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Beautiful Little Lara With Her Enchanting Blue Eyes


In a world brimming with youthful wonder and innocence, there’s a tiny spark of magic named Lara. Her enchanting blue eyes, like two sapphires glistening in the sunlight, hold the universe’s mysteries within them. Every time she gazes into the camera, a captivating story unfolds.

Lara’s eyes are more than just a shade of blue; they are a portal to a realm of dreams and curiosity. They reflect the boundless curiosity of a child, the beauty of unspoiled innocence, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.



With each glance into the lens, Lara’s spirit shines through, captivating the hearts of all who have the privilege of seeing her. Her eyes, as deep as the ocean and as bright as the sky, reveal the unspoken dreams and aspirations of a beautiful little soul.

In her gaze, you’ll find a reminder of the simple joys in life, the art of finding wonder in the everyday, and the profound beauty that can be found in the eyes of a child. Beautiful little Lara, with her blue eyes, reminds us all to treasure the enchanting moments that make life truly magical.

66-year-old mom gave birth to twin boys and was called selfish by her own family


66-year-old mom gave birth to twin boys and was called selfish by her own family
Motherhood is a truly unique and special responsibility, one quite literally as old as our species is.

Becoming a mother is one of those life-changing things that sometimes comes by surprise, other times is the result of years of patiently waiting. Regardless of what form it takes, the one thing we should all agree on is that it is always a blessing.

For the most part, none of us can predict when we might become a parent. We can do our best to make it happen – if it’s what we want – but life has ever been, and will always be, unpredictable.

Some women become mothers young, bringing new life into the world while they’re still in their teens. Others fall pregnant later on in their own lives. Others, sadly, face problems that mean they might never get to deliver a baby of their own blood.

Of course, there is no right or wrong way. All babies should be celebrated, just as all mothers should be championed for the awe-inspiring journey they and their bodies go through in the process of creating another human being.

5. Maria del Carmen Bousada de LaraMaria del Carmen Bousada de Lara was the world’s oldest mother when she gave birth…
Posted by Top10BD on Sunday, June 4, 2017
Some women, though, like Maria Carmen del Bousada, who lived in Cadiz, Spain, face scorn, sometimes even oppression, for their decisions concerning when or how to have a baby.

Back in 2006, Maria revealed her family were shocked when she told them she was pregnant with twins.

Why? Because she was 66 years old.

El récord de la madre viva de mayor edad lo posee María del Carmen Bousada Lara de España, fue madre a los 66 años y 358 días en el 2006.
Posted by La Arboleda Residencial on Wednesday, April 24, 2013
According to reports, Maria, a retired store employee, sold her house to be able to afford IVF treatment that would enable her to fall pregnant despite her years. She is said to have lied to doctors at a fertility clinic in California, telling them she was 55.

It was Maria’s belief that everyone should be able to choose when they want to start a family, instead of being pressured into it by society or the expectations of others.

As per The Guardian newspaper, she said at the time: “Often circumstances put you between a rock and a hard place, and maybe things shouldn’t have been done in the way they were done, but that was the only way to achieve the thing I had always dreamed of.”

Naturally, not everyone agreed with her.

Chief among her critics were members of her own family, who labeled her selfish. Maria even said that she had hidden her pregnancy for a time, and that her relatives thought she was joking when she decided to tell them.

In 2006, Maria gave birth to a set of healthy twin boys, Christian and Pau, becoming the oldest mom in the world in the process.

Tragically, though, she would not get to see them grow up. Just six months after giving birth, the new mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

“They’re still babies, so I haven’t told them,” she said at the time. “They’re too young for these things.”

In a turn of events, Maria’s family was forced to step in and assist her in the raising of Christian and Pau. The retired mom passed away in 2009, only getting to enjoy a few short years with her boys.

Maria’s brother Ricardo commented: “I think she has done this too late in life … but now they are here. We love these beautiful boys.”

Not only that, but Pilar Pinto, a resident of Cadiz, where Maria lived, provided an update on how life is going for Christian and Pau.

“They are being well taken care of and are in great shape,” he said. “I see them here often in town.”

Pinto added: “God didn’t let her enjoy her children very much. He should have given her more time.”

For her part, Maria remained resolute to the very end with regards to her decision to have children later in life.

Such a beautiful story. I don’t know about you, but I think all women should reserve the right to decide when they want to have children.

What do you think about Maria’s decision to have babies in her 60s? Let us know your thoughts in the comments box on Facebook.

Meanwhile, share this article on social media to help us keep the debate going. Rest in peace, Maria!

2-year-old can’t contain his excitement after seeing mom walking down aisle, steals the show


Walking down the aisle to her beloved is the most important moment for any bride. The moments before your walk down the aisle, you usually experience a jumble of emotions.

It is not uncommon for the groom to see his bride coming toward him and shed a few tears because of the immense emotions he feels. But in this story, it wasn’t just the groom who felt intense emotions at seeing the bride…


Kristie Mihelich was all set for her big day, wearing her gorgeous wedding dress and with everything perfectly in place. The Troy, Michigan native has several reasons to remember her wedding day; all of them heartwarming.


Jane Fonda, 86, stuns at the Cannes Film Festival, but fans can’t ignore glaring detail
Kristie was set to marry Bobby Mihelich on April 22 at the Planterra Conservatory in West Bloomfield, Michigan. The couple had been planning their wedding for a while.

And while you can plan everything down to the last detail, sometimes something just might surprise you. And in this case, the surprise was the couple’s two-year-old son, Pierson.



When the bride appeared at the start of the aisle, it wasn’t only her groom, (who is also Pierson’s dad) getting emotional. The two-year-old saw his mother in her beautiful all-white wedding gown and let out a shout.

He then ran down the aisle towards his mom with his arms spread wide to greet his mother.


“They both see me down at the aisle and their jaws dropped and he said, ‘Huh?’ like he was like, ‘Hi mom!’ and he shook both of his hands vigorously and then he just bolts toward me,” Kristie Mihelich said in an interview later.

Kristie continued, “It was the sweetest thing. I thought that he would just stand there and wait for me but no, he was running to his mommy.”

Her son Pierson, who she lovingly calls ‘Piercy,’ apparently made a lot of people happy since Kristie says the video has been shared countless times, and she has been inundated with dozens of kind messages.


She shared in an interview that originally she and her husband had wanted Pierson to be the ring bearer but at the rehearsal dinner, it wasn’t happening because the two-year-old was more interested in running around and being a kid.

Kristie shared that she reminded herself that it doesn’t matter as long as Pierson is present, it would still be special.

She said, “It was just like a dream come true. I mean, I couldn’t have painted a better picture for a perfect day. And literally, it was like a movie.”


And much like a movie, it was all caught on film by her best friend and photographer who is behind Orange Blossoms Photography.

Kristie shared that Pierson has quite a personality and loves showmanship. The two-year-old apparently kept the party going after the ceremony too, because according to his mom he did not leave the dance floor till midnight!

His mother could not be prouder of her son and now viral sensation. As for Pierson’s plans after his viral stardom, he plans on having a great time at his birthday this weekend as the toddler turns 3-years-old!

Luckily, the adorable moment Pierson laid eyes on his mother standing at the start of the aisle was caught on film and immortalized forever.


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Baby born with full head of gray hair wins the hearts of all around him


Baby born with full head of gray hair wins the hearts of all around him
The advancement of technology today means most moms-to-be in the Western world can see remarkable 3D images of their babies while they’re still growing in the womb.

There’s very little wondering about what your baby will look like and the sex anymore thanks to these amazing scans.

But what doctors can’t show is your baby’s coloring, how much hair they’ll have, and the color of their eyes.

When baby Bence was born on the 2nd Day of Christmas in 2015, at a hospital in Székesfehérvár, Hungary. When he arrived, the little boy left his parents shocked and doctors scratching their heads.

This sweet bundle of joy was not only born with a full head of hair, but his hair was milk-white.



The newborn was soon met with laughter in the delivery room. No one at the hospital had ever seen a baby with such white hair.

As the third child born to his parents, they wondered what the reason could be for this real-life Benjamin Button as doctors ran a series of tests to determine the cause.

But Baby Bence was born a healthy 12-pound baby and as a chilled little bundle, there was no sign that he was in any discomfort.

While his parents Tamas and Klaudia were overjoyed at the arrival of their happy, healthy baby, doctors were ruling out a number of possible causes, including albinism, the genetic disorder that causes the skin, hair, or eyes to have little or no color.

Other possible explanations were stress or anxiety triggered by the mother during pregnancy, but this was also ruled out.

“According to doctors, white hair in babies is in fact usually associated with genetics. Often, it can be caused by vitamin B12 deficiency or even mutant hair cells,” eternallifestyle.com reports.

But whatever the reason for this rare coloring Baby Bence is winning the hearts of not just the internet but also hospital staff who have nicknamed this beautiful baby “Prince Charming”.



The daddy, Tamás, revealed to a local newspaper that neither parent has white hair — although Tamás was blond until he was three.

But he was nowhere near as bright as Bence, whose eyebrows and eyelashes didn’t show because they were so bright.

See more of this adorable boy in the clip below.

Please share if you too are in love with this gorgeous bundle! We wish him a happy and healthy future.

105-year-old meets great-great-granddaughter for the first time as 5 generations meet


105-year-old meets great-great-granddaughter for the first time as 5 generations meet
Today’s world can be so intense and full of distractions that we forget to spend time with those most important to us.

Maintaining healthy relationships with family member is, of course, of paramount importance. After all, family are usually the folks that have your back no matter what.

Even so, making the time to see distant relatives can sometimes, unfortunately, be something you pass up on.

Not so for Annie Berry, who celebrated her 105th birthday in January 2019.

Barry was recently visited by all FIVE generations of her family at the Genesis Larkin Chase Center in Bowie, Maryland. It was time for Barry to welcome the latest addition to her huge clan: her great-great-granddaughter, Olivia.



Annie Whisettse Berry could be a supercentenarian? The chance of reaching the ripe old age of 110 are within her…

Berry was born in Meridian, Mississippi, in 1914, a period in history where racism and segregation were rife. She recalled picking cotton and shucking corn during her early days, and she’s seen the world change several times.

Of course, the world Olivia will grow up in is markedly different to the one Berry faced (which is unsurprising given their 105 year age gap).

Posted by Anne Sewell on Sunday, February 24, 2019
Berry attributes her long life to “obedience to the Lord,” while she set out a clear line of instruction for baby Olivia: “I’d like for her to be kind and loving and do what mother says to do.”



Well, Annie Berry certainly deserves some respect and praise. How wonderful it is that Olivia will grow up knowing that she got to meet her great-great-grandmother!

Help us pay tribute to this wonderful woman by sharing this article on Facebook.

Single mom takes in abandoned baby girl – has no idea she’s the biological sister of her son


Single mom takes in abandoned baby girl – has no idea she’s the biological sister of her son
When one woman’s marriage came to an abrupt end she was in her early 30s and felt like she had no direction.

Katie Page moved into a new home in Colorado and changed her career but still felt like there was something missing – until she received an email from her pastor.

He asked Katie if she was interested in fostering a child. Katie had experienced fertility issues in the past and had considered adoption so decided to find out more about fostering.

She started attending meetings about fostering and knew this was the path for her. She then went on to foster four children before taking the leap into adoption.

In 2016 she learned about a 4-day-old boy who had been dropped off at a local hospital who had no name.

She called him Grayson and took him in; baby Grayson stayed with her for nearly 12 months and Katie fell in love with this little boy.

After the court terminated the parents’ birth rights Katie adopted Grayson when he was 11 months old.

As Katie settled into full-blown motherhood it wasn’t even two weeks before her caseworker called again and told her about a newborn girl who had been dropped off at the same hospital.

Katie felt scared and overwhelmed by the prospect of taking in another baby but her instinct was telling her to take this baby girl in.

“I know over the next 10 minutes and subsequent phone calls I made that afternoon, the phrase ‘I know I am crazy, but God is telling me to say ‘YES’ kept coming out of my mouth,” Katie said.

It was only a matter of hours before baby Hannah was brought to Katie’s house but it was when Katie was looking at Hannah’s hospital bracelet did she make a startling discovery.

The new mom noticed the birth mother’s name on Hannah’s bracelet was the same as Grayson’s, she then checked Hannah’s adoption papers and the mom’s birth date also matched but her two babies looked completely different.

“Grayson is half African American with beautiful darker skin and dark curly hair,” Katie wrote on her blog. “Baby Girl has a pale white skin tone with straight red-blonde hair.”

Katie tracked down her children’s birth mother and arranged a DNA test which confirmed Grayson and Hannah were in fact half siblings.

“What if Baby Girl had gone to another family?” Katie asked in her blog post. “We would have never found her or Grayson’s mother. The connection would have never been made! I could not believe the miracle that had just happened.”

“That day I said ‘Yes’ to taking the Baby Girl I felt the strangest feeling ever. I don’t think I had truly until that moment felt a undeniable calling from God (or whatever higher spirit you personally might believe in).

“My brain was telling me to say ‘no’ because it made no sense and was not in my plans, but something inside kept saying you have to say ‘YES’. It is a sheer miracle, once in a lifetime chance… call it what you will, but it is amazing that my children found each other.”

Katie has continued on her single-mother journey of fostering and adoption and with more than 90,000 followers on her Instagram page she is a true inspiration describing herself as a “perfectionist making the most of my very imperfect life.”

The mom has even found love and adopted another baby, their little brother Jackson. Now she is fostering a teenager and sharing the challenges and excitement on her social media and YouTube pages.

What an amazing woman and mother and a great reminder to follow our hearts more; for Katie it’s meant the path the true happiness.

Please share if you too loved Katie’s journey.

Teen returns lost bag full of cash to owner after finding it at grocery store – restores faith in younger generation


It is always nice to remember that sometimes strangers can be kind. With everything going wrong in the world, reading a story about kindness towards strangers really helps restore your faith in humanity!

Eliana Martin was doing a normal day of shopping at Ralphs. As she arrived home from the Chula Vista grocery store, she realized she had left her wallet behind.

Panicked, she immediately did what everyone tells you to do if you lose your wallet; cancel your credit cards. She canceled her cards and remembered she had left her bag in the shopping card she had used while at the store.


But luckily for her, the person who spotted her bag only had honest intentions. Adrian Rodriguez saw the bag and not for a second thought about keeping it.

“My first thought was to give it back. I was debating whether I should take it back to the store or just bring it [to her], and I just brought it,” he said.

He decided on handing the bag over to Martin himself instead of handing it over to the store. He found her address in the contents of her bag and went over to her place.

He rang the doorbell and handed Martin’s bag over to one of her relatives and left.

Martin later recalled feeling surprised at seeing Adrian in the ring video at her door, holding her bag to return it to its rightful owner.

Impressed by his honesty, Martin’s friend, Melina Marquez, said, “We should find him, so we can give him a little gratitude.”


Both the women met Rodriguez to thank him in person. Marquez said to him, “As soon as I saw his actions, I was like, ‘I hope my son grows up to be just like him.’ The values his parents were teaching him, I’m just glad he kept that.”

Adrian was surprised at their gratitude and revealed that he had not really expected anything in return. He said, “I didn’t expect nothing back, honestly. I just gave back her purse.”

The women are now organizing a GoFundMe campaign to raise money to reward the young man’s good actions. Their goal was to raise $1000 but they managed to raise more than twice as much!

Captivating Moments With A Cute Baby Blessed With Beautiful Blue Eyes


In the gentle cradle of infancy, behold a vision of pure enchantment – a cute baby with the most captivating blue eyes that seem to hold the universe in their gaze. Every glance from those azure orbs tells a story of innocence, curiosity, and the boundless wonders of a new life.

The cherubic face of this little one is a canvas of delight, framed by tiny features that embody the essence of adorableness. However, it’s the eyes that steal the spotlight, sparkling like sapphires and drawing anyone fortunate enough to witness their brilliance into a world of wonder.

As the baby explores the world with wide-eyed curiosity, each blink reveals a twinkle that mirrors the joy of discovery. The blue eyes, like windows to a soul still untouched by the complexities of life, reflect the purity and authenticity that only infancy can bring.



In the quiet moments of cuddles and lullabies, those captivating blue eyes meet the loving gazes of parents, creating a connection that transcends words. It’s a language of love spoken through the gaze of innocence, a silent communication that forms the foundation of an unbreakable bond.

Photographs of this cute baby, with those mesmerizing blue eyes taking center stage, become timeless treasures capturing fleeting moments of wonder and discovery. Whether bathed in natural sunlight or adorned with a hint of mischief, each snapshot becomes a testament to the beauty of simplicity.

In a world that often rushes by, the presence of this adorable baby serves as a gentle reminder to pause, appreciate, and marvel at the small miracles around us. For in those radiant blue eyes, we find a reflection of the magic inherent in every new beginning.

The teacher visited a child who had not been to school and what she saw was amazing


The teacher visited the child who was out of school, and what he witnessed was astonishing. A teacher noticed that one of her students was frequently absent from class and decided to visit him. But he didn’t know that what he discovered would change their lives forever. When she entered the boy’s house, she saw him taking care of his sister by himself.

Then they started talking and when the teacher asked where his father was, the son started crying. It turns out that the child’s father died and his mother also died of a heart attack. The children were under the care of their grandmother, who provided support. The house was completely empty and the milk bottle was on the kitchen table.When the teacher arrived, the boy served him tea, while the teacher prepared food and juice for the boy. Over time, they became very close to each other.


The teacher frequently visited her home and baked bread for her children.
One day, the teacher noticed a photo on the wall of her room, and she asked the boy, to which she replied that I had taken the photo. The woman couldn’t believe how amazing her eyes were. years later, her children’s grandmother died and her teacher adopted her. Growing up, the boy became a famous photographer.

After Adopting Triplets, Couple Gets A Surprising Call From The Doctor About Wife’s Sonogram


When it rains, it pours. That’s how Tulsa, Oklahoma, couple Andy and Sarah Justice feel about the last year. This couple has gone from struggling to conceive to the proud parents of FIVE bouncing bundles of joy.

The Justices spent years trying to grow their family. It seemed like pregnancy wasn’t part of the plan for them. They visited a fertility specialist, but couldn’t believe how much it would cost. IVF treatment was going to rack up a bill of more than $50,000 — and it wouldn’t even guarantee them a baby.

With heavy hearts, the Justices moved to the next step in their plan. If they couldn’t conceive, it didn’t matter. They would still be parents. The family of two went through the adoption process and officially matched with a birthmother.


They didn’t realize they weren’t done growing yet! When Sarah and Andy went to the doctor with the woman whose babies they’d adopt, they got a big surprise. The woman wasn’t pregnant with one baby, or twins, but triplets!


Some adoptive parents would have backed out of the deal. Raising three infants is too big of a task for some. The Justices weren’t willing to do that. They hugged the birthmother and promised to take care of all her babies.

Everything seemed to be going well. Sarah and Andy named their three new babies: Joey, Hannah and Elizabeth. The babies had to spend a few days in the NICU, but they were healthy. That’s when the Justices got the phone call that changed everything.

In a shocking twist, now Sarah was pregnant. This new mom-of-three was about to be a mom again! Sarah and Andy were thrilled and headed to the doctor to get Sarah checked out. Then they got yet another surprise.


Sarah was pregnant with twins. It’s almost unbelievable, but these sonograms show the truth of the Justice’s story. Now, Sarah and Andy are raising all five babies with help from their community. The Eastland Baptist Church community has donated food, babysitting services and diapers. The Justices need this help, since they go through 300 diapers every single week. That’s at least 40 diaper changes a day, but Sarah and Andy aren’t complaining.