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4 Teens Play Impromptu Classical Concert For Cows


I’ve always heard about singing to your plants, and how good it is for them. When you sing with love, they grow tall and happy. When you curse at them, they turn frail and die. I had a friend who did this for his outdoor plants, every day, and they grew sky high. Happy, strong, healthy and blossomed for weeks. Don’t believe me? Even maize seedlings have been shown to turn in different directions based on exposure to specific frequencies. It appears to me that all living things are sensitive to sound.

So have you ever heard of playing classical music for farm animals? Makes sense that they would enjoy it but I’ve never heard of it or seen it until now – and it’s downright adorable.

A group of musical teens from Cleveland, Ohio, USA, packed up their instruments – a guitar, a violin, an oboe – and hit up a local cow farm. “We’re gonna try to play for some animals, make them happy,” says one of the teens. “I’ve never done this before. I play for my dog; she loves it.” I think that’s a pretty good indication of what’s to come!



They all set up their stands, and take out their sheet music. Their instruments are tuned and ready to go. The first teen takes out her violin and starts to play simple chords, when all of a sudden, the first cow makes her move. She edges closer to the pretty sounds she hears, and one of the teens says, “She’s one of the shyer ones,” as she trots over with her ears perking up.

The violinist delves a little deeper into song, playing something a little more structured, and the cow is right up to the fence, lifting her head looking longingly towards the music! Not only does she hear the music – that’s a given – but it seems like she sincerely appreciates and enjoys it!

A fun little sprightly ditty is played on the oboe, and as if on cue, another cow shows up! And another! Then the teens join forces, their instruments playing together in a beautiful song and the cows are loving it – baby cow too! It’s an adorable little cow concert, and so lovely to see how much they enjoy classical music – it’s good for humans, plants and animals too!

Click below to get a front row seat to this musical serenade on the farm!

Little Boy With Paralyzed Vocal Chords Is Given A Voice Box


I have to admit that like most people, there are certain things I take for granted. While I do struggle with some health problems due to chronic illness, I can still see, hear, walk, and talk. For myself, it’s difficult to imagine what life would be like if one of those things was suddenly taken away from me.

But, there are people that live without these things all the time. Fortunately, advances in technology have allowed some of those folks to gain back something that they thought was lost forever. Five-year-old Judah Bittner wasn’t able to speak because of his paralyzed larynx, but a device called the electrolarynx changed everything for this little boy.

Judah and his sister, Annikah, were born 24 weeks early and each weighed just over a pound at birth. Doctors didn’t expect them to live at all, but the infants proved to be fighters and survived despite the odds.


Like many preemies, Judah suffers from many health problems. In 2015 he was hospitalized for several months. Struggling to stay alive, the toddler was given a tracheotomy tube to help him breathe. Unfortunately, the tube that saved his life also damaged Judah’s vocal cords, leaving them paralyzed. Since then, he hasn’t been able to use his voice.

Jessica and Mike Bittner adopted Judah and his sister and are determined to help all of their adopted children thrive as much as they can. At five-years-old, Judah was introduced to the electrolarynx device which allowed him to speak for the first time.

Though he was initially hesitant at finally hearing his own voice, the smile on his face revealed his true happiness. His huge smile lit up the entire room and the video of the event has since gone viral.

His mom shared Judah’s progress with the new device on social media:


“Judah bug is slowly getting used to using his ‘voice box’ or ‘buzzer’! His kindergarten classmates encourage him to use it —which helps! We are still looking to have Judah go through surgeries that would reconstruct his airway. Once his airway is stable and can support his breathing we may be able to remove the trach! And then, finally, we can have the necessary procedures done to try to fix his vocal cord paralysis. It’s a long journey! But he’s a champion! Most electrolarynx users are older than Judah bug. He’s a unique case!”

Watch Judah’s heartwarming first words in the video below!

Little Girl Shows Mom How To Enjoy A Rainy Day As She Suddenly Breaks Into Sweet Song


It’s easy to get a little down when it rains and pass it off as unenjoyable. You get wet and cold and it can ruin plans if you’re outdoors. There goes the picnic you organized. And that poolside BBQ? Raincheck! Some people get bummed out when they see grey skies headed over, thinking about all the things they can’t do and how it imposes on their plans. Nature is nature, and you can’t mess with the weather.

Then other people might be a little disappointed that their beach day got rained out, but decide, “C’est la vie!” and roll with the punches otherwise.

This is the attitude that makes the rain enjoyable! And if not enjoyable, then at least manageable. Even though this little girl is singing “Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day..!” she’s got the right approach. While mom and daughter were outside on a humid day, as with most really humid days, the once bright blue sky darkened, signaling rain is on the way. Instead of running indoors to seek shelter, these two stayed outside to enjoy the cool refreshing downfall.



Mom was able to capture her daughter’s unbridled delight. At first, she’s holding her daughter’s hand as the little girl adorably sings the nursery rhyme into the camera. She’s got her arm extended trying to catch raindrops when she looks over towards the puddle and pauses for a second. That’s when she gets the idea to have a little fun!

And seriously, how fun is it to jump in puddles? This little girl knows exactly how much fun it is because once she lays eyes on the rain falling and collecting right beside her, she lets go of mom’s hand and dances over to splish-splash in the rain. Now she’s jumping up and down, her curls flopping along with her. And she’s still singing!

She’s hopping around and smiling and singing her little song, and making the most of the weather’s change of plans. This act is her rain dance, and it’s just so cute. She carries on for a while too, caught up in her own world, just her and the rain and the puddle.

Click below to watch this child thoroughly enjoy the rainfall. She’s got the right idea, always looking for a rain cloud’s silver lining and not letting a little bit of water get you down for the rest of the day.

Dad Tries To Teach Daughter How To Count To 5, But She’s Created Her Own Version Instead


It’s important to teach your kids how to think outside of the box. By introducing new ways of looking at things, you create connections which foster creativity and free-thinking. It’s a way to find the path of least resistance and to find loopholes to understand better. It’s the learned ability to see things differently, to generates tolerance and to see the bigger picture in an ever-changing world that is constantly expanding. It’s a way to approach learning, understanding and thinking on the spot.

But before you get too far, there are a couple of things you have to know first, like counting to 5. While this little girl sure can think outside of the box, once she nails her numbers, then she can be the wildly imaginative, sassy human she is! After all, you have to know the rules like a pro before you can break the rules like an artist.

This is a hilarious video of a wee thing showing dad she can count. They’re walking through a parking lot on a sunny day, discussing life while mom’s got the camera out. The girl and dad are engrossed in a heated debate on the controversial subject of counting. She’s got it all sorted out, adamant that she knows what she’s doing, except she’s just missing one thing – the number four. While dad, a teacher, tries to tell her she’s doing it wrong, she stands her ground. “No, it’s 1..2…3…5!” she claims, holding all her fingers up.



“NO,” he retorts. “It’s 1…2…3…FOUUUURRRR…5…” But, she doesn’t give up. She looks straight at him and stomps her little foot with her arms waving and her two tiny buns on the top of her head bobbing around. Mom can’t keep a straight face and is trying to muffle her giggles. She even chimes in and says, “Elia, it’s 1…2…3…FOUUUURRRR…5…” to which the steadfast toddler says, “No mommy. It’s 1…2…3…5!” Both parents, in unison, try to tell her otherwise. She is one defiant cutie stuck in her ways!

It’s only at the end, Elia starts to maybe consider that the two big important humans in her life could be right – but only for a second before she reverts to her old way of thinking. “It’s 1…2…3…5 mommy…” until she tries only counting to 4 and then gets it again. Mom and dad both start to cheer!

Click below to see this stubborn little muffin get a quick lesson in counting. Hopefully, it sticks this time!!

Daddy And Toddler Sing “My Girl” In Front Of Mirror And Mom Hits “Record” Just In Time


I’ve always believed it’s the little things that count. Just give a child a gift wrapped in fancy wrapping paper and bows, and watch how he or she will give more attention to the ripped paper than the gift itself! It’s those small defining moments in time that stick to memory, leaving an everlasting impression. Sometimes those moments are nothing more than a minute or two spent doing something silly or daring with someone you love, or stumbling upon something that momentarily moves you, and yet they stick around forever! You may not remember the exact words someone said, but you’ll always remember the way they made you feel.

It’s beautiful moments like this that forge a bond, and add love and light to a child’s memory bank when they’re all grown up. These become some of the fondest memories for both parent and child. Not to mention how much it makes mom swoon when she gets to walk in on this!!



Mom Laura Caperton Richardson made sure she had her camera ready when she opened the door to the bathroom and saw this scene unfold. Dad’s got their sweet little daughter sitting on the bathroom sink in front of the mirror. He’s holding her hands while standing behind her. She looks all washed up and ready for bed, wearing quite possibly the cutest onesie I’ve ever seen in my life (now, if only it came in my size…), and the two start their show.

Dad cues his daughter in with the beginning of The Temptations’ “My Girl” by singing, “I got sunshine.” She jumps right in, mirroring what daddy’s singing. He goes on to start the lyric, and she finishes it off with her tiny, little squeaky voice! But the girl knows it! He starts, “I got sunshine…..” and then she comes in, “…on a cloudy day….”

Then it’s mostly just her, singing along and totally owning the rest of the song as she whips through the lyrics; she even pulls off a few dance moves thanks to dad! They are definitely a dynamic duo. This is such a sweet moment for her to look back on, and it just goes to show how close they are as a family. She is daddy’s little girl and always will be.

Click the video below to watch this little impromptu bedtime dance-off in the mirror. Could there be a better send off to dreamland?!

2 Little Girls Ask Mommy To Play Music When Last Minute “Dancer” Joins In And Gets The Attention So much cuteness in this one.


From the moment I open my eyes in the morning, it’s go time. I’m pretty good at resisting the urge to hit snooze, mostly because before turning off the lights the night before, I calculate down to the last possible minute the time I have to sleep in. I also try to welcome the new day with a positive attitude. Sure, coffee helps. A lot. But it’s also about having a nice wake-up call or alarm. Chances are, if you’ve woken up to your favorite piece of music, you’ll start your day off far better than if you were to snap your eyes open to the sound of a drilling fire alarm!

This video so perfectly shows how it should feel to wake up every morning. Ok, at least every Friday morning! This little girl is beyond adorable, and she’s definitely doing something right!

Mom is in the middle row of the family van while her three girls ages, 3, 2,1 are strapped into their kid seats in the back. The littlest one in the far left corner is fast asleep while her two older sisters are awake and eager for mom to play music. The eldest, to the front and right, says, “Turn it up…” The two are ready to dance in their seats. They’re jittery and excited and just want to hear their favorite song to make their day!



Seconds later, the famous instrumental theme from Beverly Hills Cop comes on, and the two little girls go bonkers! They are over the top adorable dancing in their seats with the biggest smiles across their faces! The music is loud and the girls are getting their groove on, wiggling from side to side. And yet their sister is gone to the world, dreaming little girl dreams somewhere far away.

Or is she? It’s not seconds into the music and this little angel opens her eyes, immediately awake and dancing! This rock star in the making literally wakes up dancing to the music, not wasting a moment before joining her sisters. She’s shaking her legs and moving her body and head back and forth to the rhythm of the song. It’s cuteness overload. Mom lets out a huge giggle while the baby of the bunch shows just as much excitement and joy dancing in her seat as the other two. She’s no party pooper, that’s for sure!

Click the video below to watch this joyful moment. It’s got over 12 million views for a reason!

Little girl can’t contain emotions when she sees baby sister’s response to lullably


Who doesn’t enjoy a good tune? Bob Marley once captured the essence of music’s impact beautifully: “When it hits you, you feel no pain.”
Indeed, music has a timeless charm, soothing souls of all ages. Many of us have a list of favorite songs and bands, yet sometimes, the most touching melodies are those sung by the people closest to our hearts.

This sentiment rings true in a heartwarming tale that has captured the hearts of many online.


The story revolves around two sisters, nine-year-old Allie and her seven-week-old baby sister, Ashlyn.

To provide solace, Allie takes it upon herself to sing to Ashlyn, hoping to ease her into slumber.
The response from Ashlyn is nothing short of adorable. As she hears her sister’s voice, a small smile breaks across her face.

Allie chooses “Circle of Life” from the Lion King as her lullaby, a choice that seems all the more fitting as we see her embody the role of a protective older sister.

The moment Ashlyn smiles, Allie is visibly moved, her emotions bubbling to the surface with a tender “aww” before she has to look away.

Overwhelmed by the moment, Allie quickly finds herself in tears.
Off-camera, her parents inquire about the sudden outburst.

“Is it because you love her so much?” her mother gently probes.


The story of Allie and Ashlyn strikes a chord with audiences.
The innocence and purity of their interaction remind us of the universal appeal of music, especially when it’s offered by someone we love and who loves us in return.

This video captures a truly special moment between the sisters, showcasing the power of music to connect and comfort.

Fortunately, the entire heartwarming episode was caught on video by their mother, allowing us to witness this beautiful exchange.


If this story touched your heart, you’re encouraged to share it with your loved ones.

Celebrate Allie’s beautiful voice and the unforgettable moment it created for her and Ashlyn.

It’s a testament to the love and joy that can be shared through the simple act of singing.

This narrative not only showcases the bond between siblings but also highlights how music can be a source of comfort and joy, transcending age and language.

It’s a beautiful reminder of the power of love, music, and family, captured in a moment that will be cherished forever.

Adorable toddlers dance at recital only for it to turn hilarious


Picture a stage, but here, the stars of the show are six toddlers, each gripping their instruments with the earnest seriousness only children can muster.

This scene doesn’t just promise a performance; it offers a window into the untamed delight of childhood, where every note and step is a surprise waiting to happen.

Alongside these pint-sized musicians stand two guides, not just teachers but guardians of concentration in a world where distractions abound.

Keeping a toddler focused is a bit like trying to hold onto a cloud—especially when mid-performance, a little one decides it’s time to explore off-stage, prompting laughter from the audience and a gentle redirection from their teachers.



This dance of discipline and discovery turns the performance into a living, breathing exhibit of patience and childlike wonder.

Against all odds, amidst the mild chaos, a kind of music starts to take shape.
Their attempted choreogrpahy comes together in a symphony of effort, not polished but adorably moving.

It’s this raw, genuine attempt at harmony that captures the audience’s heart, transforming amused chuckles into a collective embrace of the beautifully imperfect.

Suddenly, a young dancer emerges among the ensemble, his moves as spontaneous as they are cute and funny.
This little performer, with his boundless energy and unscripted dance, reminds everyone that within these moments of pure joy, there might just be glimpses of future greatness, perhaps even a budding star destined for grand stages.

This spectacle’s charm lies in its unpredictability, with every departure from the stage, every burst of enthusiasm, and every puzzled glance contributing to its magic.

It’s a performance that speaks to the soul, illustrating the enchanting simplicity of watching children just being children, turning every moment into a treasure.

Amid the flurry of activity, one child stands out by simply standing still, his expression a mix of calm and wonder in a sea of motion.
This moment of peaceful indifference amidst chaos highlights the unique spirit each child brings to the stage, offering a gentle reminder of the varied paths our journeys can take, even from the earliest steps.




Frankly, he’s hilariously just “not having it.”

As the performance concludes, it leaves behind more than just memories of melodies and movements.
It shows the journey of nurturing young minds, celebrating their unfiltered creativity, and the communal joy of witnessing these first, faltering steps on the path of artistic expression.

“I laughed til I cried. Always, one left the stage, one was so enthusiastic and one always stood there looking around. Every single one.”

“The little boy at the end who did nothing was priceless His face says it all.”

Another shared:

“I am smiling so broadly my cheeks hurt! What absolutely lovely little kids. Their mother’s and teachers would be so proud. Thank you for making my night so much better!!!”

Baby Smiles As Mom Sings ‘Jesus Loves Me’


One video shows a baby who loved hearing its mother sing a beloved and classic tune with a simple but heartfelt message.

Parents, and especially mothers, are the first people children interact with and encounter. From the second children are born, they are literally experiencing a whole new world. Every sight, sound, feel and taste for an infant is new, exciting and potentially world-changing.

That’s why parents spending time with their baby to establish and nurture those bonds is so crucial. Those relationships are a foundation for a child’s life, which will assist in that new person’s mental, physical, emotional and spiritual development.

A video posted to YouTube shows a sweet bonding moment between a mother and her child. The woman uses the power of music to develop a bond between her child and herself. The child, as the video shows, is overjoyed by the mother’s voice and her choice of song!



The short, 43-second video begins with text on the screen, which reads, “Idc (I don’t care) what anyone says my baby love my singing voice.”

Next, the video, after some shaky camera work, focuses on the infant in the mother’s arms. Seconds later, the child’s mother begins singing, “Jesus Love Me.” The child responds to the sound of the woman’s voice and gazes lovingly up in the direction of the beautiful sound. The infant’s eyes are wide in anticipation and surprise as the child ingests the pleasant music.

Soon the child is all smiles as mom serenades the infant with the all-important message of Christ’s abounding and never-ending love for all humanity.

The baby flashes one massive grin after another. What a beautiful sight of the cute little baby bonding with mom, who introduces her child to the love of Christ.

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Little Girl Cries Listening To Andrea Bocelli And Elmo, Mom Has Camera Ready


Music has such incredible power to stir emotion. Think of the last time you heard your favorite song; or, how fast household chores went when you played an album you hadn’t heard in ages. And, what about that haunting theme track you came across in a movie that sent chills down your spine? Your wedding song? Your happy dance song? Any little ditty that gets stuck in your head and adds a little pep to your step, or makes you stop what you’re doing and take a walk down memory lane – that’s the true beauty of music, a universal language that speaks to everyone, young or old!

The producers of “Sesame Street” had a stroke of genius when they thought up the idea to bring Andrea Bocelli in as a special guest. Alongside Elmo, his classic “Time to Say Goodbye” was reimagined to become “Time to Say Goodnight” in a delightfully sweet part of the show to help encourage bedtime for kids. The appearance shows Andrea trying to tuck Elmo in at nighttime, but the beloved red fuzzy character is reluctant, insisting that he’s not tired.

And so, Andrea breaks into his song, a lullaby to help Elmo fall asleep, and it’s beautiful. Andrea’s heavenly voice speaks to the soul to the point where he is able to elicit such emotion from anyone (and mostly everyone!) who watches this episode, like this mom and her little girl.



In the video, mom is on the couch with her adorable little girl, watching Andrea and Elmo on TV. Mom is recording her daughter’s emotional reaction from start to finish and it’s absolutely precious. The girl’s eyes are glued to the screen all the way through as she experiences a range of emotion. At first, she is transfixed, appearing curious and clearly enjoying what she’s watching. As Andrea starts to sing, she leans forward a little more, looking mesmerized, hardly blinking! Her lip is pouted out a bit as she breaks her stare to give mom a look. At this point, she’s on the brink of tears, for no reason other than being emotionally engaged.

This little girl is dealing with some complex emotions, trying to filter through the beauty and haunting tone of the song she’s hearing. In the end, she is full on crying, as her mom brings her in closer for a hug, saying, “Poor baby, come here. It’s ok.” She just had her first soul-stirring experience! This toddler is an old soul from another time and place with a deeply loving, poetic heart! She appreciates heartfelt music and can pick up on some of the more complicated emotions even some of us adults struggle with. What a cutie! I hope she gets a big hug and lots of love and continues to develop a better understanding of how emotions and feelings work!

Click below to watch this sweet little girl get a taste of how evocative music can be!