A Mum Has Natural Quadruplets, 3 Years After Triplets


Angela Magdaleno’s husband wanted many children, she just didn’t know that they were going to have this many. Angela Magdeleno, who gave birth to triplets three years ago, gave birth to quadruplets on July 6 by C-Section, which doctors said was a rare case of multiple births. After giving birth to triplets three years ago, Angela Magdaleno thought she was done giving birth. She was wrᴏng four times.

Magdaleno gave birth to four Bᴏʏs on July 6 by C-Section. She now has nine children. The newest additions – two girls and two boys – were doing well on Wednesday, while their mother, resting at home, said: “I’m so glad they’re healthy and so am I.” However, Magdaleno, 40, still worries that she may be overwhelmed with work and sometimes struggles with mixed feelings about the future. “I don’t know if I’m sad or happy,” she said. “I’m happy but I don’t know. I don’t know how to explain it.”



Three years ago, Magdaleno gave birth to triplets after undergoing in vitro fertilization. She said her husband wanted to have more children. After they were born, she thought she was done. Then she became pregnant with quadruplets. Magdaleno said she was sʜᴏᴄᴋed to hear the news. “She wanted to run,” said her husband, Afredo Anzaldo, 45, who carpets for a living. Her doctor, Kathryn Shaw, a specialist in high-risk pregnancies, said Magdaleno did well throughout the pregnancy and had no complications.

Babies were born at 32 weeks – well above the 29-week average for 4-year-olds. At birth, girls weighed 4 pounds and were 17 and 17.5 inches long; the boys are about 3.5 pounds and 16 inches long. One in 800,000. Shaw said the odds of conceiving four children without fertility drugs is about 1 in 800,000. She only saw one other case of twins conceived without medication – 18 years ago.

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