Baby Girl Steals the Show at Dance Showcase and She Couldn’t Be Any Cuter


Most children start walking between the ages of 9 and 18 months. This is a significant milestone for children and their parents, as it is the first time a child is able to move about freely and independently. During this time, children will practice standing up and balancing, as well as taking their first steps. As they gain more confidence, they’ll become more proficient in walking and eventually running.

Well here’s a toddler who’s definitely got the standing and walking part down, so now she’s decided to try her hand at dancing. She’s watching the big people all around her at a Ballroom Showcase dance and she think’s she’s got what it takes, so she decides to shake and turn and wobble.



Her mommy tries to get her away, but she denies it as she wants to dance her heart out. With a charming smile on her face and a cute looking outfit. She becomes the center of attention within minutes of showcasing her fun moves.

She looks a lot like a moving doll–and is every bit as cute! I hope you enjoy this. Watch the cute video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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