Baby Shows Off Talent In Adorable Baby And Daddy Duet


This adorable baby and daddy duet is too cute for words! There is no doubt that this pair will grow to be so close if they keep making sweet music like this together. Baby and daddy duets have recently been making the rounds again on the internet and this video is one of the more adorable instances.

This enthusiastic toddler, with squishy cheeks and little blonde curls, is named Patrick and he sings with abandon as the star of this particular baby and daddy duet. Exploring his new found vocal range with his Pops on guitar, it seems baby Patrick is taking over the performance with his own little song just for us. Oh to have the care-free attitude to fully sing from the soul like this blue-eyed future-crooner!


There is something wonderful about seeing music enjoyed at such an early age; It does a heart good! This reminds us of how music has long been noted for its therapeutic qualities. This cute little duet, though not a grand spectacle of music theater, does show us how time well spent like this, yields relational benefits. Patrick and his daddy show us how music can provide togetherness, joy, and quality time between a parent and child.

The world needs a little more of this, right? Let’s learn from this example by dusting off old guitars, investing time in our little ones and edifying young developing minds with music and singing! Do you see a baby and daddy duet in your future?

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