You have to give the boy credit for thinking fast on his feet.


magine being in middle school, facing a predicament in front of a large audience.

This was the reality for a young band member from Illinois who encountered a mishap during a concert.

With dozens of eyes trained on him, he had to make a snap decision.
His recovery? Well, it’s a moment that has been replayed over 11 million times for a reason.


Band in school demands a great deal of hard work and commitment, and often involves performing in front of parents, teachers, and peers, which can be quite intimidating.

The incident in question took place at the EJH Red & White Concert.

The band member to watch out for is the cymbals player.


The concert kicked off with the children preparing to perform our national anthem.

As it was announced over the microphone, everyone stood up and turned their attention towards the flag in a show of respect.

The students began to play the patriotic song on their instruments.
While most of them were seated, the cymbalist, along with a few others, stood front and center behind the flag.


Every now and then, the boy would strike his cymbals with a resounding crash.

They had practiced this routine countless times, so he knew exactly when to do so.

Things were progressing smoothly until the seventh crash.
Suddenly, one of the cymbal’s handles broke off, and the instrument clattered loudly to the floor.

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