Blabbering Baby Complains About Dada And It Seems Like Dad Might Be In Trouble


Have you ever heard someone say “Communication is important?” I know I have! We have been taught right from day one that we should always be vocal about how we feel, or if something is bothering you, just to talk things out because it’s a good practice and something you’ll understand as you grow older. But it’s best to start young, and the little one in the video below is putting his communication skills to optimal use!

It’s obvious that babies don’t know how to talk in full sentences or to use the words we use, but they sure blabber! They eventually pick up on words that we try to teach them, and the popular ones naturally include ‘mama’ and ‘dada.’


It seems like this tot has picked up on the word ‘dada’ (probably to mom’s dislike!) and he has lots to say about something that his dad did! We don’t know what he’s trying to say, but it makes sense to believe that the story he’s telling has something to do with his father because he keeps repeating ‘dada.’

Perhaps dad snoozed too long in the morning and forgot that it was his turn to feed the baby? Or, maybe papa talked his way out of changing the diaper and got mom to do it! Whatever the scenario, this little one has a lot to say about something that transpired! Dad, you better watch out! Ha!

Click on the link below to watch the baby blabber on about dad. If you found the clip adorable, then don’t forget to like and share it with family and friends!

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