The woman adopted a boy, a year later she adopted a girl, and it turned out that they were brother and sister.



This incredible story happened in Colorado.

One day, Miss Page adopted a boy, and a year later a girl, she could not even think that these children would turn out to be siblings.


After she divorced her husband, she decided to change her life radically. She changed her place of residence, her job, and her environment. She met up with the church and started working as a caretaker at a center for abandoned children.



At first, it was a very depressing job, and it was hard for her. But gradually she got involved and loved the process. Soon after, the woman realized that she wanted to adopt a baby from this center. He was 4 days old. His mother abandoned him, during pregnancy she was very fond of drugs. Fortunately, this did not affect the health of the baby.


Miss Page took custody of the boy. She gave him the name Grayson while all the social services were looking for his real parents. The search was unsuccessful and the woman was handed documents for adoption. So, Grayson became her son officially.

But that’s not the end of the story. A few days later, the woman received a call and was asked to pick up another baby from the center. Her woman gave birth in the same hospital. The woman felt that she had to take this child for herself.

Miss Page finally met the baby. And the most amazing thing is that on the small hand was attached a bracelet with the same name of the parent as Grayson.


The woman found the address of Hannah’s biological mother (the girl was named that way) and met with her. She said that she does not know anything about her son and she is expecting a third child.


Katie Page reported this to her supervisor, who conducted several checks and confirmed that the boy and the girl are relatives.



Well, that’s not the end of the story.

After all, soon the wayward mother abandoned the third child. And Katie Page is already applying for custody.


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