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Baby hears his favorite song come on, and his dance moves will have you cracking up


Music connects us all.

The best music is the kind you can’t help but dance to. Luckily for us, some parents captured the moment their 16-month-old son started getting down with the beat.


According to Mom, nothing gets her son’s attention quite like his favorite song.

As soon as Will Smith’s song, “Getting Jiggy With It” comes on, the best baby dances moves follow.

Just try not to smile watching this video, I bet you can’t!

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5-Year-Old Plays Cover Of Beethoven Classic


Five-year-old Cheryl flawlessly plays Beethoven’s “Fur Elise” on the piano.

Think of an average five-year-old, and then think of an average five-year-old playing the piano. Usually, they aren’t really playing, rather randomly plunking keys to create a madcap melody of enthusiastic noise. A few who have had lessons may bang out a mean rendition of “Polly Wolly Doodle,” but we don’t expect much more than that.

Then there’s little Cheryl. She’s five, but if you just heard her play and didn’t see her, you would think she was an adult professional concert pianist. Only the video of her flawlessly moving through Beethoven’s “Fur Elise” proves it really isn’t a much older person at the keys.


She doesn’t play a watered-down version of the classic piece, either. It is the full metal jacket Beethoven, complete with the intricate fingerings and challenging tempos throughout.

She sits gracefully on the piano bench, her little yellow and white dress neatly pressed and her shining black hair carefully braided into pigtails. Although we can’t see it, it is easy to imagine her legs dangling from the bench, far from the floor.

Her hands don’t seem large enough to be able to navigate the keys, and yet she does. Her fingers don’t look strong enough to pound the keys when she needs to, and yet they do. Indeed, her hands glide over the piano with the apparent effortlessness of a prodigy.


Sometimes she barely touches the ivories, coaxing out delicate notes. Other times she carefully moves back and forth between white and black, stretching her little fingers to leap the space needed to hit the next note on tempo.

Despite the intensity of the performance, Cheryl peeks at the camera once in a while, as if looking for approval from her audience. She definitely deserves it!

Her concentration throughout the piece rivals the most experienced performers. She has obviously memorized much of it, only glancing at the music for some of the most complex movements. Even then, it seems as if she only wants to confirm what she already knows comes next since her fingers never hesitate.




If you want to see a little girl who appears well on her way to musical stardom, check out the video below.

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Rare biracial twins after 6 years. How do they look today


The birth of twins is always a double joy for parents. Usually, the birth of such children occurs with a difference of several minutes to long hours. The occurrence of biracial twins in a black and white parent is a very rare occurrence, occurring in 1 in 500 cases.

But our story today is about the charming sisters Kalani and Jarani Dean, who inherited different skin colors from their parents. Mom posted pictures of her cute girls on the Internet, and they instantly gained popularity. Such an extraordinary miracle of genetics is truly amazing.




The girls were born in America. Their father is African American and their mother is Caucasian.

There are not many known cases of the birth of chromosomal twins with different skin and eye colors, and it looks incredible. So, Kalani was born with blue eyes and fair skin, and Jarani is dark, like her dad.

Residents of Illinois, who happen to meet twins, do not believe their eyes, because they are completely different in appearance.

The growth of girls is now being watched by many subscribers of their mother. It is extremely interesting to see how the sisters will change with age.

Nature is arranged in such a way that even if it seems to us that people are completely similar to each other like two drops of water, then their DNA will still have differences. Even twins have different fingerprints. From its very inception, still in the mother’s belly, each child leads his own unique life, reacts differently to everything and develops individually.

Even when it comes to twins. Already in childhood, any kid shows his individual taste preferences, various cravings for creativity, sports and other areas of activity.

Cuteness Overload: Baby Shows Multitude Of Emotions While Sleeping


This adorable baby had everyone gushing at her super cute reactions. She showed a multitude of emotions while sleeping, keeping her viewers glued to her every pout and squeak.

Little Esme seemed to have wandered off in dreamland, obviously so engrossed with her dream. There were several times when this charming, beautiful baby paused and was about to cry. She was sad, then, upset the next second, and would pout at the same time.



This video was just uploaded on YouTube several days back, and it already has more than 27K views. Many were charmed by this darling’s cute facial reactions and adorable pouts. Watching her for almost a minute makes one wonder, “would I see her smile?” Surprisingly, she generously flashed a sweet, sweet smile, finally, at the end of the clip.

One said, “Her range of emotions is clearly related to his or her dreams which seemed to be very colorful.” Another one wrote, “Oh her little squeaks and sounds lol sooo precious!” Someone also commented, “This is the cuteness I needed today. She’s adorable.”

Babies are one of God’s most precious gifts. Let’s do our best to love and take care of them. May they also remind us to be child-like when it comes to our faith and walk with God.

This baby girl conquered the internet with her long lashes! Is she real?


Kids are a source of wonder and beauty. Their innocence, curiosity, and imagination bring joy to those around them and brighten up the world.

The way they see the world is refreshing and unique, and their laughter is contagious. Their innocence and unconditional love make them a true blessing and a reminder of the good in the world.



Our today’s heroine is beautiful not only from the inside but also from the outside. Her long lashes conquered the world.

Girls, we have to try not to be jealous!

Dad Sees Happy Baby Stretched Out And Grinning In Crib In The Morning And Records Her


Babies bring joy wherever they are –– whether it’s your own baby, that of a friend or family member, or a complete stranger, there’s something relaxing and uplifting about seeing a tiny human interact with the new and exciting world they’ve just entered into. One couple, Dan and Mike, adopted a baby girl named Emily Ruth in April 2014 and posted a video of her online titled “Ultimate happy baby waking up!” The video has since amassed over 1 million views, with her father calling Emily Ruth the “world’s happiest baby!”

The video begins with Emily’s father walking into her bedroom, which is made clear by the adorable decoration on her door. A pink glitter sign reads “Princess Emily”, while photos of her as a young baby sit below the sign.

As he walks in he can be heard saying “Here’s the world’s happiest baby” as he walks up to Emily in her cot. He tells her “Good morning princess” and Emily’s face lights up in a way that is absolutely heartwarming. Her mouth widens into a huge smile while her eyes sparkle –– she truly is beaming.


What’s even cuter is that Emily is already laying with her arms crossed behind her head, as if she is relaxing and lounging. It’s incredibly cute and only adds to the charming atmosphere she gives off.




They continue to have a conversation with Emily’s father asking how she is and Emily replying in the form of bigger and happier smiles. It’s impossible to feel sad when looking at Emily’s sparkling blue eyes and rosy cheeks, which are offset by the pink bed she’s laying on.


Emily’s dad starts to recount what they will do now that she’s awake, including sitting and reading the newspaper together, while he will drink a cup of coffee and she a cup of formula. Sounds like the perfect morning! The video ends with Emily’s dad doing a zoom up on her face, which only makes clearer just how cute and happy Emily truly is –– not a care in the world!

In the caption of Dan and Mike’s YouTube video they’ve included some backstory into their lovely family. They describe how in April of 2014 they “received a call that a little girl was born and ready for adoption. Just over 48 hours later, these new fathers were picking up their newly born Daughter Emily Ruth from the Hospital.”


They explain that along excitement and some nerves they were ready for this incredible experience and vowed to document their daughter’s life, “showing her that the world is filled with amazing people and so much love.”

Speaking more specifically about “Princess Emily Ruth,” they said she was “the ultimate happy baby. Always laughing and giggling…She wakes up with a smile, goes all day with a smile, and falls asleep with a smile.” Sounds like the happiest baby in the world to us then!

There are more videos of Emily on her fathers’ YouTube channel, including one where Emily sits in the car and appears to be mouthing along to A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman soundtrack. It’s truly adorable.

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Long-awaited happiness: how the Merkulov family lives, whose quintuplets were born three years ago


About three years ago, many media wrote about this married couple. Of course, for Primorye, and for Russia, the birth of quintuplets is a real event!

Anastasia and Alexander Merkulov met at work, they are both railway workers. Feelings immediately flared up between the couple and they soon got married. The couple dreamed of children, but Nastya could not bear the baby, the pregnancy was interrupted in the early stages. But the woman did not despair, she prayed a lot and believed that they would still have it. The next time the long-awaited pregnancy came, Anastasia literally from the first days lay in the hospital for preservation. Already at the first ultrasound, they were told that they would have quadruplets.

Fortunately, this time the pregnancy was saved up to 32 weeks and the woman was being prepared for a planned caesarean section. For her, this operation was very difficult, her mother was very weak and the doctors literally fought for her life. When her condition stabilized, the doctor entered the ward and stunned: “Nastya, you have to live. There are five babies waiting for you.” It turned out that one girl “hid” behind her brothers and was not seen on the ultrasound.

The Merkulovs were very happy, because their most cherished dream came true! They were often asked how they cope with so many small children? When the kids were still very young, Anastasia managed on her own, and her husband helped after work, and after six months, when they began to crawl, Alexander arranged a vacation to make it easier for his wife.



A large family lives in a house that they inherited from their grandmother. Despite all the difficulties, the couple’s feelings only became stronger. The husband supports his wife in everything – he nurses the children, plays the guitar and feeds them.

“We still love each other, nothing has changed, only now we have more responsibility in the form of our kids,” Anastasia noted on her social page.

Mom Share Her Life With Muitples


Mom Share Her Life With Muitples

Take care of one baby is difficult with each parents, how can imagine when you take care of four babies at the same time.  Chris and Katie Sturm , Who gave birth quadruplets on 3, july, 2021.They already were parents to their 3-year-old so, they want to try a baby girl, surprise they have four.  They were more surprise because at age 16, she had been told she couldn’t able to get pregnnat with her own eggs. She was sad for days when she got the news. She was worry that she couldn’t  keep the pregnancy until safe delivery, but finally she did it.


On July 3, when she was 32 weeks pregnant, doctors performed a ᴄᴇsᴀʀᴇᴀɴ sᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ and Austin, Daniel, Jacob and Hudson were born. The boys stayed in the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit for different amounts of time. Austin and Jacob came home first, Daniel a week later, and Hudson two weeks after that, the couple said.



Katie said she has received lots of help along the way.  Three months after the babies’ arrival, she and her husband are adjusting to life with multiples, with the help of a team of relatives, doctors and caretakers. Her grandmother organized a socially distant drive-through baby shower before the children were born, and she and Katie’s mother and mother-in-law have been around to help provide care.


The couple have joined a program for multiples that helps them get formula, and their doctors often provide samples of formula. The family is also working to make sure their first child, who is just starting to potty train, also gets plenty of attention. The couple said Ryan has been sweet and gentle with the newborns but is eager for them to get older so he can play with them.

A little more than two months after the quadruplets were born, Katie had another sᴇɪᴢᴜʀᴇ. Sleep deprivation can raise the risk of such sᴇɪᴢᴜʀᴇs, and with four newborns it’s not easy to stay rested. The babies sleep only five or six hours a night, and if more than one of them is awake, Katie gets the others up to keep them all on the same schedule. The couple also has hired a part-time nurse to help with overnight care.

Meet The Mom 33 Years Old Have 12 Children, She Had Been Pregnant For 17 Years


American mum-of-11 Britni Church is pregnant with her 12th child after giving birth to triplets Oliver, Asher and Abel just over a year ago.


Since first falling pregnant in 2004, Britni revealed that she’s been pregnant every singer year since, except for 2013 and 2017. In that time, she’s spent a total of nine full years being pregnant, almost one third of her life.



The US-based mum from Arkansas City, Kansas, had her first child, Crizman, 15, six days after her sixteenth birthday with her ex-husband. The pair had married five days before, and had another four children together : – Jordan, 15, Caleb,14, Jace, 13 and Cadence, 12. After the ᴅɪᴠᴏʀᴄᴇ, Britni unexpectedly fell pregnant with her sixth child, Jesalyn, now ten in 2012. She spent three years raising six kids alone as a single parent before meeting her current husband, Chris, a sub-contractor, in 2014.

After meeting in 2014, the pair have been busy and currently had five children together – including two-year-old triplets Oliver, Asher and Abel. The pair have since had another five kids together, and are now expecting their sixth.


Although she has spent a large chunk of her life pregnant, the mum has admitted she doesn’t ‘enjoy’ being pregnant.


She explained: “I don’t enjoy pregnancy that much but I’d do it again if I had to. Love these guys so much.”

The mum often shares snippets of her large family to her 1.8 million followers on TikTok, where she recently shared how long she had been pregnant for. But with a large family, that means large costs. Britni and sub-contractor Chris fork out over £230 on food shopping and go through 600 nappies in just one week.


When she was asked by a TikTok user if she wanted another addition to the large family, Britni giggled and said: “These guys are a handful. We are happiest when we’re all togetherWe’ve got a big waterslide and we’ve been having cookouts and sitting around the fire pit. Life is good.” she said

“A lot of people assume we’re on welfare — we’re not, I get a lot of questions like, ‘Are you Catholic? Are you religious?’ I’m Pentecostal, but that has nothing to do why I have so many.” Britni said

Long-awaited happiness: How Merkulov’s quintuplets live as they are already 3 years old



In the summer of 2017, the married couple Alexander and Anastasia Merkulov had five babies at once.

Everyone thought that four children were going to be born, but finally five were born.




This did not upset the young parents in any way, because if there were not four, there were five!

Thus, the couple dreamed of a child for a long time, but it constantly brought problems – it did not work out.

Anastasia considered herself guilty of this.

So every pregnancy ended in miscarriage.


In 2016, Nastya told her husband Sasha that she was pregnant again.

Fortunately, the pregnancy was preserved up to 32 weeks this time, and the mother was being readied for a scheduled caesarean surgery.

This procedure was really traumatic for her since her mother was quite weak and the physicians practically struggled for her life.

When her health improved, the doctor came to the ward, shocked, and said, “Nastya, you have to survive.

There are five cute babies expecting you.”


The Merkulovs were overjoyed because their long-cherished wish had come true!

They were frequently asked how they managed with so many tiny children.

Anastasia survived on her own when the children were little, and her spouse assisted after work.

After 6 months, when the children started to crawling, Alexander organized a trip to aid his wife.


Thus, it’s been 3 years since the quintuplets were born.