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Adorable Little Girl Meets Her Baby Brother For The First Time!


She’s been so excited for him to come home! Amelia’s first time meeting her little baby brother! She’s going to be the best big sister there ever was! In case you were wondering, we bought her gifts and told her they were from her brother, a technique we read about to diminish sibling displacement theory. This way she assosciates kindness, sharing and love from day 1

Amelia has been eagerly anticipating the arrival of her new baby brother, and the moment has finally come! Today is a special day as Amelia meets her little brother for the very first time. She’s been so excited for him to come home, and we just know she’s going to be the best big sister ever!



To make this moment even more special, we decided to buy Amelia some gifts and told her they were from her baby brother. We read that this technique can help diminish sibling displacement theory, ensuring that Amelia associates kindness, sharing, and love with her new sibling from day one. The joy and excitement on her face as she holds her brother for the first time is absolutely priceless.

Join us in celebrating this heartwarming moment as Amelia embarks on her new role as a loving and caring big sister!

Amelia’s excitement was palpable as she eagerly awaited the arrival of her baby brother. Today was the big day, and her joy knew no bounds as she finally got to meet him. We’ve been preparing her for this moment, even buying her special gifts and telling her they were from her new sibling—a technique we read about to help diminish sibling displacement. This way, Amelia associates kindness, sharing, and love with her baby brother from day one. Watching her gently hold him and seeing the pure delight on her face, we know she’s going to be the best big sister there ever was!

1 In 64 Million: Mom Finds Out She’s Pregnant With Triplets — Again!


They say when one door closes, a window opens. Or, in this case, maybe 3 windows open.

When Kellee Briggs of Ankeny, Iowa found out she was pregnant, she and husband Nick Briggs were overjoyed. But at their 10-week ultrasound, Kellee could tell from the technician’s face that something was wrong. Sadly, the test showed three amniotic sacs, but only one fetus remained.

Doctors explained that Kellee had been pregnant with triplets, but two of the babies had not survived. While they were thrilled that one baby was viable, the new mom always wondered about what could have been. Her son Chase was born healthy and on time.


“The one baby, Chase, which is our survivor, you’d see him fully formed but the other two sacs just looked like empty holes,” Kellee explained. “I’ve lost two babies and it was a lot of emotions all flooding in at the same time.”

The family didn’t have long to grieve their loss before something remarkable happened. Ten months after delivering Chase, Kellee was pregnant again.This time, Nick and Kellee were more prepared when they went for an ultrasound. Kellee says she “had a gut feeling” that she might be carrying multiples again. Although they don’t have a family history of multiples and Kellee is not taking any fertility drugs, doctors told her that older mothers tend to produce more eggs with each cycle, resulting in more multiple births in older moms.

At the ultrasound, the technician confirmed Kellee’s instincts. Once again, she was expecting three babies!

“We looked at each other right away and we knew exactly what it looked like having the multiple sacs,” Nick recalled. “We said to the tech, ‘There’s multiples aren’t there?’ and she looks and she’s like, ‘Yep.’”

Getting pregnant with triplets is rare enough; only about 1 in every 9,000 births are triplets. Two triplet pregnancies back-to-back is crazy-rare, about 1 in 64 million!

Kellee grappled with anxiety throughout the pregnancy as she worried about losing her babies again.

“I was hesitant almost because I was afraid of getting attached,” she said. “I didn’t want to get attached and then lose one,” she admitted.
She hoped to stay pregnant as long as she could to increase their chances of survival, and she made it! She wound up having a C-section at 32 weeks gestation and welcomed two boys and a girl to their family. Aiden, Addalyn, and Isaac all spent some time in the NICU before coming home in the exact order of their birth.

Nick and Kellee are now getting used to life with 4 children under the age of two. They go through about 30 diapers a day and a whole can of formula to keep everyone happy, but the chaos is worth it for these grateful parents. Kellee says she relies on the help of friends and family to get through her days, and Nick thinks it’s all about taking one thing at a time.

“You just got to stop and relax and go with the flow,” Nick said. “It’s all you really can do at this point because you’re trying to keep your head above water.”

It seems that Kellee and Nick were destined to be these babies’ parents! We wish them the best of luck as they get through these next few days, weeks, months… and years!

Share this story to welcome the Briggs babies home.

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‘Little Bitty’ Cowboy Busts Out Big Dance Moves and Gets Millions of Views


So it’s not like anybody keeps good records or anything, but it’s probably safe to assume there are a lot fewer cowboys and cowgirls around now than there used to be. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, around 39% of the population lived in rural areas in 1960, while approximately 61% lived in urban areas. By 2020, 20% more of the U.S. population had moved into cities and the numbers were 19% rural and 81% urban.
But all you cowboy fans can take a little comfort from this video because it shows that although there might be fewer cowboys around, there are still young ones coming up. And if this little guy is any indication, they are going to be a formidable force–at least on the dance floor.


This little kid is dancing to Alan Jackson’s 1997 hit, “Little Bitty,” which hit number one on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart and was nominated for Single of the Year at the Country Music Association Awards. The song speaks to the whole rural lifestyle, emphasizing the importance of taking pleasure in the little things in life and not always focusing on getting to the “big time.”

So it’s just wonderful to watch this toddler bust out the country dance moves to this song. Clearly he understand the importance of living the good life and he shows us all how great it can be to be “little bitty.” Watch the short video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

A little girl throws a tantrum in the middle of her dance, and look how her friend reacts


You will smile after watching these babies dance.

Even 2-year-olds in pink clothes. Only five of them executed the routine. The last toddler refused
Melissa L. Potts’ kid opted to have a tantrum on stage. The baby was sad.
Every girl wants to be a princess. Most desire to wear pink dresses, perform ballet, and live in a fairy-tale world with music, magic, and princes on horses.

Melissa’s daughter is indifferent. At this point, she’d punch a dragon. Her buddy attempted to assist her when she was heard weeping over the music.

She refused. No one knows what upset her, but we know how toddlers react.

They can’t handle emotions yet, so they act out.

Weeping and throwing tantrums.

And she’s two.

Public toddler outbursts are frustrating. Both parents and others need empathy and tolerance.

Parenting For The Brain:



«A temper tantrum is a maelstrom of wrath, loss, disappointment, and frustration. In 2-year-olds, emotional outbursts may lead to sobbing, thrashing, screaming fits, stomping, striking parents, falling down, kicking, biting, throwing items, beating the head, or breath holding.

If only grownups could do the same!

Melissa’s kid isn’t different. Perhaps she was hungry or exhausted before going onstage. Nobody enjoys uncomfortable situations.

Her companion is nice. See that young girl?

The cute dancer tries to comfort the sobbing dancer, but then turns away and shrugs. She was powerless.

Toddlers can’t manipulate or reason. Thus, their uncontrollable meltdowns.

like a stressed-out grownup. Instead of crying, we go to the bars. It’s OK to weep, however.

The surviving five dance while the sixth member is still unhappy. Potts cried in front of an amused crowd.

Oh no, I hope she received wonderful gifts. She’s a lovely princess no matter what. Meltdowns are normal. Milk!

Sassy little girl steals the show with her dance moves


A country with the most people, spanning five geographical time zones and bordering fourteen countries by land, which is the most of any country in the world. It is one of the world’s oldest civilizations, boasting of a rich history, rooted in culture, art, and many other aspects that has helped shaped the modern world today. In fact, music and dance have been very much a part of China’s history that each of those emperors gave importance to them. They’re big on honoring tradition while embracing the modern, so they teach their kids at really young ages to appreciate their ancestry before embracing modern ideologies.

This adorable little Chinese girl seems to embody those principles. Her age is anyone’s guess but the way this little girl moves is totally out of this world. You’re looking at years of practice and training here. There’s a running joke about how Asian parents raise their kids, enrolling them in many classes and extracurricular activities to keep them busy, and that seems to apply here. Thousands and thousands of history and culture can still be seen today should you find yourself in that part of the world. You don’t even need to hit up the museums. Just attend these dance events and you’ll witness culture and history easy. She’s really into dancing. Her look, her posture, and the way she delivers those moves seems to indicate a natural, and a star in the making.


See, it’s not that simple when talking about dance in China. Dance is a highly varied art form in the country, consisting of many modern and traditional genres. You’ll get anything from folk dances to performances in opera and ballet. There are also dances for public celebrations, rituals and ceremonies. All in all, there are 56 officially recognized ethnic groups in China, so each ethnic minority group has its own folk dances. Then you have the youth who are able to create and combine different styles.

She’s not alone either. Look at all those kids around her, dancing away in gorgeous outfits. It looks like a mix of ballroom and traditional, doesn’t it? One of the few comments in English says, “I adore this little one she has sass and attitude that says I’m going to be a star. And believe she will.” Talk about rhythm and body control. Now imagine how much better she’ll be in a decade and more! She’ll only get better, and perhaps bring fame and glory to her motherland. Talk about a higher level of dedication and passion. Check out her adorably sassy moves in the video below! Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Twins Zac & Chris at 14 Months Playing together


Meet Zac and Chris, the adorable twin brothers who’ve just hit the 14-month milestone! In this heartwarming scene, they are captured in their element, thoroughly enjoying each other’s company. With chubby cheeks flushed with excitement and eyes sparkling with mischief, they engage in playful antics that are a joy to behold. Their laughter fills the air, creating a melody of pure happiness that echoes through their playroom. As they explore the world side by side, their unbreakable bond is evident in every smile and every giggle. Watching Zac and Chris play together is a beautiful reminder of the magical connection that twins share, making every moment with them a treasure worth cherishing.



Meet Zac and Chris, the adorable twin brothers who’ve just hit their 14-month milestone! Today, they’re exploring the world side by side in their playroom. With bright eyes and contagious giggles, they crawl toward their favorite toys, occasionally stopping to babble secrets only they understand. Their coordinated outfits—tiny jeans and striped tees—make them look all the more charming as they embark on mini adventures. Whether building a tower of blocks or chasing after a bouncy ball, their joy and sibling camaraderie light up the room, showcasing the special bond only twins share.

4 year old slays graduation performance. She gives it her all, and we love it!


She gives it her all, and we love it!

Children are unique in their manner of singing. They don’t know how to hide their emotions. This little charmer named Sophia is simply mesmerizing with her performance. Instead of just opening her mouth, while making incomprehensible sounds, she gives herself to the process with all her feelings. The mother of the future artist filmed the concert on video to capture her daughter’s bright and emotional performance. The children on the left and right sing, opening their mouths a little, but Sophia stands out from the crowd with her pronounced, memorable behavior on stage.



The video won many hearts. Choir is an operatic number for a choral ensemble (often mixed, sometimes male, female or children). Usually depicts the presence of a “collective character”, a group of witnesses or accomplices or a crowd of people. Occasionally it is used as an impersonal commentary or as a technique for creating a “liturgical” color. This is now a choir artist – a completely respected and professional staff unit. Well, maybe not the most highly paid, but certainly living the same creative life with the opera house.

Little Girls’ Scottish Dance Recital Goes Hilariously Wrong


I’ve posted a number of articles about little girls and their dance recitals. If you’ve ever been to one, you know they are generally long, a little tedious and the best you can hope for is a group that is either very good or very bad. Well here’s one that’s the latter and the result is hilarious.

These girls are from the Elizabeth Fraser School of Highland Dancing and while I’m not sure of their ages, they look to be about five to nine years old. They were dancing at the Massed Pipe Band Fundraiser in Nairn, Scotland, in support of Cantraybridge College near Inverness.




Their dance is supposed to be a “display of Pas de Basques and Highcuts”. But what it looks like, unfortunately, is a dance parody! The older girls seem to know the routine and are generally in step, but the younger girls are either doing the mirror image of what they are supposed to do or they simply do their own thing.

Either way, it’s pretty funny once the bagpipes start. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

4-Yr-Old Dancer’s Fast Footwork Earns Him the Championship


Irish dancing has a rich and vibrant history that stretches back centuries. Rooted in the cultural traditions of Ireland, it has evolved and flourished through the years. The origins of Irish dancing can be traced back to ancient Celtic rituals and celebrations, where dance was an integral part of social gatherings and religious ceremonies. Over time, it developed into a distinctive art form, characterized by intricate footwork, precise rhythms, and spirited performances. Irish dancing gained worldwide recognition and popularity, particularly with the rise of Irish dance shows and competitions in the 20th century, showcasing its unique charm and captivating audiences with its energy and grace. Today, Irish dancing continues to be celebrated and cherished, both as a cultural tradition and a competitive sport.



It brings me joy to witness youngsters embracing traditional dance forms like Irish step dancing. This little dancer is a perfect example of that! It‘s amazing to see how the art of dancing has evolved over time, yet it‘s just as amazing to see kids remaining loyal to the classics.

The audience was left in awe when four-year-old Oscar stepped on stage and began to do his Irish step dance. His extraordinary skill was on full display as he moved to the beat of the traditional music with ease and finesse. His intricate footwork, combined with impressive spins and tricks, was nothing short of remarkable. The crowd couldn’t help but be in awe of Oscar’s precise steps.

When the little dancer won the championship title, the room erupted in cheers and applause! It was a sight to behold as Oscar showed off his remarkable talent and passion for Irish dancing. It’s no surprise that he left the crowd speechless – he’s a true master of his craft! Watch the full clip below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

Baby girl makes the most hilarious “suspicious” faces


In the whimsical world of infancy, where every expression is a symphony of discovery, there exists a little girl who has mastered the art of suspicion. With wide eyes and a furrowed brow, she casts a gaze that could rival the most seasoned detective. It’s as if she knows something we don’t, a secret joke whispered in the language of infancy.

Her repertoire of expressions knows no bounds. One moment, she’ll squint at a toy as if it’s plotting against her, and the next, she’ll shoot a sideways glance at her spoon as if questioning its culinary intentions. There’s no telling what will trigger her suspicion next – a passing shadow, a sudden noise, or perhaps just the universe’s inscrutable ways.


Yet, amidst the laughter her antics provoke, there’s a lesson to be learned. In her innocent skepticism lies a reminder to approach the world with a curious mind, to question the seemingly ordinary, and to find humor in life’s little mysteries.

So, as this little girl continues to grace the world with her hilariously suspicious faces, let us join her in the delightful game of wonderment, where even the most mundane moments become an opportunity for laughter and joy.