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At the age of 7 they were recognized as the most beautiful twins in the world. How Do They Look Three Years Later?


Twin girls, Ava and Lea Clements, were born on July 7, 2010 in California. As for all parents, their children are the best, so for Kevin and Jaka, the girls were real beauties.

But as it turned out, they were not the only ones who thought so. Many people around, including complete strangers, gave them many compliments and admired their appearance.

However, the girls had someone to be born so beautiful. Their dad, Kevin, is a tall, fit man with dark hair who has been a swimming coach for quite some time and has even won awards. And the mother of the girls, Jackie, is the owner of beautiful, regular features and simply unearthly green eyes.

The girls took the best from their parents. By the way, the family also has an older brother – Chase, he is 12 years old. And he, too, is distinguished by his cute appearance.



All relatives and friends of the family constantly told their parents that the babies should be given to a modeling agency. But Jaki was in no hurry with this, she always answered that they would grow up, let them decide for themselves.

And when Ava and Leah were 7 years old, my mother talked to them about a modeling career.

“It didn’t surprise me at all that they literally jumped for joy,” she says.

After all, girls almost from birth were distinguished by artistry, they love to be in the spotlight. The brother of the twins did not stand aside, he also expressed a desire to be a model. Now they all together successfully participate in various shootings and shows.

Jacky started a social media account for the girls. And it turned out that her daughters have a lot of fans and admirers, more than a million people have subscribed to their page. At the moment, the parents want to create their own, family brand, but what they will release is still a mystery, but there will definitely be a sign of twins in the logo.

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Tiny Toddler’s Potty-Training Conversation Leaves Dad Tearing Up With Laughter


Many people find that raising children is one of life’s greatest joys. Sure, it’s tough, and you’ll experience a whirlwind of emotions through every tantrum and every successful milestone, but most parents would say it’s all worth it in the end.

I’m sure the parents of a toddler by the name of Matty would completely agree with that last statement. Matty is a great joy in both of their lives, and to top it off, he has a great sense of humor. In fact, during a potty-training session back in October of 2019, Mom overheard Dad and Matty having a hilarious conversation. Instantly, the toddler’s mom whipped out the camera to capture the moment on film

Matty, who was sitting on the toilet confidently informed his dad in a humorous voice that he didn’t poop; he peed. “Wait, you didn’t poop?” Daddy asked. Little Matty made sure to inform Dad a few more times to correct his misconception.

Then at one point, Matty’s father puts his head down as he wipes tears from his eyes. Matty gets concerned, asking if his daddy is sad. “No, I’m not. I’m trying so hard to not laugh, I’m crying,” he clarified to his son.



Once Matty was sure that Daddy was okay, he once again assertively announced with a big smile on his face, “I didn’t poop; I peed!” a few more times. In response, his father gave his little guy a high-five. Way to go, Matty!

When the video was initially posted on Facebook by Matty’s Mom, Dani DeVito, the hilarious clip earned over 29,270,000 views! It was also shared over 800,000 times and commented on over 140,000 times.

After watching the video, people commented how adorable and funny Matty was.

“Sooo cute and I think that little boy will actually get a big kick out of it if he sees it when he grows up. We all have one of those moments!” one person said.

I totally agree with that last commenter. Although, I’d be a little embarrassed about it during my pre-teen and teenage years, that’s for sure!

Another user couldn’t help but reflect on how quickly children grow up yet how amazing it must have been to capture such an adorable clip: “Where does the time go. I wish time was slower than it is. What a a moment to cherish.”

I’m sure the DeVito family will be watching that video dozens of times over the next few years. It’s too cute not to!

Do yourself a favor, and hear the hilarious child’s potty-training talk in the video below.

Even the coldest heart will be warmed by this wide-eyed toddler’s reaction to the first snowfall.


“Hello, Iris!” The mother of the toddler called. Her response was a delighted laugh.

Iris’s mother took her to see snow for the first time and happily captured her priceless reaction on video. While the rest of us take snow for granted, it was an almost magical experience for this youngster.

The small child wasn’t sure what to make of the large white flakes falling around her at first. But she was aware that she liked them.

Iris laughed, gestured and pointed at the falling snow.

But still, one important question remained unanswered … Could she eat it?



Once mom asked Iris about eating snow, it was on! The excited toddler proceeded to try (and fail in the cutest way possible) to eat the snow, chasing the flakes with her tongue out.

A few moments later, she stood with her mouth open, seemingly in amazement. Yeah, those snowflakes are faster than they look!

The video is definitely an adorable reminder that there are still things that bring about a sense of wonder for the very young — and the young at heart.

This priceless reaction is a must-see, and you can check it out by clicking the video below.

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Mum Conceives Third Set Of Twins In A Row Beating Incredible Odds Of 700k-To-One


A mum has beaten 700,000-to-one odds by falling pregnant with two babies for the third time – now she needs a bigger house and car for her growing family. Chelsea Hadfield, 30, a kitchen assistant from Rotherham, is mother to non-identical twins Max and Louie, five, with husband Mark, 36. Chelsea Hadfield was pregnant with twins 10 years ago but sadly m.iscarried just 8 weeks. A year later, she conceived again. To her shoc.k, a 6 week ultrasound revealed she was pregnant with twins for the second time. Max and Louie are 5 years old now, and are about to be the older brother of another set of twins.

Mrs Hadfield and her husband Mark, 36, knew they wanted another child but didn’t plan on expanding their family from four to six. When a 13-week scan showed twins were on the way yet again, Mrs Hadfield says she wasn’t particularly surprised because she seemed to have suspected this to happen again. The couple hasn’t undergone IVF treatment, and their chances of conceiving naturally two sets of twins in a row range from 12,500-one to 700,000-one. The odds of having non-identical twins three times in a row are estimated to be between 88,000-one and 500,000-one, as women who have had twins once are more likely to get pregnant again.



Hadfield said: “When I was pregnant with boys I didn’t have any symptoms, I felt fine – it was a perfect pregnancy. But around this time, I had ᴛᴇʀʀɪʙʟᴇ morning sɪᴄᴋɴᴇss that lasted all day. Although the symptoms are different, I still wonder if we will have another set of twins. It was on my mind so when the nurse said, “you won’t believe this,” I almost did. Hadfield admitted it was more of a s.hock last time she found out she was pregnant with the boys in 2014. She said: “With the first set of twins I sadly m.iscarried, I ʟᴏsᴛ them at nine weeks before I’d even had a scan. I had also ʟᴏsᴛ a single baby before that so the hospital brought me in for an early scan when I was carrying Max and Louie.

“I had my first scan at six weeks and was told they were twins – that was a bit of a surprise. Max and Louie are non-identical and Hadfield has been told it’s more than likely this new set will be non-identical too. She said: “Each baby has their own sac and placenta so the nurses have said they’ve only got about 10% chance of being identical. It would be nice if one of them was a girl. But as long as they’re healthy and happy it doesn’t really matter.”

The family adopted 9 children at once: Christmas miracle


Seven children were adopted by a foster family. This happens quite rarely. Children could end up in different parts of the world or stay in an orphanage until adulthood. But a miracle happened before Christmas. Adopted children in the family got one to the Hausorns. Michael and Terry from Arkansas felt that these were already their children, writes the GMA edition.

The family from Arkansas already has 4 children of their own. The oldest Ryan is 32 years old, and the youngest Micah is 20 years old. Also, the couple has already adopted 2 children before. After the new adopted children in the family were taken from 13.



Michael Hausorns tells GMA that it’s never boring at home now. The guys do not stop saying that they love their new parents and call them mom and dad.

The couple adopted their first children in April, they were still very young, 1 and 3 years old. These children have nothing to do with those adopted in December. The family then adopted twin sisters Laina and Lacey. They were tagged in an orphanage due to parental abuse and neglect. The girls spent 3 years with the Hausorns. During this time, Terry and Mile became attached to the little ones

The couple understood that they wanted to adopt girls. They called them mom and dad. But they were placed with the Hausorns for education. In 2017, the twins were taken to an orphanage. The Department of Child and Family Services (DCS) then sent them to another orphanage where their biological siblings were.

Michael and Terry decided to adopt all the children from this family. Doing it all at once is quite problematic. After all, it is necessary to prove that the family can provide children with everything necessary and give care. So they turned to State Senator Alan Clark. They hoped that he could help resolve the issue. The senator spoke with the director (DCS). In the end, he agreed to send all 7 siblings to the Hausorns on probation. Whether the children will stay in this house will depend on the efforts that the couple and other family members are willing to make.


The state senator called Terry and Michael wonderful people. He noted that even their adult daughter Micah came from California to help with the new siblings. She says that she put aside all her affairs and came to her parents’ house.

She recalls that when they put up a Christmas tree with the children, she saw how excited the children were. “They were happy with every little thing that seemed ordinary to me in my childhood. They never wrapped presents. It opened my eyes.” Micah said that she loves them very much

Twins End Up Being Born In Different Years After One Arrives 15 Minutes Later



Fatima Madrigal was delighted to give birth to a baby boy Alfredo Antonio at 11.45pm on New Year’s Eve in California. But younger sister Aylina Yolanda didn’t come along for another 15 minutes, by which time the clock had struck midnight and 2022 had begun. There aren’t too many people on the planet with similarly strange birthday party arrangements: the odds of twins being born in separate years are around one in two million.




According to Sky News, Ms Madrigal said: ‘It’s crazy to me that they are twins and have different birthdays. ‘I was surprised and happy that she arrived at midnight.’

Doctor Ana Abril Arias, who helped care for the newborns at Natividad Medical Center in Monterey County, said it was ‘one of the most memorable’ of her career. She added: ‘It was an absolute pleasure to help these little ones arrive here safely in 2021 and 2022. What an amazing way to start the new year.’ The twins will have three older siblings, two girls and a boy, to dote on them, with Ms Madrigal saying the family could not wait to meet them. Aylin weighed five pounds 14 ounces and her older brother weighed six pounds one ounce. Twins having birthdays in different years could be complicated – but at least they were born in the same decade. Dawn Gilliam from Indiana went into labour with Joslyn and Jaxon just in time for New Year’s Eve 2019, WRTV reports. The first was born at 11:37pm but the second twin didn’t come along until 12:07am on January 1, 2020.

F3-Year-Old Dancers Perform The “Joropo” In Front Of Hundreds Of People


One of the most interesting representations of a country’s culture is its dance. It doesn’t only aim to entertain the audience, but it also brings out the sense of patriotism of the dancers.The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a country located on the northern coast of South America that is rich in cultures influenced by three main groups namely the Indigenous Venezuelans, the Africans, and the Spanish.’



The Joropo is a musical style that’s almost similar to the fandango. It is an accompanying dance that is now Venezuala’s national dance.Even the kids in the country know how to dance the Joropo at such a young age.A pair of 3-year-olds joined a local dance competition where they stood in a stadium filled with hundreds of people.The little kids bowed to the judges and started dancing as soon as they heard the song.Their routine is mainly composed of the little girl spinning around under her partner’s arm, and the both of them twirling across the floor.

The little kids demonstrated a really strong sense of rhythm as they moved their feet rapidly to the music.There are lots of ways to keep a country’s culture alive throughout generations, and passing it on to young ones is one of them.Watch the 3-year-olds’ amazing Joropo routine in the video below.

Grandma struggling to raise triplets by herself finds a note and $300 on the table


In 2016, the grandmother, aged 54, worked as a waitress while caring for her daughter’s triplets.

Shiela enjoyed discussing her daughter’s four-year-old triplet sons, Bentley, Ashton, and Dalton, during her shifts.

Since the triplets were only two months old, Shiela, a bartender from North Dakota, has been their sole caregiver. Her daughter was a struggling single mother with an infant when she learned she was pregnant with triplets.


Emotionally overwhelmed, the young mother felt unable to provide the boys with the life she desired for them.


Then, however, grandma Shiela stood up, despite the fact that she, too, was experiencing difficult times. As a waitress, I was barely able to make ends meet. She never considered leaving the boys with another family, however.

Left sobbing in the restroom
Together, Sheila and the boys were able to manage family life with less money than others, but with more love and affection.

Sheila couldn’t stop talking about her sons because she was so proud of them. One day, however, all of her ‘bragging’ about her children took an unexpected turn and led to her crying in the bathroom…

The daughter of Shiela Weisgerber, a 30-year-old single mother, broke down upon learning that she was expecting triplets. The young mother was already struggling financially and knew she could not support three more children. In addition to this tragedy, the boys’ father had died in a car accident a few months before their birth.

Fortunately, she did not have to place the boys with another family through adoption. Instead, grandmother Shiela took care of the boys at two months of age.

”At first it was very overwhelming,” she stold ABC News. ”And, at first I thought I bit off more than I could chew.”

Today, these magnificent triplets are ten years old! Despite the fact that Grandma Shiela also struggled financially, all has turned out well. She worked as a waitress, and her salary was insufficient to cover any additional expenses.

However, as you probably already know, love and safety are the most important things for growing children, and Shiela had plenty to offer in this regard.

”I do what I gotta do each day, and it works,” she explained and continued:

”They’re good little guys.”

She was extremely proud of Bentley, Ashton, and Dalton and used every opportunity to brag about them. Eventually, a couple entered the bar where Shiela worked. As they waited to be served, they listened to Shiela recount her story. The couple was moved by the grandmother’s story and her tireless efforts to provide for her triplet sons, but they were unable to assist.

In fact, they were so moved by the performance that they wrote a note on the bill.

”Take care of those boys!” the sign read. In addition, the couple decided to leave the grandmother a very generous tip of $300 in addition to their $33 bill.

The grandmother stared incredulously at the credit card receipt.

”I looked at it, and I looked at it again. You read stuff about it, and you hear about it, and you wonder, ‘Is that really true? Do people really do that?”



After the occurrence, Shiela felt compelled to describe the touching act that brought her to tears. She posted a photograph of the receipt with the caption:

”I went to the bathroom and I cried and I was blown away because to me that’s a lot of money.”

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Not only Shiela was moved by the unexpected act of kindness; others were as well. Her post went viral and had a positive impact on the entire community, according to the grandmother’s employer.

Dave Cole Jr., the bar’s proprietor, explained: ”The last few months have been really hard with random deaths around here,” the owner of the bar, Dave Cole Jr, explained and added:
”We really needed a boost. This was a godsend. Literally, it made everybody brighten up. You know that there still is good left.”

Rich Single Man Who Lost All Hope of Becoming a Dad Adopts 5 Kids in One Day


A wealthy man who is heartbroken after learning he can never become a father decides to adopt a child and raise him as his own. However, his adoption journey takes quite an unusual turn when he ends up adopting 5 children on the same day!

Daniel Smith had no idea that his life would take a dramatic turn when he visited the Bright Horizons Orphanage Home in Austin, Texas.

The man was a wealthy Texas businessman who could not have children due to a spinal cord injury that rendered him infertile and immobile, confined to a wheelchair.



David is a business man who had given up on becoming a father till he visited an orphanage home

However, Daniel was rich. Very rich. But none of this had come easily to him. He had lost his parents at a young age, and without their support, he faced many challenges in his quest to reach the top.

But when fate became a little more considerate to him financially, it took away his ability to lead a happy family life.

Daniel had always wished for a large family, a lovely wife, and a comfortable home, but his disability had taken all of that away from him. So every year since his health took a terrible turn, he has visited various orphanages across the country, making charitable donations for poor children.

One fateful morning, Daniel arrived at the Bright Horizons Orphanage Home to make a donation, as he did every year, and he met a boy there. The young boy was only six years old and was playing in the garden when his ball collided with Daniel’s wheelchair.

“Oh no, I’m sorry,” the boy mumbled as he stood in his place, terrified that Daniel would scold him.

But Daniel rolled his wheelchair up to the boy and handed him the ball. “Are you sure you don’t want your ball back?” he inquired. When the boy did not respond, Daniel spoke to him in a more friendly tone. “What’s your name, young man? Would you like to be friends with me?”

“My name is Dan – Daniel,” the scared boy said, looking down.

“Oh, is your name, Daniel? My name is Daniel too!” Daniel laughed.

Daniel was confined to a wheelchair after a spinal injury | Photo: Pexels

Suddenly, little Daniel looked up. “Really?”

“Yes, my name is Daniel Smith. Would you like to play with me?”

“I would love to!” Little Daniel’s eyes lit up.

“But if I win, you’ll have to give me a chocolate. Deal?”

The little boy giggled, ran away from Daniel, and stood holding the ball. They began playing a game of throw and catch when the orphanage director, Adam Turner, came out to see what they were up to.

“Oh, Mr. Smith. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have let the boy trouble you,” he said as he dashed to his benefactor.

Daniel was a young and cheerful boy

“Nothing like that, Mr. Turner,” Daniel replied. “This boy is quite adorable, and to be honest, he reminds me of a younger version of myself. When I was younger, I was exactly like him.”

“But, sir, he’s bothering you unnecessarily. I’ll tell him not to…” Mr. Turner had just begun talking when little Daniel dashed up to them.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Turner. I wasn’t troubling him. He asked me if he could play with me.”

“It’s all right, Daniel. You can now go play with your other friends,” Daniel said, smiling. “We’ll finish the game another day, and don’t forget about my chocolate.”

“Okay,” the boy smiled at him then hurried away with the ball.

Daniel felt an odd connection to the boy as he watched him leave. He felt as if there was a reason why God had made him meet Daniel. And before he knew it, he’d fallen in love with his childlike innocence and decided to adopt him. But there was a catch.

Daniel consulted Mr. Turner regarding little Daniel’s adoption




“Four other kids?” Daniel gasped.

“Yes, Mr. Smith. If you want to adopt Daniel, you’ll have to adopt four other children. They’re his siblings,” the orphanage director informed him.

“But why do you have such a clause?” Daniel was perplexed.

“Daniel’s parents were very poor, so they left their five children to us. But they’d made us sign a contract saying that whoever adopted their children had to adopt all five of them so that the siblings were never separated. That’s why none of the adoptive families agreed to take them in. I would suggest that you think about it once more.”

Daniel thought about what Mr. Turner said. Adopting five children is certainly no joke, Daniel. Don’t be in a rush! But then there was his heart, which had melted for little Daniel like nothing else.

“All right, Mr. Turner. I’d also like to meet his brothers,” Daniel stated. “In fact, I’m willing to adopt all five children.”

“Fine, Mr. Smith. If you’ve made up your mind, let’s meet the other boys. Please follow me.”


Little Daniel’s siblings were as adorable as him

When Daniel first met little Daniel’s siblings, he couldn’t take his gaze away from them. As Mr. Smith had informed him, they were all super young and looked really adorable. Daniel and Max were twins, and the other three, Harry, Timothy, and Nolan, were 3,4, and 5 years old, respectively. Nolan and Harry had brown hair like their mother, as Daniel observed from the file photos, while Daniel, Max, and Timonthy looked more like their father.

Daniel was more than sure that he wanted to adopt the children after meeting them. The next day, he started the procedures for adoption, and two months later, Daniel was officially their father. However, things were not so easy for him.

Timothy didn’t like him at first. And Daniel had to put in a lot of effort to earn his love and trust. But things between the two improved from the moment the boy walked into Daniel’s room and thanked him a few months after Daniel adopted them. “Thank you for helping us,” he said. “Nolan says you are our new daddy and you are very nice. He also told me that I should thank you because you care about all of us.”

Daniel’s eyes welled up at the boy’s remark, and he wrapped his arms around him tightly. “You are all my children, Timothy. I love all of you, so never feel that you’re alone.”

Since that day, Daniel had been happier than ever looking after his children. He says he loves being their father and that parenting them is easier than he ever imagined! His life is full of love, laughter, and noise, and he can’t stop talking about how adorable the children are.

The boys are doing great

What can we learn from this story?

Love and not biology is what makes a family. The way Daniel Smith adopted five children and loved them as his own is a brilliant example of how we must abandon the ridiculous notion that only people related by blood can be called family.
There’s a reason behind every one we meet in life. Daniel Smith met little Daniel and his siblings because the boys were fated to have a loving father, and a man who yearned for a family was fated to become the father of five adorable boys.

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Baby Starts Walking Just Like Grandpa And Her Spot-On Impression Has Everyone Laughing


A 1-year-old baby walking like her grandpa, cane and all, has everyone cracking up. This little ham sure knows how to bring joy to those around her!

Children truly are a blessing from the Lord. And a baby girl named Belle is proving it with her hilarious antics!

There is truth behind the saying, “careful, little eyes, what they see.” And that’s because children are like sponges. They pick things up so quickly!

As parents, it’s our job to protect our kids from things that could be dangerous or inappropriate for them to see at such a young age. But their power of perception isn’t always a bad thing. And when this baby starts walking just like her grandpa, it leaves her family in stitches!


Baby Walking Like Grandpa Is Too Cute



Little Belle clearly loves being around her grandpa. And since the baby girl always sees grandpa with a cane, it makes sense she’d want one for herself.

But clearly, this sweet child has picked up on more than just grandpa’s cane. As she grins from ear-to-ear, a family member tells her, “Do it, walk like G’pa.”

And at that moment, the silly girl hunches over and perfectly imitates her grandfather’s walk!

Everyone laughs hysterically at seeing the baby walking like Grandpa. And thankfully, they caught the spot-on impression on camera.

Now, this precious girl isn’t just bringing her whole family joy. Her viral video is delighting all who see it!

This world certainly needs more opportunities for laughter. And seeing this baby girl imitating her beloved grandpa is spreading cheer all over!