Tiny girl dressed as Belle meets Gaston getting 2M views when she works her charm on him


Kids all want to go to Disneyworld.

It’s been that way when we were young, and it’s still that way for kids born after us.

In fact, you could definitely call that a tale as old as time.

You’ll notice I dropped a Beauty And The Beast reference there. It’s because of this adorable little girl visiting Disney World dressed as Belle.

She came dressed as Belle, with the blue dress and everything.



The performers at Disneyworld have their work cut out for them.

A lot is expected of them.

They’re expected to really make the guests believe that they’re the real deal.

So when you’re one of the performers there, like this Gaston, it’s absolutely crucial you nail the character.

When at Disney World, the magic has to be there.

It’s what the guests are paying for, and it’s what keeps the brand going.

This is especially true for young guests whose childhoods are being made as we speak.

So when little Belle met Disney World’s Gaston, it was only natural that the parents filmed it.

Being able to go to a theme park is already a step above a provincial life, after all.

And there he is, Gaston.

Every guy wants to be him.



No doubt this performer had to stay in shape as much as stay in character.

As a specimen, this performer is indeed a bit intimidating.
But little Belle, whose real name is Lane, isn’t intimidated one bit.

In fact, this is the reason she came here.

But what does she have for him? It’s a book – her gift to him. Kinda strange since Gaston isn’t exactly someone who reads.

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