‘Shorkie’ Puppy Has Crazy Reaction to Meeting Newborn Baby Sister — and It’s Mutual!


There are few things as touching and charming as a baby and a dog who get along with each other perfectly. Even though it may sound dangerous in theory, the reality is that dogs can be perfect companions even for the smallest children, since they can be careful and loving just by pure instinct.

You might have seen videos like this before, but do you notice how natural the interaction is for both of them? In the following clip, we see Sophie, a baby girl who meets her new Shorkie puppy for the first time. It’s quite an interesting situation: We have two babies together, discovering each other for the first time and deciding to be friends.

Now you might be wondering, “What is a Shorkie?” A Shorkie is a mix between Yorkshire Terrier and a Shih Tzu. This adorable breed is commonly known by the following names: Shorkie, Yorkietzu, Yoshi, Shorkie Tzu mix, or just a Shih Tzu Yorkie mix. You won’t be surprised to learn that many of the “famous” Internet dogs are Shorkie mixes (sometimes with a little Chihuahua ancestry.)



It’s truly wonderful to see these two interact and instantly hit it off after meeting each other. Neither of them can contain their excitement. Both of their reactions definitely caused a big surprise for their parents, who probably weren’t expecting such an adorable meeting.

The pup himself seems extremely excited to meet his new human friend, who isn’t rubbed the wrong way by the adorable little dog at all! Wait until halfway through the video, that’s when the real magic happens. They’re the cutest little couple you will see all week, I can guarantee.

We really have to thank the parents for sharing this adorable video with us and for making such a wonderful memory. However you’re feeling now, you’ll feel ten times better after watching their cute video. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, isn’it? After you watch, leave a quick comment if you liked it, and share it if you loved it!

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