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Woman’s told senior chihuahua ‘hates kids’ but then she introduces him to daughters


They said this senior dog doesn’t like kids. But Maria, who has two toddler daughters, adopted him anyway.
She named this senior Chihuahua, Winston Shingle Decker. And contrary to what she was told, Winston Shingle Decker loves kids. Or maybe it’s just her kids that Winston loves?

Maria’s daughters and Winston do a lot of things together. They take naps together. They eat together. They lay on the couch and watch TV together.

And Winston is just chilling with them the whole time. He has nothing but love for the girls.

He was an abused dog almost his whole life. When they got Winston, he suffered several injuries while at the rescue shelter. He had a head injury from the rescue shelter. Plus, he’s completely blind in one eye because another dog bit him there.



Winston has not had the best life, and Maria is determined to make sure that he feels loved every minute of every day.

The viewers who saw the video thanked Maria for adopting Winston, a senior dog who has special needs. It’s not easy to take care of a dog like that. But her whole family was committed.

“Such a precious video. God Bless You for rescuing this baby,” Janet said.

“What lovely family. Teaching them such valuable lessons. Amazing parenting, thank you for helping little one,” jobe2231 added.

And Maria had one response that summed up why she rescued Winston.
“I make it a point everyday to make sure he’s living his best life… he deserves it !!!” Maria replied.

Adopting a senior dog, and a special needs dog at that, is quite challenging, and only a few people choose to take on this responsibility.
You will really have to give your time to make sure that you’re available to take care of them. Plus some of them, like Winston, can come from abusive and traumatic homes. You will need to give them extra care and love because the smallest detail or act can be an abuse trigger for them.

According to The Grey Muzzle Organization, there are five things you need to reflect on before you adopt a senior and special needs dog.

You need to be ready financially.
Special needs and senior dogs may require specific training, specific equipment, a special ramp built in your home or car, or a special diet. And this can cost money. If you’re not sure how much it can cost, ask parents of special needs animals.

You need to readjust your lifestyle.


This is why it’s best to have the whole family helping so you can all take turns taking care of your dog. You will have to adjust your lifestyle. You can’t be gone for hours, leaving the dog alone in your house. When you go out, you may need special equipment so they can walk freely. It depends on what your dog needs.

Why are you adopting a senior dog with special needs? Why are you willing to adjust your life to take care of them? Know your reasons and make sure they’re strong reasons before you adopt a senior dog with special needs.

Watch the video below and see how Winston changed his mind about kids.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

@mariashingle #rescuechihuahua #besties #sweetboy #rescuesarethebest❤️ #specialbond❤️ #winstonshingledecker #loverboy ♬ Surrender – Natalie Taylor

Sweet Jane gives herself the hiccups!


Sweet Jane was enjoying her meal when suddenly, a hiccup escaped her lips. And then another, and another! She couldn’t help but chuckle at the unexpected turn of events. Despite her best efforts to stifle them, the hiccups persisted, creating a humorous moment that brought a smile to her face. Oh, the whimsical ways of the human body!



Sweet Jane, in her innocent mischief, managed to give herself the hiccups! It was one of those moments of spontaneous laughter that caught her by surprise, leaving her with a case of the adorable hiccups.

As Sweet Jane savored her favorite fizzy drink, a mischievous bubble tickled her nose, causing an unexpected eruption of hiccups! With each hiccup, she couldn’t help but giggle at the silly sensation, turning an ordinary moment into a delightful adventure.

3-year-old waits patiently for garbageman buddy then gives him the sweetest gift


A little boy stood eagerly outside on the curb of his house, prepared with several bags of cookies.

His eyes sparkled with anticipation as he waited, his small figure brimming with excitement.

The early morning sun cast a gentle glow over the scene, matching the boy’s enthusiasm.The moment felt magical, filled with the promise of a special encounter.



These bags of cookies weren’t just any cookies; they were gifts for his best friends—the garbagemen.

Every week, without fail, these men brought joy to his life, and today, he was determined to give back.

The boy’s admiration for these hardworking individuals was evident in the care he took preparing the gifts.
Each cookie was a token of his heartfelt appreciation.

As the garbage truck approached, it let out a big honk, signaling its arrival.

The boy’s face lit up with pure excitement.

This sound was music to his ears, and he could hardly contain his joy.
His little legs bounced as the truck pulled up closer, and he gave a little wave.

He held the bags up proudly, his smile stretching from ear to ear.



The garbagemen, with their bright reflective vests, were thrilled to see the boy too.
It was a beautiful exchange of happiness.

The truck was a wonderland of buttons, levers, and sounds, each feature fascinating him more than the last.
His eyes widened with wonder as he explored the truck from this new vantage point.

The garbagemen, too, couldn’t help but smile at the boy’s enthusiasm.
It was a heartwarming scene, filled with genuine happiness and connection.

Standing nearby, the boy’s grandma shared with the man that it was actually his third birthday.

This little detail added an extra layer of sweetness to the moment, explaining why the boy was even more excited than usual.

The worker, hearing this, was touched by the gesture and the special significance of the day.
He told the boy how he wished he had known it was his birthday so he could have brought a gift.

This simple, heartfelt comment showcased the genuine kindness of the worker.

The boy’s eyes lit up even more at the thoughtfulness behind those words.
It was a small gesture that meant the world to him – and his choice for a toy was PAW Patrol!

9-year-old in poofy dress sings ‘Never Enough’ and earns standing ovation


When nine-year-old Sara Tîrnoveanu took the stage to perform “Never Enough” from The Greatest Showman, the audience and judges were poised for something spectacular.

Dressed in a stunning purple gown that shimmered under the spotlight, Sara was not just a sight to behold but a force to be listened to.Her choice of song, a vocal powerhouse anthem, was as bold as it was beautiful, setting the stage for a performance that would not easily be forgotten.



The song speaks to the insatiable human desire for more — more beauty, more joy, more life.
Its lyrics and composition pull strongly at the heartstrings, making it a favorite for singers looking to showcase their vocal range and emotional depth.

Each note she sang was infused with a passion and precision far beyond her years.
Her voice soared through the auditorium of Romania’s Got Talent, from the delicate whispers of the verses to the powerful crescendos of the chorus, leaving the audience spellbound by her talent.



She navigated the song’s complex vocal ranges with ease, displaying a maturity in her vocal control that many seasoned artists strive to achieve.
Her ability to convey deep emotions through her singing added a layer of authenticity to her performance, resonating with everyone who watched.

Their feedback was not just positive but filled with genuine admiration for the young performer’s capabilities.
They recognized not only her talent but also the hard work that must have gone into preparing for such a challenging piece.

Sara did more than just perform – she owned the song, making it a part of her own musical expression.
The judges applauded her for executing such a difficult piece flawlessly, proving that she was a force to be reckoned with in the competition.

8 prom couples enchant the room with their ‘optical illusion’ dance


A Hungarian school’s event mesmerized attendees with a stunning display of elegance and dedication.

The highlight of the event was a dance performance by teenagers who transformed into gracefully dressed dancers, captivating an audience of proud parents and enthusiastic guests.This performance, a blend of historical dance styles and youthful energy, left a lasting impression on everyone present.
The event showcased the students’ hard work and remarkable talent.

The girls, dressed in beautiful blue and pink dresses, completed their look with lovely hairstyles and gorgeous makeup.
Together, they formed a picture of elegance and sophistication, reminiscent of a bygone era.



The formal dancing brought back memories of old-time grandeur, with the dancers moving in perfect synchrony.

It was clear that their impressive performance was the result of significant practice and dedication.
The audience was transported back in time, witnessing a dance style that had been preserved and perfected over generations.

The dancers then formed a circle, moving smoothly and creating mesmerizing patterns with their steps, almost like an optical illusion.

The gracefulness of their movements showed their hard work and the attention to detail that went into preparing for this event.

Each twirl and spin was executed with precision, making the performance a visual delight.
The effort put into the choreography was evident in every step.

The change in tempo brought a new energy to the performance, with quick stepping, shuffling, and kicking by all couples.

The dancers effortlessly adapted to the upbeat rhythm, demonstrating their versatility and ability to handle different dance styles.
The lively music and spirited dancing added a fresh and modern twist to the traditional waltz.

A particularly memorable moment was when the boys dropped to one knee, forming a perfect circle as the girls encircled them.

This dramatic pose was both elegant and playful, capturing the essence of the performance – a blend of tradition and youthful exuberance.



The audience responded with enthusiastic applause, appreciating the creativity and skill of the young dancers.
The dramatic elements kept everyone engaged and entertained.

The prom couples’ dance had been a delightful mix of historical dance styles and modern energy, showcasing the students’ dedication and elegance.

It was a proud moment for the parents, seeing their children perform with such grace and confidence.
The emotions ran high as the event concluded on a high note.

This adorable teething baby uses dad’s face to itch the unbearable scratch. Too funny!


Watch this adorable teething baby cleverly use Dad’s face to relieve an unbearable itch. It’s too funny! Nothing like a little impromptu face massage to make both baby and dad giggle. Don’t miss out on this cute and hilarious bonding moment!

Watch as this adorable teething baby finds a hilarious solution to soothe those pesky itches—by using Dad’s face! Each little scratch seems to bring relief and a burst of giggles. It’s impossible not to laugh along at this cute and clever moment. Too funny



Watch as this adorable teething baby finds a hilarious solution to an unbearable itch—using Dad’s face as the perfect scratch pad! It’s too funny not to share. See how Dad reacts as his little one giggles and squirms in relief. Laughter guaranteed

5-yr-old asks for same haircut as best friend so they can trick their teacher


In a time when differences seem to create divisions, two little souls from Louisville, Kentucky, are showing the world the true meaning of friendship and acceptance.



They are preschool buddies who share a bond so strong that they decided to fool their teacher by sporting the same haircut, making it impossible for her to tell them apart.

Remarkably, the color of their skin didn’t even cross their minds; they believed their matching haircuts would be enough to make them identical.

Jax would get his hair cut like Reddy’s, and then they would bamboozle their teacher by switching places.

“Jaxon’s me, and I’m Jaxon, and Jaxon’s me,” Reddy proudly proclaimed, sure that their little scheme would succeed.

Jax even let his mom in on the joke, assuring her that they would look so similar that their teacher wouldn’t be able to distinguish between them.

The tale quickly spread like wildfire after Jax’s mom Lydia shared her son’s ingenious plan on Facebook.
Initially, it was just a post for her circle of friends, but it soon garnered thousands of shares worldwide.

Lydia’s post was even shared by the site Love What Matters. It said:

“This morning Jax and I were discussing his wild hair. I told him that he needed a haircut this weekend. He said that he wanted his head shaved really short so he could look like his friend Reddy. He said he couldn’t wait to go to school on Monday with his hair like Reddy’s so that his teacher wouldn’t be able to tell them apart. He thought it would be so hilarious to confuse his teacher with the same haircut.

Here’s a picture of Jax and Reddy from their Christmas program. I’m sure you all see the resemblance.



If this isn’t proof that hate and prejudice is something that is taught I don’t know what is. The only difference Jax sees in the two of them is their hair.”

The innocence of the boys and the profound message it carried resonated with many.
As Jaxon’s mom told CBS Miami, “I’m glad that people can see what little kids see.”

Reddy, who was adopted from the Congo, may have a different appearance from his parents, but they have instilled in him the value of loving everyone equally.

This lesson has evidently shaped Reddy’s approach to friendships.


“It’s really cool to see that move on from our family right into his relationships with his friends,” Reddy’s Dad Kevin shared.

The boys’ playful ruse was more than just a joke; it served as a touching reminder of the purity and innocence of children.
Their narrative underscores the significance of instilling love and acceptance from a tender age. As noted by Reddy’s dad,

“There’s an innocence children have that sometimes we lose. So if we could get some of that back, I think it would be amazing.”

According to TODAY, Reddy got to school first and informed their teacher and class that he was Jax.

The teacher very sweetly ‘played along’ and pretended like he was indeed Jaxon.

12 tiny girls put on top hats and deliver the cutest jazzy dance


One viral video has captured the hearts of many, showcasing an enchanting dance performance by a group of kindergarten girls.

Dressed in charming white shirts, black vests, and black hats, the young dancers sit in bright yellow chairs.


They are ready to delight their audience with an adorably synchronized routine.

The video has garnered nearly 1 million views, resonating with viewers who can’t help but smile at the pure joy and enthusiasm of the children.

The performance begins with the little girls seated in their yellow chairs, eagerly waiting for the music to start.



As the first notes play, they begin their dance with impressive synchronization, moving up, down, and around their chairs.
Their coordination and timing are remarkable for their age, adding a touch of magic to the performance.

The choreography is simple yet captivating, perfectly suited to showcase the children’s budding talent and enthusiasm.

The smiles on the girls’ faces are proof of how much they are enjoying the performance.

Their happiness is infectious, radiating through the screen and bringing joy to viewers everywhere.
As they move in unison, it’s clear that they are not only performing but also having fun.

This genuine enjoyment makes the video even more special, as it captures the essence of childhood delight and the pure fun of dancing.

Adding to the charm of their dance, the girls incorporate clapping to the beat, creating a lively and rhythmic atmosphere.

The sound of their claps, synchronized with the music, adds an extra layer of excitement to the performance.
They also include kicks in their movements, showcasing their energy and enthusiasm.

These little details make the dance even more engaging and fun to watch.



Eventually, the children’s long hair flows as they dance, adding a whimsical element to the performance.

At the end of their routine, they take off their black hats and bow, a gesture that is both adorable and respectful.
This final act of taking off their hats and bowing shows their understanding of performance etiquette and adds a sweet ending to their delightful routine.

Their bows are met with smiles, indicating they’d put on an unforgettable show.

The video is a heartwarming reminder of the joy that simple pleasures can bring.

The pure delight on the faces of the little dancers and the seamless synchronization of their movements highlight the joy of self-expression through dance.
As one viewer aptly put it,

“Couldn’t stop smiling watching them, they are having so much fun!”

Tiny flower girl pulls hilarious move on aisle leaving guests rolling


Picture a scene that seems lifted from a fairytale Catholic wedding, oozing solemnity and grace, yet it’s the image of a flower girl that really tugs at the heartstrings.

This isn’t just any moment in a wedding – it marks the beginning of a hilariously adorable moment that captures everyone’s attention.

Set in a grand Catholic church, every element from the floral decorations to the choir’s melodies is thoughtfully arranged.



With guests seated and the couple at the altar, everything seems poised for a picture-perfect procession.
Amidst this backdrop, the flower girl starts her journey down the aisle, embodying innocence and the promise of love that awaits the bride and groom.

Then, in a twist that speaks to life’s unpredictable nature and the whimsical heart of childhood, the flower girl halts.
Maybe it’s a spark of spontaneity or a wave of sudden shyness, but she decides this role isn’t for her anymore, turning around in a move that catches everyone off guard.

But as one can guess, it did make the ceremony even more unforgettable!

The audience is swept into a mix of shock and delight as the flower girl bolts down the aisle, obviously through with her responsibilities.
This surprise turn not only adds a dash of humor to the ceremony, but it also creates a memory that’ll be retold until HER wedding day.

“This is why you have flower girls and ring bearers, for when they go completely off script and just do the most adorable and/or funniest things”

The wedding, with its laughter and newfound anecdotes, carries on, now imbued with a touch of genuine life.
The episode of the runaway flower girl shows life’s unpredictable beauty, injecting a burst of spontaneity and joy into the day’s events.

Even the priest couldn’t help but laugh at her sprint down the aisle.




As the celebration unfolds, the tale of the flower girl’s sudden exit becomes an integral part of the day’s joy.
It serves as a reminder that weddings are not just about love and commitment; they’re also about family, community, and those serendipitous moments that draw us all closer.

The cute scene of her unexpected dash has been viewed over 350K times online.

It highlights that life, much like a wedding, is a blend of the carefully planned and the joyously unexpected.
Frankly, she made everyone’s day even brighter!

Watch this hilariously heartwarming moment in the video below!
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Baby learning to speak and getting words confused.


In a cozy nursery filled with colorful toys and soft blankets, little Ava embarked on her exciting adventure of learning to speak. With wide eyes and a determined expression, she eagerly attempted to mimic the sounds she heard around her, much to the amusement of her family.

As Ava’s vocabulary began to blossom, her innocent attempts at forming words often resulted in adorable mix-ups that never failed to bring smiles to her loved ones’ faces. “Baba” became her attempt at saying “banana,” while “doggie” morphed into “goggie” in her sweet voice.



With each new word she learned, Ava’s enthusiasm only grew, even if her pronunciation occasionally left her parents and siblings in fits of laughter. “Mimi” for “milk” and “baba” for “baby” became cherished phrases in their household, serving as endearing reminders of Ava’s unique journey with language.

Despite the occasional confusion, Ava’s determination remained unwavering. With every babble and garbled attempt, she inched closer to mastering the art of communication, her bright eyes shining with pride at each new milestone reached.

In the heartwarming moments spent together as a family, surrounded by Ava’s infectious laughter and endless curiosity, they cherished every precious word, no matter how muddled or misunderstood. For in Ava’s world, every attempt at speech was a triumph, a celebration of the joy that comes with the wondrous journey of growing up.