy each got two embryos implanted.

About this decision, Annie said, “The doctor made sure that everyone was OK with the possibility of four babies because it was possible. But, for us, after trying for so long, we were just trying to increase our chances of getting at least one.”

Nine days after this procedure, both sisters found out that they were pregnant at the same time! They attended the 7-week ultrasound together, where both of them came to know that they were carrying twins, which meant that Joby and Annie were officially having quadruplets.

“I was relieved, more than anything, that the babies were still developing,” Annie said. “My husband, I think, was thinking more down the road of what we were going to do with four babies.”

Annie and Chrissy are close, not just in their relationship but also proximity-wise as they only lived seven houses away from each other according to ABC News. When Annie and Chrissy’s parents found out that both their girls were pregnant, they sold their home and bought one closer to their kids to help them raise their quadruplets. After all, four children are not easy to handle!

On October 24, 2013, both sisters had a C-section scheduled so that all four children would be born on the same day. “My sister was carrying the two boys, and she delivered first, so I could be there in the room for her when she had them,” Annie said, adding, “Two hours later, at 9:30 a.m., I delivered the girls.”

All four kids were born healthy, and as seen in the video taken for the quadruplet’s first birthday, the children were growing up beautifully as well! The boys were named Charles and Thomas, while the girls were named Grace and Hadley. Based on the update video, it looks like the whole family is close, and everyone pitches in to help each other take care of the energetic and lively kids.

“We still can’t believe it sometimes,” Annie said after her children were born. She also had a few words for her sister’s loving act. “We’re very thankful for what she did for us,” Annie about Chrissy. “We’re very grateful and thankful that they’re all here.” Stories like these go to show the power of family and love, and the beauty of what can happen when families come together for the best!

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Dad Utters 1 Word & Chubby Baby Throws The Cutest Fit You’ll Ever See.


We all have those words that we absolutely despise… moist, phlegm, and chunky seem to be popular ones. (Or unpopular, depending on how you see it.) And while hearing or saying them certainly might cause some to shudder or feel a sense of uneasiness, most people are able to get over it without launching into a full-on meltdown. But most people aren’t this tiny baby… Little Adam is just six and a half months old in the below video and obviously doesn’t know the meaning of most words. But that doesn’t mean he can’t have extreme(ly adorable) reactions to hearing them!


The clip starts with the happy-go-lucky tot smiling. When his mom and dad say, “Achooo!” he responds with delight. But as soon as his dad says one specific word, the adorable little boy breaks down into an absolute fit.



The word? Ironically, it’s “yay,” which, as we all know, is meant to express happiness! Some guess that this could be caused by something called word aversion, which is a totally normal characteristic for all human beings. For the same reason others might not like the words mentioned above, the baby doesn’t like “yay,” simply because of the way it rolls off the tongue.

As sad as it is that “yay” leaves Adam in tears, it’s hard not to chuckle at his reaction. Especially since his parents know the perfect verbal cure: “Achooo!”

Watch the video below to see it happen, and don’t forget to share to spread some giggles

3 Dancers Line Up On Stage To Perform And Little Girl Gives It Her All


In the final days leading up to a dance recital, there are a plenty of last-minute arrangements and rehearsals to be done. Fine-tuning dance moves and music selection is key to putting on a good show. Plus, there are costumes and hair and dance shoes, oh my! There is so much going on, and on top of all of that, the nerves are at an all-time high — performing in front of so many people is not an easy task!

All of these factors inevitably work to create a seamless show, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that it can be nerve-wracking. For these little girls, it’s most likely one of the first times they’re on stage in front of a crowd. Luckily, these tiny dancers have got it going on, especially Johana who wins over the crowd with her unquestionable star power.




Mom and dad are in the audience, and we can hear just how proud they are with their loud cheering and support. All three girls start with their backs towards the audience. As Aretha Franklin’s “Respect” starts to play through the auditorium, Johana is the first to turn and give it her all. She is perfectly in sync with the music, and her “sassitude” is set to high.

The audience is bearing witness to her over-the-top arm waves, finger pointing, head nods and overall body language that commands presence and attitude. Johana is on fire and loving her moment in the spotlight that she spent countless hours at home rehearsing for. You can tell that, in a few years, this little girl is going places in the entertainment industry — that’s for sure!

Johana does a little bit of lip-syncing but mostly walking around and strutting her stuff. Her proud parents can be heard clapping and shouting words of encouragement as she finishes the dance with a seriously fabulous pose that has the 400+ audience cheering her and her dance mates on. And Johana knows that it’s not all about her – when her dance mate didn’t notice they were doing a final bow, Johana reaches over to grab her closer so she can get some of the glory and recognition from the audience she deserves. She’s not only a true dancer but also a great performer who values teamwork.

Well done girls. Click below to see these adorable tiny ladies dance up a storm for an adoring audience.

Dad asks his toddler daughter to sing. When she steps up to the mic she’ll blow you away


MP3 devices and cellphones have largely replaced traditional audio systems in many houses. Things are a little different at Claire’s place, where she is three years old. Because her father is a professional music producer, they have a full studio setup at home.

Her father once inquired as to what her favorite Disney song was and whether she would perform it. The bright-eyed little 3-year-old was delighted to put on her prettiest princess gown and take the microphone. She then launched into “Part of Your World,” a song from the popular Disney film “The Little Mermaid.” In the video below, you can watch her incredible interpretation of the song.



Kids might be brighter than we think, but Claire blows us away with her knowledge of both the lyrics and the music. It’s extremely endearing to see her use professional mics and headsets so seriously!

We’re not sure whether a component of this video is the most adorable. Claire is really cute, and her singing is much more so. We also enjoyed observing her relationship with her father. He not only starts everything off by asking her to sing, but he also involves her in the entire song production process.

He even has her watch on as he works on the studio computer with the music. Outside of the studio, we see Claire and her father playing and having a good time in the video. She’s off to a terrific start in life with such a kind parent.

When you hear this cute little girl’s performance of “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid, you won’t believe your ears. Please leave a comment on Facebook; we’d love to hear from you. Also, remember to like and share so that your friends can enjoy Claire’s singing and be moved by the father-daughter bonding.

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Baby Takes First Steps And Falls Over With Laughter


Capturing a child’s first steps on video is a parent’s luckiest moment, and it happened for Olivia’s mom one day in 2016. Olivia was caught on tape having a huge belly laugh before toddling over to her mom for the very first time.

Olivia is one of six daughters in the Busby household in Texas. What’s more is that five of them are quintuplets! Ava, Olivia, Hazel, Riley and Parker are all the same age and their older sister Blayke is four years older. Their parents, Adam and Danielle Busby, run a popular blog called It’s A Buzz World and the whole family stars on the TLC reality show, Outdaughtered.




The quintuplets are now young children and are years past their first steps. But back in 2016, when their mom first posted the video of Olivia’s first steps, it became super popular. It’s easy to see why since it’s such a positive clip that is sure to put smiles on faces.

First, we see the little girl enjoying time on a carpet with her friends and family, crawling around on the floor. Her mom, who is off-screen, has a little doll in her hand and is making her daughter smile with it. Olivia giggles and giggles doing what her mom calls her “Santa laugh,” and tries to stand up to get to the doll. When she stands she has her hands on her little round belly and then begins to waddle towards her mom. It’s a precious moment that anybody would love to see.

Watch Olivia and her mom in the video below: