Child’s Precious Mealtime Prayer Melts Hearts


Sweet little boy has a precious mealtime prayer and it will totally melt your heart.

Most people have been incredibly blessed in life, with the Lord touching and impacting their lives in various ways. He consistently meets our basic needs. Also, He often goes above and beyond with His blessings, providing us with more than we need.

Unfortunately, at one time or another, we are all guilty of taking His many blessings in our lives for granted. He is so good to us that we can overlook what He has done for us. We also cannot forget to express our gratitude for all He has done. While we can never adequately thank Him for what He has done for us, it’s still good to have a thankful and grateful heart.

One of the most common ways to thank the Lord for His blessings is to pray before consuming a meal. Most individuals will use this opportunity to thank the Lord for the food on the plate before them and for everything else in their lives.



A short but sweet clip shows a young man sitting at a table with food in front of him bowing his head in prayer and thanking God for the blessings in his life. The little guy’s prayer is likely the cutest and most heartwarming thing you’ll see today.

The young man, begins by addressing his “Heavenly Father” and thanking Him for his food, friends and family.


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