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11-week-old baby girl says her first word

Children develop quickly and learn new skills. However most of them just babbled at two months or say simple syllables da-da or ba-ba. However, this little girl surprised not only her parents but also netizens. The baby’s name is Ilai. When she was born, her mother became the happiest. She wanted to give her daughter … Read more

The couple, tring for about 10 years to have an baby, have made a unique story- with quadruplet girls. One couple and four happy children.

Christine, a staff nurture from Brinsworth, Rotherham, West Yorkshire, found she was pregnant scarcely three weeks after the incipient organism was embedded during IVF treatment. “It was a truly close to home time when we were informed we planned to have four,” truck driver Justin, 43, said. We were satisfied, however worried about the items … Read more