Little Girl Dances In Aisle During Church Service


This little girl is letting the music lead her as she dances in the aisle during a recent church service.

Children are truly a blessing from God. There is nothing sweeter than watching children interact with the world around them. Children truly see the world through a completely different set of eyes than adults. They are full of innocence and wonder.


It’s a trait that a lot of us wish we still had today. With kids, there is no judgment and no fear of embarrassment. When there is a feeling or thought in their heart, they will let anyone know or see.


That’s exactly what happened with 5-year-old Charlotte during a recent church service at Davidson College Presbyterian Church. For the entire sermon, she sat patiently and quietly.

But when the choir started to sing “The Messiah,” Charlotte just couldn’t contain her excitement for the Lord. That’s when she got up out of her seat and started to dance up and down the aisle. This sweet girl truly let the Spirit move her and others took notice. This beautiful at of praise for our God was sure to bring a smile on so many faces that day.

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