Baby Is Upset, But Dog Knows Exactly How To Calm Him Down And Everyone Is Loving It


For many dog owners, their dog is a member of the family—that means that our dogs get to experience mostly everything that a family goes through, both good and bad. They live with us, without much choice, and do the best they can to manage all of the situations that they place them in.

Dogs stick with us through lifestyle and career changes, relationships and break-ups, and marriage and children. All the while, they remain amazing companions, devoted to their humans and happy to go through all of our life’s ups and downs right by our side.

It’s not uncommon for a newly married or committed couple to get a dog before having children. It’s not necessarily a good reason to get a pet if that is the only reason you want a dog, but dogs can be excellent “starter children.” They teach us about letting go of selfishness.

Because they can’t care for themselves, we have to make sure to be available to care for our dogs. They need walks, food, water, playtime, and cuddles. They introduce a bit of chaos into our lives with their unique personalities and needs and the dirt and mess that is nearly impossible to avoid. Dogs require work, love, and commitment.



Often when those couples decide to have children, they still have their precious dogs in their lives. Just as they always have, their dogs will hopefully do their best to love their new lifestyle change and their new little brother or sister. It takes help from the parents, but dogs and children can have a magical relationship.

Parents may be anxious about introducing their newborn to the family dog. You never know what’s going to happen, how the dog may react, and whether or not your pup will happily welcome the baby. It’s worth a shot, and it may take some transitioning. Each scenario is different, but the pup will warm up to the baby in no time.

Just take the dog in this video as an example. He’s so smart and has figured out ways to be helpful with the baby. When this baby cries, the little dog responds. Intentional or not, he entertains and soothes the baby.

Watch his funny technique in the video below and don’t forget to like and share this post!

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