It’s the most popular song of all time, but you’ve never heard it performed like this


Child prodigy Amira’s stunning rendition of this hymn will brighten your day.

Teen soprano singer Amira Willighagen made history when she sang two opera songs on Got Talent and wound up winning at the season finale. She has also released two albums and performed with opera greats around the world.

Here, she performs at the Classics is Groot festival in South Africa. Naturally, she sang some opera songs in Italian for her diehard fans, but she brought down the house with Amazing Grace.
You’ll swoon hearing her angelic voice and wonder how so much power can come from such a small child. Her singing is truly inspirational and has moved many fans to tears. Watch this video, and you’ll see why.

The song’s profound message and Amira’s humbleness aren’t just for show. This thoughtful young girl has created a nonprofit organization known as through which she donates half of her earnings to build “Amira Parks,” which are playgrounds around the world for economically disadvantaged kids.

Befittingly, the first parks were built in South Africa, making all the more poignant the fact that she chose to sing Amazing Grace at the festival there. Thanks to the Internet, millions of viewers around the world have also been blessed by hearing Amira’s voice.


Amazing Grace alone has gotten over 7 million hits, and now you can count yourself among the lucky who have watched and shared it over and over. Thousands of fans are singing her praises in their comments:

“This young, beautiful lady has a golden heart. Hours after the typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, she came to the fundraising telethon and performed for the people of the Philippines. She is God-given, a blessing to her family and all the people of the world.”

“What a beautiful and talented girl. I heard her on her first public appearance and couldn’t believe what I was hearing. A God-given, beautiful talent. May the angels shine upon you and may God bless you for all you give to us who enjoy you so much.”

Now it’s your turn to join in the chorus of Amira fans by clicking the video below and then sharing it with your loved ones. Enjoy!

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