3 Boys Sing Beautiful Rendition Of “You Raise Me Up”


We all need a little lift sometimes. If it’s been a rough day, week, month, year, and an extra reminder that we are all on the same path of ups and downs, can go a long way. Music has the uncanny ability to help us through the good times and the bad, and unite us around the world, regardless of language or culture.

These three young boys are performing at the International Children’s Festival, back in 2013, and it’s their song choice that helped set them apart from the other performers.vThe boys chose to sing the emotionally charged “You Raise Me Up” made famous by Josh Groban, and written by Rolf Lovland. The song on its own is incredibly stirring and has been redone over and over again — skyrocketing in popularity ever since its first release. What’s so remarkable about the song, however, is how heartfelt it is when anyone sings it; you can’t help but be moved by its soulful lyrics and rhythmic pace.



At first, the boys are seen standing in a triangle, their backs facing each other surrounded by stars, blue light, and white fog. Their voices are isolated, each one a different range. As the song progresses into the second stanza, the boys walk together in unison and join forces for the chorus. All three of their ranges create power and strength until they do the reprise, where they really kick it up a few notches. Their entire performance packs a punch and ends quietly and softly in front of a screen that has the universe moving. A gentle reminder that we are so small in such an infinitely vast universe.

Click below to catch the feel-good performance. It’s one that will surely raise your spirits!

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