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Little Girl Cries Listening To Andrea Bocelli And Elmo, Mom Has Camera Ready


Music has such incredible power to stir emotion. Think of the last time you heard your favorite song; or, how fast household chores went when you played an album you hadn’t heard in ages. And, what about that haunting theme track you came across in a movie that sent chills down your spine? Your wedding song? Your happy dance song? Any little ditty that gets stuck in your head and adds a little pep to your step, or makes you stop what you’re doing and take a walk down memory lane – that’s the true beauty of music, a universal language that speaks to everyone, young or old!

The producers of “Sesame Street” had a stroke of genius when they thought up the idea to bring Andrea Bocelli in as a special guest. Alongside Elmo, his classic “Time to Say Goodbye” was reimagined to become “Time to Say Goodnight” in a delightfully sweet part of the show to help encourage bedtime for kids. The appearance shows Andrea trying to tuck Elmo in at nighttime, but the beloved red fuzzy character is reluctant, insisting that he’s not tired.

And so, Andrea breaks into his song, a lullaby to help Elmo fall asleep, and it’s beautiful. Andrea’s heavenly voice speaks to the soul to the point where he is able to elicit such emotion from anyone (and mostly everyone!) who watches this episode, like this mom and her little girl.



In the video, mom is on the couch with her adorable little girl, watching Andrea and Elmo on TV. Mom is recording her daughter’s emotional reaction from start to finish and it’s absolutely precious. The girl’s eyes are glued to the screen all the way through as she experiences a range of emotion. At first, she is transfixed, appearing curious and clearly enjoying what she’s watching. As Andrea starts to sing, she leans forward a little more, looking mesmerized, hardly blinking! Her lip is pouted out a bit as she breaks her stare to give mom a look. At this point, she’s on the brink of tears, for no reason other than being emotionally engaged.

This little girl is dealing with some complex emotions, trying to filter through the beauty and haunting tone of the song she’s hearing. In the end, she is full on crying, as her mom brings her in closer for a hug, saying, “Poor baby, come here. It’s ok.” She just had her first soul-stirring experience! This toddler is an old soul from another time and place with a deeply loving, poetic heart! She appreciates heartfelt music and can pick up on some of the more complicated emotions even some of us adults struggle with. What a cutie! I hope she gets a big hug and lots of love and continues to develop a better understanding of how emotions and feelings work!

Click below to watch this sweet little girl get a taste of how evocative music can be!

Toddler Takes Hot Seat In Delightful Interview After Twin Siblings Born—It’s Hilariously Cute


Welcome to the complicated life of a 1-year-old – busy schedules, mood swings, mixed emotions, fluctuating stress levels and oh-so-much more. Just in case you needed a real-life example of what happens when you’re on such a tight timeline and how tough life can really be, we’re sharing a little special someone with you. Meet Julianna, a one-year-old who’s almost tired of her daily routine, and almost seems overwhelmed with some new additions to her family; she opens up about her home life and how she’s adjusting to new family changes, in a candid interview with YouTuber Sean Cannell.

This super cute interview discusses Julianna’s changing home life – mom and dad just brought home twin sisters, Miya and Keira. Sean opens the conversation by establishing his concern for his friend Julianna who is feeling some of the downsides of no longer being an only child; there’s less attention, more sharing, and the overall getting used to having two more tiny humans around! Remember the good old days when it used to be just you, mom, and dad?

Sean sits down with Julianna to get a better look to see how she’s coping and get “the real story from her perspective.” After all, being big sis comes with a whole new set of responsibilities.



The popular YouTuber writes the interview to poke fun at being serious, but with a cutie like Julianna, the whole set up is just adorable. It’s cuteness overload, as he methodically asks her some revealing questions. She can’t fully answer yet (although she’s pretty good at expressing herself for a 17-month-old), so interpreting what she’s trying to convey through her actions and muffled words end up being highly entertaining with the imposed subtitles.

Catch Julianna divulging her ideal home situation, how she thinks Mommy and Daddy made the twins, and what her art therapy results say about herself in this creatively packaged interview. This girl is a sweetie pie!

This Toddler ‘Arguing’ With Mom Is Absolutely Adorable In Any Language


This video of a toddler ‘arguing’ with her mom will make you giggle and it’s absolutely adorable in any language. Even though this video is in Spanish, it needs absolutely no translation. Moms everywhere know exactly what is about to go down.

It’s a tale as old as time. All moms around the world want toddlers to eat healthy, nutritious foods. And the toddler argues with moms that those healthy foods really aren’t necessary!

It’s time for lunch in Argentina for little Angelina. Her mom created a simple, yet highly nutritious meal for her daughter. But this sweet little toddler isn’t having it despite her loving mama cutting up all kinds of fruits and veggies for Angelina to sample.

Toddler Argues With Mom About Food
As the mother explains to her daughter why she needs to eat nutritious food, Angelina emphatically tells her no. The toddler is arguing with her mom as if to say, “Aren’t you adorable thinking I would eat those peas but in case I didn’t convince you the first time I said, no, here’s another no thank you!”

RELATED: 8-Year-Old Does Impression Of Her Mom Working From Home And Completely Nails It



Mom continues to list all the good things like potatoes, yogurt, and bananas, Angelina just listens and waits for her turn to tell her mom with a shrug of her shoulders and a “what can you do” gesture with her hands. It seems as if that’s the end of the conversation until Angelina spots the camera and hams it up.

She smiles and starts talking to her mom as if to say, “Oh! So now we need to document this moment, eh? Let’s document how well I can clearly communicate the word, ‘no.'” The exchange between the pair results in one of the most adorable videos has moms groaning over the truth and giggling at the same time. Clearly the struggle is real, said every mom ever!

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Big Sister Cries Meeting New Baby For The First Time


Watch this clip of a precious big sister as she holds her tiny baby brother during their first meeting. Her soft, fluffy hands are those of a toddler; she’s still so little herself. But, as she leans her sweet head next to the baby’s, she is experiencing a whole lotta little girl emotion! She’s not angry, throwing a fit, jealous, fussy, or sleepy, but she might be a little bit overwhelmed. Little one is just in love!


Though not pouting, her lower lip is pushed out. And it looks like her beautiful watery eyes spill a few drops onto Baby Boy. She whimpers a bit, and someone in the room assures her that it’s okay.

She lifts her head and says something not quite discernable. Then, she gently pats her little brother’s face a time or two and lightly wipes her damp hand on the sheet that’s wrapped around the infant. It is a touching moment—one Mom and Dad are sure to remember for a long, long time. Maybe, Sis will as well!


We sometimes forget how deeply little ones and children feel because we can’t always see or observe the feelings. They can’t always communicate their feelings in ways that we adults recognize. But, there is no confusion about this demonstration of emotion.

The two little ones are nestled together on bedding that has giraffes, whales, kitty cats, and more. Also visible on the comforter are the words “cutie” and “happy baby.” Check and double-check! Sometimes toddlers aren’t thrilled to have a new one enter the home, but this little sweetheart seems completely on board with her new family member and cuddle partner!

Family Rejoices As They Welcome First Baby Girl In 138 Years


One couple welcomed a beautiful baby girl, breaking a family’s impressive streak of nearly 140 years of only baby boys.

Children are precious blessings from the Lord above. Parents and those people expecting want their children to arrive happy and healthy, which is a given. However, parents, prior to learning of their baby’s sex, likely secretly wish for a boy over a girl or vice versa.




One Michigan woman desperately wanted a little baby girl, but given the history of her husband’s family, the odds were not in her favor. Not since 1885 had a girl been born in Andrew Clark’s family, according to People.

When Andrew broke the news to Carolyn, his wife, about his family’s history, she thought it was a joke at first.

“He was like, ‘Oh, we don’t, we don’t have girls,'” she said. “And I’m like, ‘Ok.’ Like, I thought he was just messing with me.”

RELATED: Uncle’s Silly Voices Have Baby Laughing Hysterically As He Reads Her A Story

Despite the odds being heavily against her, Carolyn said she was going to be the one to break the baby girl drought in Andrew’s family. They began trying and they ended up pregnant. Carolyn and Andrew became the happy parents of a beautiful baby boy, Cameron, according to News Center Maine.


Andrew and Carolyn began trying again, but sadly this time the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage in January 2021, which Carolyn mentioned was the couple’s second.

A little more than a year later, Andrew and Carolyn found out they were having another baby. This would be the baby that would for sure break the 138-year-old streak, right?

The Couple Used Cookies and Frosting To Share the Good News of Their Baby Girl
Well, Carolyn explained how she and Andrew revealed the baby’s sex to their family at a gender reveal party using cookies.

“We, you know, did a countdown,” Carolyn said. “Three-two-one and we all took a bite.”

The bite revealed the pink frosting inside the baked goods. Carolyn and Andrew were going to have a baby girl.

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On March 17, Audrey Marie Clark entered the world.

“It was just joy,” Carolyn said. “You know, just that she was here and healthy.”

Carolyn later added, “I got my girl.”

Psalm 127:3 “See, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”

WATCH: Couple Explains Family’s Long Streak of No Baby Girl Births

3 Little Boys Light Up Stage With Beyonce Ballad – Steve Harvey’s Face Says It All


They say power is in numbers, and these three have certainly got it! And while Beyonce isn’t the only one, she is a seasoned vet in the music industry. The rest of us need a little support on our way up! From her humble beginnings into the superstar she is, having conquered music, fashion, motherhood and more, she’s unstoppable by all means! She’s an inspiration for men, women, little girls and little boys around the world.

Making a grand debut on “Little Big Shots,” with Steve Harvey as their number one fan, Francis Concepcion, Mackie Empuerto and Kiefer Sanchez, together, make up TNT, a trio of singing boys from the Philippines; they chose to sing a song, by none other than Queen Bee herself, Beyonce’s “Listen” from “Dreamgirls.” Now, can you imagine a group of little boys coming on stage and belting out a Beyonce tune? Yup, me neither. But, it happened, and we’re so glad it did!

These three Mini Beys live up to their name TNT – they are dynamite! Small in size but big in presence and voices, this is TNT’s once-in-a-lifetime shot to make their voices heard and their name known. And with a song choice like this to show off their talent, there’s no doubt they’re going to go far!



The video starts with Steve introducing the adorable trio. They are occupying different parts of the stage as the middle boy opens the first verse. His voice is smooth and meaningful, and he looks like he’s 7-years-old! The second boy takes over, and he sounds equally as good. The crowd cheers! The third boy chimes in and takes it up a notch, singing a little higher and with some attitude! 
It’s at this point that Steve is totally wowed by the group – the expression on his face says it all. But wait, it gets better!

After the chorus, the three voices come together and harmonize on top of one another to produce an effect that is staggering! There is so much power and force coming from these three little boys, it’s mesmerizing. They’re a whirlwind of talent and they take this song to the next level. Beyonce has got to be proud!

Have you seen other performances by this group? If not, you’re missing out! Tune in to some of the other amazing routines they’ve performed!

In the meantime, click below to watch TNT light it up on stage.

12-Year-Old Instantly Charms Judges With A Powerful Voice They Thought He Didn’t Have


Most 12-year-olds are just starting to understand what they really like and dislike. It’s around this age that they know that soccer is no longer for them and that they’d rather get a new bike and bike around the neighborhood, or to their friends’ houses. At 12, kids usually don’t do much other than going to school, the occasional extra-curricular activity outside of school, and watch TV or play games on the iPad. Right?

Whereas a lot of kids are still trying to figure life out, and we don’t blame them because they’re still so young, there are others who have a lot figured out, including their passions and what they want to pursue in their life. They have their career goals down pat and some are well on their way to achieving these goals. Do you need an example of one such 12-year-old? Enter, Angel Garcia.



Angel is from California and he loves to sing. He’s passionate about music and went on “America’s Got Talent” to prove to the judges, and the audience, that he’s got what it takes to be successful. Well, does he? That’s up to the four judges and us as an audience to decide.

The boy takes the stage looking sharp — he’s dressed in black pants and a purple tee-shirt, and a black leather jacket; adding a little bit of oomph to his outfit are the red shoes he’s wearing, so cute! Although he looks nervous, he walks onto the stage and stands right in front of the judges, ready to take them on. He’s wearing his glasses and a huge smile on his face. There is a little bit of back and forth between Angel and the judges and then it’s time for him to start his performance.

The music comes on and you instantly recognize it as the instrumental version of “El Triste,” also known as “The Sad One,” in Spanish. For everyone who was expecting Angel to belt out a squeaky, underdeveloped voice was proved wrong almost immediately. The 12-year-old boy comes out with a voice that blew everyone away. He sounds strong, confident, and mature. Angel doesn’t sound like a preteen at all. He sounds like he’s a veteran at singing! His talent is quite remarkable and he left the room in a haze.

Click on the link below to catch Angel’s mindblowing performance on the “America’s Got Talent” stage. Do you think he’s got what it takes to win?

Excited Toddler Talks To Husky. Seconds Later, They’re Having A Heated Conversation.


Having a friend that gets you is the best. Someone you can fully be yourself with and in front of, without holding back or feeling like you might be judged. These are rare friendships to find, and when you do, you have to hold on tight!


For example, although I have a large circle of friends, I don’t think I can be myself around each and every one of them. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who feels this way. It doesn’t mean that I feel differently about one friend versus the other, it’s just the comfort level we have with some over others. There are just some special friendships that have a certain spark and you can feel it.

The one that we’re about to show you below is a friendship just like that, and it’s so sweet to see a dog being tender with a small child. Especially a big dog! The fact that Phoenix, the Siberian Husky, is so gentle and patient, makes this video just so much more heartwarming to watch. Little Garrett, wearing nothing but a diaper and a Batman shirt, is adorably jumping up and down, giggling like there’s no tomorrow!


He’s smiley and laughing, and his face is filled with joy from ear to ear. Garrett’s squeals are delightful, and they’re mirrored by Phoenix who’s lying on the ground, transfixed by the toddler’s happy behavior. Phoenix is in total awe, and also contributing to the conversation, by adding in some of his own squeals and howls.

This happens between dogs and babies all the time. They will go on and on, chatting up a storm. The best thing about this is that both parties are completely comfortable talking away without a care in the world with what those around them will think. No one can understand them, after all.

And just like that, these two are completely engaged in a conversation no one else will ever understand. Maybe mom and dad can show the baby the clip when he’s older, and he can provide some insight? But for now, it’s a private chat between these two friends.


Maybe they’re planning to take over the world, or in the middle of deciding what color the walls should be painted. Maybe it’s about Phoenix wanting a belly rub or Garett wanting the husky to get up and dance with him. We’ll never know, and it’s just so darn cute, we don’t need to!

Click below to eavesdrop on the cutest convo you’ll come across today!

2 Kids Sing “You Raise Me Up” And Then Hundreds More Join In


When a song can evoke such deep and intense emotion that resonates with different kinds of people from every corner of the world, there’s bound to be multiple covers! From the words to the melody to the way the song naturally flows and leaves a lasting impression, you know you have a hit on your hands when people are racing to sing it.

The song “You Raise Me Up” has been performed by countless professional and non-professional singers. First made famous by Josh Groban in 2003, the song has garnered international appeal and renditions, most notably from Irish band Westlife.


At the 2017 Miss World Pageant held in Sanya, China, there was a lot of beauty and talent on display for the world to see! But beside the 117 glimmering contestants, two child performers really stuck out. Jeffrey Li, 10, and Celine Tam, 7, are two little powerhouses that walked on stage to blow everyone away.

Don’t let their stature and age fool you. These two kids have pipes that rival some of the greats! With so much potential and passion, this is only the beginning for Jeffrey and Celine, and quite honestly, they are on the road to perfection! Jeffrey and Celine are brought onto the massive stage, and introduced before the music starts. The beautiful host in a long, sparkling beige evening gown is on stage with Humanitarian Award Winner, Reverend Father Marciano “Rocky” Evangelista. His work through the Tuloy Foundation has helped thousands of street children in the Phillippines find purpose after their broken start to life. Father Rocky has made “You Raise Me Up” the theme song for the children, and Celine and Jeffrey are brought on stage to sing it for him as a tribute – a beautiful way to thank him for what he has done to give so many lives a second chance.


The kids’ performance is nothing short of breathtaking. Together, their voices are impactful and strong, creating a sense of unison and beauty with their complementing melody and harmony. As if their two voices weren’t enough, the screen behind Jeffrey and Celine lights up with the faces of hundreds of the saved children from the foundation, all together bringing the already emotional song to a whole other level. It’s a truly heartfelt performance for a man who has given his life to helping others in need. The look on his face shows just how much this beautiful performance is pulling at his heartstrings!

Click below to watch Jeffrey and Celine sparkle on stage.

Little girl tells twin she wants to be a teacher and twin gives hilarious ‘retort’


From their comedic takes on airport security to their candid opinions on preschool, these twins have not only amassed a huge following but have also turned their social media presence into a surprisingly lucrative venture.

According to their mother, Katie Stauffer, in an interview with The New York Times, navigating the world of social media with toddlers has been both rewarding and financially beneficial.


“You can’t make 2-year-olds do anything,” she says, highlighting the spontaneous nature of their work.

When the girls are in the mood, they bring to life scripted videos that enchant their audience, creating memorable moments that resonate with their followers.

One such video, capturing a candid conversation about their future career aspirations, has particularly stood out, garnering over 4.8 million views on their mother’s Instagram page.

Not deterred, Emma then considers the possibility of becoming a doctor, only for Mila to remind her of her aversion to blood.

This prompts another candid admission from Emma, agreeing, “Oh yep, I hate blood.”

The sisters’ banter continues, with Emma excitedly proposing the idea of becoming a baker next.

Yet again, Mila’s quick wit shines through as she points out the obvious pitfall in Emma’s new dream job, “You’d eat all the food.”

Emma’s immediate agreement showcases the sisters’ endearing dynamic and their ability to humorously navigate the complexities of choosing a career path at such a young age.


Their exchange goes on, filled with laughter and mutual consolation over the daunting task of making serious life decisions.

The sisters’ ability to engage in such a playful and insightful dialogue, despite their tender age, is what makes their interactions so captivating and relatable.

This delightful back-and-forth between Mila and Emma not only highlights their charming personalities but also underscores the unique bond shared by twins.

The video of Mila and Emma discussing their career options is a testament to the joy and laughter that children can bring into our lives, reminding us of the importance of imagination and the simple pleasures of childhood.

Their spirited dialogue and the genuine connection they share as sisters have endeared them to millions, making their social media presence a source of entertainment and inspiration for people around the world.