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Meet The Cutest Baby Girl With Enchanting Blue Eyes


Prepare to be captivated by the sheer cuteness as you meet the most adorable baby girl, adorned with a pair of enchanting blue eyes. Every glance from those precious eyes is a glimpse into a world of innocence and charm that is impossible to resist.

Her radiant smile and captivating gaze are enough to melt hearts, making her a true bundle of joy. Whether she’s giggling, exploring her surroundings, or simply flashing those captivating blue eyes, this little one is a delightful reminder of the beauty found in the simplicity of infancy.



Join us in celebrating the magnetic allure of this cutest baby girl, whose blue eyes sparkle with the promise of a future filled with wonder and discovery. It’s a privilege to witness the early moments of a life so full of potential, and this little darling is sure to leave a lasting imprint on your heart. 👶💙

This boy singing along his favorite song after waking up is the cutest thing you will see today


It is cute to watch how little babies find their preferences and favorite things over time. It can be a favorite place, a favorite toy, or as the video bellow proves, a favorite song. They love listening to music, and when they have a favorite one, they even sing along and it is the cutest thing to watch.

This baby’s morning started very good, and his parent decided to film him singing his favorite song along. But at that time, they had no idea his video was going to go viral and make people all around the world smile.



He sings ‘H.O.L. Y’, and his adorable baby voice will melt your heart. It seems like he is all into the song and understands the meaning of the words. He is truly incredible and it is adorable to see how he doesn’t care what is going on around him and enjoys his time.

Watch the video bellow and see yourself the level of his cuteness, we hope you will love it. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family, that way you can also support us, enjoy it!

The toddler’s reaction to her dad not approving her boyfriend is hilarious. The most adorable speech


Toddlers are adorable, funny and they are just the cutest. One of the best parts in the life of the parents is when they start learning how to talk, and fill their day with their sweet and innocent talks. Most of the time they are ending up being hilarious, and we want to share with you a hilarious and adorable conversation like that, between a little girl and her parents.

The video, that has been shared on YouTube already 7 years ago, shows a little girl, telling her parents about her boyfriend. When the dad seemed to not approve her boyfriend, she made sure he wouldn’t hurt him. This is the purest and the most adorable thing ever!



The video has been watched more than 5 million times! It seems like people really love the way she says: I don’t want daddy to hurt him. Check out the video bellow to see this hilarious and at the same time cute conversation yourself.

Don’t forget to share this article with your family and friends too, that way you can also show us your support. Thank you for reading and being with us, we appreciate it. Enjoy watching the cute family conversation, that will surely make you smile!

Baby’s remorseful response after breaking the dishes is too adorable! Check this out!


Nobody enjoys being in trouble, especially young people! It can seem like the end of the world when you’re younger to disappoint your parents, especially if it’s something you did accidentally! They love adventure, but sometimes even the little ones want to avoid them.

In this video, mother and daddy were immediately drawn to a loud noise emanating from the kitchen. The next thing they saw was their son, appearing very apologetic for shattering every dish, standing next to the broken ones.

Little Michael eventually broke down in tears! Mom does what she does best and consoles her young child despite all of her broken dishes—she’s simply relieved he’s okay! It is adorable to watch the reaction of the little one, and how he looks for comfort in his parents, and they let him know that he is safe.



Check out the video bellow to see the footage, that has been shared on YouTube already 9 years ago. The video has been watched more than 78 million times since it has been shared. People love watching the reactions of the little ones, even if they are chaotic.

Enjoy watching, and don’t forget to show us your support by sharing this article with your loved ones too. We appreciate your support and attention so much!

Target employee challenges little girl to a dance off


I remember those days when I could just go shopping all by myself or accompanied by my girlfriends. Those would be fun times indeed. Trying things on, or buying groceries we’d love to make delicious dishes with.

But now that we are all moms, doing shopping is something we don’t really enjoy. Why? Because it has to be done really quickly, or the kids would start throwing tantrums. You know, they don’t really find it appealing walking around the aisles without touching every single thing.

A mother named Stefanie is well too aware of the troubles young kids are making while at the store, so she wasn’t really looking forward to the trip.

Stefanie needed to grab some stuff so they visited Target. While there, she thought it would be nice if she bought her little Evallyn some toys that she loved. Needless to say, she really had fun buying her dolls, but once mommy turned to the products she needed, Evallyn got bored and became restless.

Her mother was doing her best to get everything from her shopping list as fast as she could so that the two could head home.

And just as this woman though this was one of her most unpleasant shopping trips, something amazing happened.

One of the Target employees could see that Stefanie needed help so she stepped in and tried to entertain lovely Evallyn. She got the little girl’s attention by inviting her to a dance-off. Knowing how competitive young children can be, this was the best idea A.J could come up with.

Both A.J and Evallyn showed some really crazy dance moves. It was obvious they had so much fun doing this. Customers would stop by and watch the new friends dancing and everyone though this was very sweet.

Once the ‘dancing competition’ was done, A.J asked the girl if she was in for another round. The girl was more than happy to show off her skills once again.

Stefanie was amazed by the employee’s kind gesture. She couldn’t really finish her shopping because this was way too good to miss, so she just stood there by the cart and knew she had to film this very special encounter.

What was supposed to be just another tiring day turned into an experience these mother and daughter will never forget. It may be just a dancing with a stranger, but these kinds of interactions usually have strong positive impact on children.

It is so nice to hear of stories like this where random people make someone’s day.

Take a look at the cute dance-off in the video below.

Little girl was expecting cookies but she got this instead


Members of the military don’t have it easy. Many of them end up deployed away from home and from their loved ones. It happens that they miss lots of important events such as holidays, family gatherings, birthdays, and even the birth of their children. They do all this for the sake of the ordinary people like you and me. And we should always be beyond grateful for the sacrifice they make.

However, we have to agree that the best part of serving in the army is the reunion with the family. These encounters are always emotional and involve tears of joy.

One little girl’s father was away for too long and she couldn’t wait for him to get back home. Being aware of this, her father decided to send her a gift from abroad. The cutie pie was overly excited believing she got the cookies she loves so much. But it turned out this surprise was way sweeter than that.

Maci missed her father so much that she had a doll named ‘Daddy Doll.’ This huggable toy would always be by the girl’s side making sure she’s safe from the monsters hiding under her bed.


One day, Maci’s mom asked her to come down and check out the gift her daddy sent her. Having the doll cradled in her arm, she was in anticipation to get what she believed were sweet cookies. Running down the stairs barefoot, wearing the cutest pink dress with her blond hair in a bun, she started walking around the room looking for the sweet surprise.

Her mom told her to get outside and check whether the gift was there. Maci ran towards the front door and opened it in excitement.

She was a bit puzzled once she noticed that huge box on the doorstep. What could it be? If that’s cookies, there have to be lots of them inside. Was it something else? Well, she just had to unwrap the box and see it for herself.

Her mommy helped her rip the wrapping off, and then asked her little girl:

“Can you knock on it? Say ‘Cookies.’”


Maci knocked on the box and was eagerly waiting for some sweets when her father, dressed in his uniform, got out of it. He greeted his sweet daughter who screamed and fell on her butt. It was the ultimate surprise.

The two kissed and firmly hugged each other, and when he asked Maci whether she liked the surprise she answered with a resounding yes.

We are sure she wasn’t mad she didn’t get any cookies because we know her daddy would get her as much as she wants now the two are together again.

Check the heartwarming father-daughter moment in the video below.

Mom films her twins in bed – they suddenly start ‘talking’ to each other


The bond created between siblings is one of the strongest, but it looks like twins are connected to even deeper level. Growing up around a brother or a sister means having a best friend for life and someone you can always turn to when things get tough.

The parents of twin babies Grayson and Griffin shared a heartwarming video of their two bundles of joy ‘talking’ to each other and it’s way too cute to handle. Although the boys are way too young to be able to speak, they still found a way to communicate to one another, and it seems the two understand each other just perfectly as they can’t stop laughing at what they have to say.



We hope their connection will only grow stronger as they grow up.

You can see them speaking in the video below.

Make sure you share it with your friends and make their day.

It’s easy to see the apple doesn’t fall from the tree in this family!


In a heartwarming and hilarious video that’s capturing hearts across the internet, a loving mom and her adorable baby girl, Gemma Kate, share an endearing routine. Every time Mom sings “I love you,” little Gemma Kate responds with the sweetest comeback, repeating the phrase in the exact same way. The synchronicity and pure joy in their exchange have viewers smiling, laughing, and sharing the video with their friends and family. It’s a beautiful reminder of the simple yet profound bond between a parent and child, and it’s no wonder the internet can’t get enough of this precious moment.



This Mom and her adorable baby girl, Gemma Kate, share the sweetest ritual. Every time Mom sings “I love you,” Gemma Kate responds by repeating it in the exact same way, mirroring her mother’s voice with an uncanny precision. Their loving exchanges have captivated the internet, with viewers falling in love with Gemma Kate’s adorable mimicry and heartfelt connection with her mom. This delightful interaction between the two has brought smiles and laughter to countless faces, making it a viral sensation that continues to spread joy.

Dad Picks 6-Year-Old Up From School And When Teachers Notice His Pants They Realize The Situation


Growing up is hard and can be pretty embarrassing at times. As parents, we know this. This is why we want to do everything in our power to lessen any mortification our children might experience.

Ben Sowards from Utah got the chance to do just this for his daughter when he got a phone call from her school. He was told to head to the school because his daughter Valerie had had an accident; she had not made it to the bathroom in time.

Knowing Valerie was probably feeling shame and embarrassment for something that commonly happens to growing children, he knew he had to do something to make the situation less-uncomfortable for his little girl.


A great idea came to him then. Maybe he could lighten the mood and remove attention from her! Thus, Ben Sowards purposely spilled water on his own pants to make it look like he, too, had had an accident and urinated on himself.

When speaking with Huffington Post, Ben Soward told his interviewer that he knew his own daughter would instantly feel a lot less self-conscious once she started laughing: “Honestly, I knew she was mortified, but I thought if I could make her laugh everything would be fine.”

And this was a sure way to get his little girl laughing!

When Ben Soward walked into the school and headed to the principal’s office to pick up his daughter, he asked his daughter for her bookbag. When Valerie looked at him questioningly, he quietly told her that he needed to hide something. Just what could that something be?

When she saw his pants, she understood what he meant and knew everything would be just fine. She even walked out of the school with her head held high.

Dad knew he had done more than just pick his daughter up from school that day: “She was totally exasperated. But, once she saw my pants, I got that look from her where I knew everything was OK. All dads know what look I’m talking about. And we just strolled out of the school like nothing was happening.”

Ben went a step farther than most to ensure his daughter left the school without shame and embarrassment, and for this reason, we salute Ben Soward. You can hear some of his thoughts on the virality of this selfless act below:

We here at APost hope that our readers come up with more brilliant ideas like this to save their children from embarrassment! Has something like this ever happened in your life? Show this to a friend you know would do this for their own kid!

Daddy Daughter Duo Belt Out “My Girl” Duet That Has The Internet In Awe


Daddies and their little girls have special types of relationships that can’t be found anywhere else.

From helping her ride a bike for the first time to holding her hand as she enters her first day of kindergarten, you can always see their pride for their baby girl. As she climbs on her daddy’s back for a piggyback ride, you can see her eyes light up bright with excitement and love.

The bond between daddies and daughters isn’t just something we see, it’s something that science backs as well! When fathers are an active part of their children’s lives, they grow up healthier and happier!


A study from Princeton University followed the lives of 5,000 people. The results showed that the loss of a father during early, developmental years can cause a lot of problems later in life. These include not only issues concerning mental health, but physical as well.

Another study that took place in 2012 by a Pennsylvania State University research team showed interesting results as well. Their study indicated that a child with an active father is more likely to have higher self-esteem when compared to those without one.

One of these beautiful interactions can be seen in a heartwarming video posted on Facebook by Laura Richardson. It may not be very long, but it says so much about the relationship between her husband and their adorable daughter.

Mommy takes a video while her daughter Keeton stands on a counter wearing pink PJ’s covered in giraffes. Daddy stands behind her supporting his daughter to keep her safe while she watches herself and dad in the bathroom mirror.

That’s when the daddy and daughter duo start one of the cutest duets ever to grace the internet! The pair sings together their own rendition of The Temptations’ “My Girl” and it couldn’t be any better!

Things may have gotten off to a rocky start, but the two get into it quickly and the cuteness begins. Daddy busts out the first line of “I got sunshine,” while his daughter listens in. On cue, she belts out, “Cloouuddy day!” as the parents stand by in awe. Keeton sways to the duet while her daddy holds her hands and away she goes!

Daddy continues cueing Keeton with the first few words of each line and she sings out the rest herself! Her falsetto may not be perfect and the lyrics may not always be accurate, but the song is perfect just the way it is!

As daddy dances, Keeton sings, “My girl,” and the internet couldn’t be more delighted. Whatever words she may add to the song just add to the cuteness! She’s rocking out to Motown with her Daddy and everyone loves it.

Daddy truly is proud of his girl and the internet can see the love in his eyes! As a doting dad, he’s one of the luckiest people in the world.

Do you like singing and being goofy with your kids? Let us know in the comments! If you love this daddy-daughter duet as much as we here at APost do, show it to your friends and family to brighten their day.