Adorable Baby Boy Sings The Song ‘God Only Knows’


So blessed to see this little boy singing praise to God. And the song is also very meaningful. It tells us God knows us, and only God knows. He sees our heart and how we’re feeling and what we need. Hope we can learn pure faith from kid and fully trust in God in every situation.



This adorable baby boy sits at the table on his mom’s lap, wearing a zip-up police car and fire truck onesie. He closes his eyes and sings ‘God only knows’ by For King and Country, with a deep and clear voice. He shakes his head with expression ❤…you can just see the Spirit moving through him! The song’s sentiment explains that only God knows what someone may have been through in their life, but God is the only one who can give us the love we need.

@tg_642 #godonlyknows #worship #baby #feelthespirit ♬ God only knows baby – Knoxsmom

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