Bestie Brothers Welcome Their First Sons Together On The Same Day


Siblings share so much, but the Robinson brothers of Redditch, England share the births of their first sons in an especially big way!

Joe and his wife, Ellie, thought that their baby would be the younger of the two Robinson grandsons because the due date for brother George and his partner, Hayley’s, baby was five days earlier.

But, we all know due dates are mere estimates. In fact, only 6% of women deliver on their given due dates, and just 70% give birth within ten days of their due dates.

That was the case for Joe and Ellie. Ellie went into labor five days early and delivered Reginald Geoffrey Robinson in the early morning hours of an April 2022 day. However, just in time for the sunrise and before the typical work day could even begin, George and Hayley welcomed their first-born boy, too. They named him Oliver James. Pretty cool! First sons who are cousins born on the same day are bound to be best buddies!

In the United Kingdom, most women are treated by midwives during their pregnancies, and they are attended during their deliveries by midwives. In the United States, most women see obstetricians throughout their pregnancies and deliveries. Worchestershire Royal Hospital is the facility where 33-year-old midwife Ami Turner works.



It may not be ideal to work on one’s birthday, but Ami found that her recent April birthday was extraordinary even though she was on the clock. You see, Ami’s birthday fell on the same day as the births of the brothers’ first sons, Reginald and Oliver! Furthermore, she helped in the births of both boys, less than 2.5 hours apart! That’s an exciting day at the office!Hospital staff found the whole thing a bit confounding-Joe, George, Reginald, and Oliver Robinson all in the hospital on the same day, two brothers, two new babies. It was a little confusing. “When we told them we were brothers and both of our partners were in labour they couldn’t get their heads around it,” said Joe.

Sarah Robinson, the boys’ grandmother, may find herself a bit bemused later this year. You see, Joe and George’s older brother, Tom, is expecting a child in September. Three new babies equal three wonderful blessings!

Best wishes to all of The Robinsons and to their awesome midwife, Ami! Hopefully, Ami will be on the job when the next one comes along!

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