Baby happy to reunite with his special dog


Robert is a beautiful little boy who loves his dog, Kobe. He has a warm smile and a face so precious and pure it lights up the room. Robert is looking for Kobe all over, and his mommy makes airplane noises to make him smile and distract him. Once baby Robert and Kobe are reunited, it is so sweet and touching. Robert loves his doggie, and Kobe loves him.

The bond the two of them share is unbreakable. Robert’s expression changes from worried to joyful because Kobe has returned to him! To a baby, if you go into another room and leave them, it is serious. Even though adults know better, babies think you have gone away, which can be scary. That is what happened when Kobe went into another room.



Kobe coming back to Robert made his day! Both Kobe and Robert are so adorable. The baby giggled cutely when his “brother” returned to the room. Chocolate labs are so precious, and Kobe is such a sweetie pie! Nothing is better than a dog’s loyalty and friendship, and Robert knows that. You can see that the dog loves the baby and would give up his life for him.

A dog can be of great comfort to a child, which is apparent when Robert sees his doggie. The mommy in the video is lucky to have such great boys. Watch this video if you love to see dogs and babies interact with each other. This reunion is so heartwarming you do not want to miss it!

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