Dad Sings And Dances With Baby Girl


Mom is the nurturer, protector and first caregiver of a baby. After all, the two started to forge their bond in utero! Mom tends to be a little more sensitive to her baby’s needs with the tendency to always watch over and make sure her baby is safe, well-fed, guarded and out of harm’s way. But what about dad? Dad’s role is just as important but it’s a little different. He gets to start bonding once the baby is born. He’s a little more hands-on and shares the responsibility with mom in a different way.

In this video, we get to see a dad babysitting his baby girl, and what he does and how he does it is making hearts flutter from beginning to end!

Just before the video starts, this adorable baby girl was upset and crying. She needed a little love and attention, so dad scoops her up in his arms, hits play, and the rest is magic. Sam Cooke’s “A Change Is Gonna Come” comes on and the moment it starts, dad starts to sing, and this hunky dad has a serious set of pipes!

His name is Mani Hoffman and he’s a French singer, songwriter, and music producer. But when he’s not writing and producing for the masses, he’s at home with his family recording himself belting out soulful sounds to his little girl. And she loves it! She’s fully intrigued, and enjoying the sound of her father’s incredible voice. How could she not? The man summons some serious blues-sounding vocals that are just too good!



And like daddy like daughter. She perks up and tries to sing along with him, making cute little sounds, followed by a big smile. The two are dancing around the bedroom, as he moves up and down with her, gently twirling her around while hitting a couple of high notes. No big deal. He’s totally a multi-tasker. So much so, right at the 2:38 mark, sounds of another child are heard and dad spins around on his heels, instantly making sure she’s okay. And he doesn’t break from the song! He’s still singing flawlessly, as another little girl comes running in shouting, “Daddy!” He scoops her up too, finishing up the song while breaking hearts!

Click below to watch this heartwarming video of one handsome dad singing his heart out to his favorite girls!

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