5-yr-old asks for same haircut as best friend so they can trick their teacher


In a time when differences seem to create divisions, two little souls from Louisville, Kentucky, are showing the world the true meaning of friendship and acceptance.



They are preschool buddies who share a bond so strong that they decided to fool their teacher by sporting the same haircut, making it impossible for her to tell them apart.

Remarkably, the color of their skin didn’t even cross their minds; they believed their matching haircuts would be enough to make them identical.

Jax would get his hair cut like Reddy’s, and then they would bamboozle their teacher by switching places.

“Jaxon’s me, and I’m Jaxon, and Jaxon’s me,” Reddy proudly proclaimed, sure that their little scheme would succeed.

Jax even let his mom in on the joke, assuring her that they would look so similar that their teacher wouldn’t be able to distinguish between them.

The tale quickly spread like wildfire after Jax’s mom Lydia shared her son’s ingenious plan on Facebook.
Initially, it was just a post for her circle of friends, but it soon garnered thousands of shares worldwide.

Lydia’s post was even shared by the site Love What Matters. It said:

“This morning Jax and I were discussing his wild hair. I told him that he needed a haircut this weekend. He said that he wanted his head shaved really short so he could look like his friend Reddy. He said he couldn’t wait to go to school on Monday with his hair like Reddy’s so that his teacher wouldn’t be able to tell them apart. He thought it would be so hilarious to confuse his teacher with the same haircut.

Here’s a picture of Jax and Reddy from their Christmas program. I’m sure you all see the resemblance.



If this isn’t proof that hate and prejudice is something that is taught I don’t know what is. The only difference Jax sees in the two of them is their hair.”

The innocence of the boys and the profound message it carried resonated with many.
As Jaxon’s mom told CBS Miami, “I’m glad that people can see what little kids see.”

Reddy, who was adopted from the Congo, may have a different appearance from his parents, but they have instilled in him the value of loving everyone equally.

This lesson has evidently shaped Reddy’s approach to friendships.


“It’s really cool to see that move on from our family right into his relationships with his friends,” Reddy’s Dad Kevin shared.

The boys’ playful ruse was more than just a joke; it served as a touching reminder of the purity and innocence of children.
Their narrative underscores the significance of instilling love and acceptance from a tender age. As noted by Reddy’s dad,

“There’s an innocence children have that sometimes we lose. So if we could get some of that back, I think it would be amazing.”

According to TODAY, Reddy got to school first and informed their teacher and class that he was Jax.

The teacher very sweetly ‘played along’ and pretended like he was indeed Jaxon.

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