Toddler Moved By The Spirit As He Sings ‘God Only Knows’


This toddler was moved by the Holy Spirit as he sings ‘God Only Knows’ by For King And Country. When the Holy Spirit hits you—you just dance or sing, right? God works and moves in mysterious ways. We do not need to be a well accomplished person with a big platform for God to use us. We don’t need to be a certain age either. In fact, God worked through toddler Knox as a witness to thousands on TikTok.



This sweet little boy is blessed to have parents raising him in an affectionate home where God is at the center. This loving home not only talks about God, but follows Jesus. And the sweetest part—they listen to worship music. Where worship music plays, you will often find God on the move in the form of the Holy Spirit. In this instance, the Holy Spirit moves through this toddler’s spirit as he listens to a powerful worship song.
For King And Country released ‘God Only Knows,’ in 2018 on the album ‘Burn The Ships.’ It quickly moved up the music charts as the second record breaking song for nineteen weeks.

This is the type of song that resonates with people because it speaks of the inward struggles no one sees but God. We all carry shame, we’ve got our struggles, but God knows our hearts and God carries us in our darkest moments with a supernatural love. This toddler seems to sense God whispering to him about His deep, vast, amazing love. Doesn’t it just make your heart melt? It sure melted his mama’s heart. After Knox’s mom captured him on camera praising our mighty God, she later posted it to TikTok where it’s been viewed over 273,000 times!

Indeed, God only knows. God only knows what’s in our hearts and God only knows how we’re feeling and just what we need.

May we all take a lesson from this sweet, adorable toddler—let’s take a moment to close our eyes, invite the Holy Spirit to come and move in our hearts too!

@tg_642 #godonlyknows #worship #baby #feelthespirit ♬ God only knows baby – Knoxsmom

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