Big Sister Uses French Fries to Show Her Love for Younger Sibling in the Cutest Way


A big sister used french fries to show love for her younger sibling in the cutest, most precious way.

It’s always a good idea to show and tell family and friends that we love and care about them. Life is so unpredictable that we really have no idea when it might be the last time. They could be here one moment and gone the next. So, we really should take every opportunity to express love and gratitude to those important people in our lives. We’ll never regret telling someone how much we care, but we will wish we’d said it to them more after they are gone.

Now, expressing love can take many different forms. Movies and television would have us believe that it has to be a big, grand and flashy display. But that is rarely, if ever, what someone wants to see or hear. Instead, often, a warm, loving hug or simply verbalizing how much you care usually conveys more meaning than anything else.





There are millions of ways to show someone we care for them. It’s about doing something meaningful to that person that counts. A short but sweet video on YouTube captures a precious, loving moment between two young siblings.

At the beginning of the clip, the text states that the younger sister could not reach a serving of fries. So, to help ensure that the little girl was able to get her fill, the older sister helped her out and handed her one fry after another.

Even when the little girl could not reach the fry that was being held out for her, the older girl would switch out the fry for a longer one. Slowly and patiently handing someone one fry after another: If that isn’t love, then I’m not sure what is.

What an absolutely adorable moment between siblings!

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