Dad Does An Adorable Duet With His 2-Year-Old To “Home”


You know that feeling when you hear a song for the first time and it feels like your life has changed forever?


That’s exactly what Jorge Narvaez says happened when he was driving alone in his car and heard the song “Home” by Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros for the very first time. It truly moved him and the self-taught singer songwriter says he instantly fell for the song’s simple-yet-powerful message about love and family.


Just like this sweet Marine and his teenage daughter, this dad would do just about anything for his sweet little girls Eliana and Alexa, and as soon as he heard “Home,” he knew he had to share it with them. Jorge immediately thought about his own family and wanted to spread this contagiously happy song to their hearts as well. He began practicing the song any chance he got, singing it in the car and strumming the tune for his babies before their bed time.


The song quickly became a favorite of his older daughter Alexa, so Jorge decided he needed to record a very special duet with his little girl. It resulted in the following priceless performance that this daddy and his daughter will always have together. Whether you like this song or not, their sweet version is guaranteed to brighten your day.


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