Outdaughtered Father Defends Decision To Let One Of Quintuplets Skip Preschool


Adam and Danielle Busby, along with their 8-year-old daughter Blayke and 5-year-old quintuplets Riley, Olivia, Ava, Parker, and Hazel, star in the popular reality show “Outdaughtered” on TLC, now in its fifth season.


While they’ve endured their fair share of challenges going from a family of three to a family of eight practically overnight, they’ve been able to rise above everything by leaning on each other and their close-knit group of family and friends.


With the quints being born at 28-weeks gestation via c-section, the parents of six had to make trips back and forth to the NICU for months before finally being able to bring their girls home. Once they did bring them home, there were health scares that the couple had to endure with their children, including an eye problem with their daughter Hazel.

Hazel’s medical condition left her a little bit behind her sisters once it came time to go to preschool. She was the last one to walk which meant she was in a different class than the other quints.

Once the Busby’s got Hazel’s eye problem under control, she blossomed and quickly joined her sisters in their class. Since then, all of the girls have been on similar levels when it came to academics.

That is, except for the feisty Riley. Riley is the most outspoken one of the group, often taking on the role of the leader of the pack. With her headstrong attitude, her parents have their hands full.

That’s why they weren’t surprised when they found out that their independent Riley had tested above and beyond her sisters when it came time to determine which class they would be in this year. While the average test score is 40, Riley scored an 84.

After much consideration, the Busby’s chose to send Riley to kindergarten while the rest of her sisters went to upper rotation Pre-K. Although the parents have faced some backlash, most of the feedback has been positive. In regards to their haters, the Busby’s have responded that they have no intention of holding any of their children back and that they are going to be treated as individuals.

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