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Toddler Declares She Is No Longer Speaking To Mimi


In 2015, a toddler Josie was captured throwing an adorable tantrum and explaining why she wouldn’t be talking to “Mimi” anymore.

Kids say exactly what they mean. Josie clearly states the issue she has with one of the adults who is watching her.

In addition to her words, this toddler knows how to express her displeasure. Her face is determined, and her whole body shakes as she wags a pointed finger for emphasis. She also stomps a few times and firmly plants her hands on her hips.

As the crowd listens, they begin asking questions. When asked if she won’t talk to anyone, Josie announces who she will still speak with: Kirsten, KK, and Mamie.

Since there are four women in the room with her, there’s one person Josie isn’t speaking to. In her own words, Josie says, “I’m not talking to Mimi because I’m really upset.”

Why is she upset? If you think that it would take a lot to get a child so upset, you’re right. Mimi used the bad words, “poop away.” As she recounts her experience, Josie admonishes, “It’s not funny, Mimi. I told you.”

Despite her anger, this toddler thinks ahead. In fact, she has a plan for what she’ll do when she gets home to mom and dad. In case you’re wondering, Josie wants to tell her parents, “take a rest,” and then “be upset.”

Perhaps you can relate to Josie through childhood memories or even recent events. Sometimes, we all need to let out a little steam. Chances are you think she’s absolutely adorable. Plan to commiserate with others or celebrate cuteness here or through another social media community.

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A Heartwarming Friendship: Cute Babies Embrace Their Lamb Friend


In a world filled with the hustle and bustle of daily life, there exists a heartwarming oasis of innocence and pure affection. Here, two adorable babies have formed a remarkable friendship with an equally charming lamb, and the bonds they share are simply enchanting.

These precious moments capture the essence of childhood—unadulterated joy and unspoken understanding. The babies, with their cherubic faces and bright eyes, exude an irresistible sweetness as they embrace and shower their fluffy friend with hugs and kisses. The lamb, a picture of gentleness and serenity, reciprocates their affection with a warmth that transcends words.

It’s a scene that tugs at the heartstrings—a testament to the purest form of love and friendship that knows no boundaries. In the presence of this lamb, the babies find a source of comfort and companionship that words cannot express.



Their hugs and kisses speak volumes, conveying a profound connection that defies age and species. This heartwarming friendship reminds us all of the simple yet profound beauty that can be found in the most unexpected places—a love so sweet and pure that it melts even the coldest of hearts.

In a world filled with complexities, the friendship between these cute babies and their lamb serves as a gentle reminder that the bonds of love and friendship are universal, and they are nurtured by the purest of hearts.

2-Year-Old Boy Sings ‘Amazing Grace’. So Adorable!


Fantastic performances by all three! It’s amazing that Leo has come as far as he has already, and now Nicki has the words memorized to be able to sing?! Just demonstrates how able kids can be and to learn, how we often sell them short.



It’s great to see the whole family participating together! Beautiful.

Double the Delight: Beautiful Twin Babies Sharing an Adorable Moment


In the world of heartwarming moments, few can compare to the sheer joy of capturing beautiful twin babies as they flash their enchanting smiles directly at the camera. This snapshot of pure innocence and double the delight is a scene that warms the soul and leaves a lasting impression.

The radiant smiles on the faces of these twin bundles of joy are like rays of sunshine on a cloudy day. Their matching grins and sparkling eyes are a testament to the bond they share as siblings. As they gaze into the camera with wonder and curiosity, their innocence is on full display, reminding us of the pure and beautiful essence of childhood.



In this enchanting moment, it’s as if time stands still, and all that matters is the genuine happiness radiating from these precious twins. The world outside fades away, leaving us captivated by the power of a simple, heartwarming smile.

These twin babies are a living example of the incredible beauty that can be found in life’s most innocent moments. Their synchronized smiles are a testament to the power of family and the love they share with each other. Double the delight, double the beauty, and double the joy encapsulated in this truly adorable moment.

11-Month-Old Fake Cries When Dad Says ‘No’


It is just another day at the grocery store, and this dad has a young toddler in the shopping cart as he is grabbing the next items on his grocery list. The dad decides to practice telling the daughter “no,” in hopes that she will respond with her special act. This little girl might as well go ahead and sign up for theater class because she knows how to put on a show.

The beginning of this clip shows the dad pointing his finger at the girl saying, “no.” The young girl acts as if she is so sad and about to cry. She closes her eyes tightly and scrunches up her face. She squeezes her knee. Every time that the dad says, “no” in the clip, the daughter responds in the same way repeatedly. Then each time, she opens her eyes and turns towards her dad to see him again.



The young girl is definitely trying to pull on the heartstrings, but her dad isn’t fooled. Parenting has so many opportunities for lessons to be taught!

Just like this young girl thought that she could trick her daddy and pretend to be sad, sometimes we try to “fake out” God our Father. The truth is though, we cannot hide from our Father. He knows our true hearts. That can be a scary reality, but also a true gift in that we are fully known and loved by Christ even in our sins. He came and died for us to have a relationship with Him and we are now sons and daughters, adopted into His family.

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

5-Year-Old Viral Sensation Sings ‘You Raise Me Up’



“When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary, when troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence, until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains, you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders, you raise me up to more than I can be”

The little boy’s name is Westin Asidor, and he is from the Philippines. His family has a ministry on YouTube where they encourage others with Christian music.

“The source of your favorite Christian songs. Thank you guys for subscribing and we pray that God will continuously guide us in every way,” reads the bio on the family’s YouTube page.

In the video, Westin sings the song with such power and heart. What a sweet little boy.



“What a precious little angel! I love this song and I love the way he sang it,” writes one person on YouTube after watching the video. “How God in heaven must smile down upon him and the rest of the children singing for His glory!”

“I am so amazed by this precious child’s singing but am more amazed that he knows what he is singing,” comments another person online. “That is a tribute to his parents. Jesus loves children because they are pure in heart.”

We hope that this sweet video of Westin Asidor singing ‘You Raise Me Up’ was able to uplift your spirits today!

Matthew 18:3
And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

13-Year-Old Boy Sings Emotional and Angelic Medley of Song on ‘The Voice Kids’


Phil is 13 years young and has an incredibly touching voice. With the song “Broken Vow” by Lara Fabian, Phil gives the studio a big goosebump moment. All coaches are fascinated! To celebrate the performance, your friends even “light” a confetti cannon for Phil. Which coach do you think he will choose?



Watch Phil’s performance on Lara Fabian’s “Broken Vow” here!

Family of 12 Sings Beautiful Cover Of ‘10,000 Reasons’


The AsidorS Home is a family of singers who are performing in different places especially churches and religious gatherings, crusade and other activities. They sing this song to bless the Lord for us to be happy and satisfied with His grace.



One of the highlights of this performance is observing how parents and children unite in worship of our King. Witnessing various generations utilize their innate abilities to honor God is precisely the type of demonstration that the world requires at present.

Police Officer Family Adopt Baby Abandoned in A Box: ‘She Was from The Lord’


Bruce Faltynski and his wife Shelby were in the process of finalizing the adoption of their older daughter Kaia, when they received a call from the Department of Child Services about a day-old infant Myah found in a Safe Haven Baby Box.

The couple was already foster parents of Kaia and had received foster-to-adopt training, which allowed them to be on a list to be adoptive parents.

Shelby Faltynski stated that she had never heard of Safe Haven Baby Boxes until they received the call about Myah. Indiana’s Safe Haven Law allows for infants up to 30 days old to be anonymously abandoned without criminal penalties as long as they don’t show signs of abuse.

Credit: Myah was dropped off in a box in Indiana similar to the one shown here. (Courtesy Safe Haven Baby Boxes)


There are 126 specially designed Safe Haven Baby Boxes located in seven states, with the majority in Indiana. These boxes are monitored electronically, temperature-controlled and installed in an exterior wall of a designated fire station or hospital. A door on the interior side allows medical professionals to access the baby and provide care.

Since the first Safe Haven Baby Box was installed in Woodburn, Indiana in 2016, no abandoned infants in the state have died. The Faltynskis have expressed their gratitude for the two women who gave birth to their daughters and have nothing but respect for Myah’s mother for her courageous decision.

“And so we have nothing but just respect and admiration, and truly, truly a heart of gratitude for Myah’s mom for her courageous and brave decision. These girls are both an answer to our prayers,” Shelby said.

The Safe Haven Baby Boxes provide a safe and secure way for mothers in crisis to surrender their newborns, and have saved lives in Indiana since their inception. The Faltynskis’ adoption story is a testament to the love and kindness of adoptive parents and the importance of support for mothers in crisis.

Sam learning to crawl. Smart baby


[In a cozy nursery filled with toys and soft blankets, little Sam, with determination gleaming in his eyes, sets out on his journey to master the art of crawling. Propped up on his hands and knees, he surveys his surroundings with curiosity and excitement.]

[With a tentative wiggle, Sam pushes himself forward, his chubby arms and legs working in unison as he attempts to move across the floor. His caregivers watch on with bated breath, their hearts filled with pride and encouragement.]

[With each determined effort, Sam gains a little more confidence, his movements becoming more purposeful and coordinated. He pauses occasionally to giggle at his own progress, his infectious laughter filling the room.]



[As Sam continues to practice, his caregivers cheer him on, offering words of encouragement and gentle guidance. They place toys just out of reach, motivating him to keep moving forward.]

[With sheer determination and perseverance, Sam gradually begins to master the art of crawling, inching his way across the floor with newfound freedom and independence. His caregivers watch on with awe and delight, marveling at his resilience and determination.]

[And as Sam reaches his destination, a triumphant smile lights up his face, a testament to his perseverance and the sheer joy of accomplishment. In that moment, surrounded by love and support, Sam realizes that with determination and a little bit of practice, he can conquer anything that comes his way.]