Tiny Toddler Comes To Grandma’s Rescue


Regardless of a person’s age, bullying and harassment are not a joke. For whatever unfortunate reason, some people find it necessary to put negativity on others. They often single out people who look different from them, are of a different socioeconomic status, or even just think a little differently or enjoy unique activities that could make a person appear different than “normal”.

While many of us experienced some sort of bullying or at the very least witnessed it to some extent when we were younger, I’d like to think that as we grow older and more mature, our human tendencies to lash out at others who we perceive as different fades away.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. There are still people who never grow out of that phase in their life. They can’t simply live and let live, and they lash out at those around them. Sometimes, someone steps in to help or defend the person being bullied. In this video, that someone is quite a surprise.



The grandmother is a street vendor who is being harassed by local Code Enforcers and Inspectors for taking up too much space with her stall. It may be a big deal to them, but definitely, no known reason to bully an elderly lady—or anyone else for that matter! That’s why her grandson stepped into the middle of the situation to defend his beloved grandmother—and he’s only a toddler.

Determined to keep the ugly mob at bay, the little boy even went so far as to grab a metal pipe to fend off attackers and keep onlookers and harassers as far away as he could. He puffed up his tiny chest and used his voice as harshly as he could. Of course, we are equally amazed by this young boy’s courage. Yet, we are disappointed that at such a young age he has seen the worst of people.

Watch the video below and watch how the little boy jumps to his grandmother’s defense. Please like and share this story and let’s spread awareness against bullying and harassment!

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