Babies are like cute little sponges soaking up all the vibes! Their brains and bodies might have a lot more developing ahead of them, but even at their young age – only a few days or weeks on the planet – they’re able to pick up on what’s going on around them. They can discern joy from fear, happiness from anger, regardless of whether or not they’re able to vocalize it. That happy time spent with your baby is what tightens the bond. You’re able to delight them and fill their little young life with joy and music and happiness.
Music is so wonderful for a baby. But when they get to hear their mother’s voice, it’s even more soothing and heartwarming. Dad, Steven, caught this precious moment between his wife Kristina and their baby girl Lyla on camera, and it’s beautiful to watch. Warning: Your heart will turn into a puddle.It’s just a normal day for Kristina, 30, sitting on the couch with her 4-month-old baby comfortably on her lap. The two girls are just hanging out when dad takes out his phone to catch the sweet serenade take place. Kristina is holding Lyla up, and the baby is happy, looking at mom, already locking eyes. At this point, mom hasn’t even started singing yet. Lyla’s big smile becomes replaced with a look of love and adoration once Kristina opens her mouth.
She’s singing “Part Of Your World” from the Little Mermaid, and it’s stunning. Kristina knows every single word, and she’s a total professional! Mom’s voice sounds like Ariel’s from the movie, hitting every note to perfection and with so much love. Lyla can’t take her eyes off mom, following her every word in this mini-concert, as her face lights up with joy. There is so much cuteness and happiness on this baby’s face. You can tell that mom clearly loves singing to her girl. This video is just so lovely. Your heart will be reduced to mush, just like mine was each of the five times I watched it. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself watching this cutesy family video on repeat for the next half hour.