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Baby of three months singing ‘Twinkle, twinkle, little star’. This video will give you a good mood for the rest of the day


By three and a half months, your baby will start to demonstrate whether he or she prefers to be alone or engage in social interactions.

They are unable to predict whether he will develop into an introvert or an extrovert as an adult

While some babies like to be alone or with only a small group of people, others want to be surrounded by people.
Your 14-week-old baby will pick up a lot from his surroundings, and as his brain processes the data, it will make sense of it all.

He will now get much more interested in some other features of the house and want to look about the entire house.



Your child’s neck muscles and upper body strength will both be developed to a sufficient degree. He might be able to look around for extended periods of time while keeping his neck upright.

Fly around the home humming and making airy noises while holding your infant on your shoulder.

The experience of traveling backwards can produce a great riot and make him grin and giggle if he holds in such a way that he glances back.

You can hold your baby while stacking him on top of a gym ball or big beach ball if you’re into exercise.

The baby should then be allowed to squirm and move slightly in each direction while you softly roll the ball in various directions.

What a beautiful moment to capture on video.Trevin Meets Baby Brother Carson


Trevin, a bright-eyed and curious three-year-old, had been eagerly waiting for this moment. His parents, Sarah and David, had been preparing him for the arrival of a new sibling, explaining that he would now be a big brother and have an important role to play. They told him all about how he would get to teach Carson about the world and be his best friend.

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As the sun dipped below the horizon and painted the sky with shades of orange and pink, the family gathered in the nursery, where the crib awaited its tiny occupant. Sarah cradled Carson, who was wrapped in a soft blue blanket, and David held Trevin’s hand as they approached the crib together.



Trevin’s eyes widened with wonder as he gazed at the tiny bundle of joy nestled in the crib. “That’s my baby brother?” he whispered, his voice filled with awe.

Sarah smiled warmly and nodded. “Yes, Trevin, this is Carson, your baby brother.”

Trevin took a step closer, his little fingers reaching out to gently touch Carson’s tiny hand. Carson responded with a tiny grip, as if to say, “Hello, big brother.” Trevin’s heart swelled with love and pride.

Your mood will definitely boost after watching this incredible salsa made by a toddler who is just two years old


You may find many videos of youngsters having fun dancing online nowadays. Many of these videos are on YouTube


There’s no doubt that these videos are fun and interesting, but some of them are especially mesmerizing because of how grand they are
We are going to show you a video that is one of a kind about a little child who is only 2 years old but has already won over millions of viewers on the internet with her incredible salsa skills.


Watch this movie carefully, and if you think your friends would like it as well, don’t forget to spread the word about it.


Please hit the SHARE BUTTON to share this video with your friends and family.

Mother Holds Her Triplets For The First Time


An incredible moment is captured on camera when this beaming mother holds her triplets for the very first time.

Just like Jesus, they care for us and support us in more way than we could ever imagine. Babies, especially, have a natural sense of who their mother is. This is the person that provides comfort and love in our earliest days on Earth.

And there is truly nothing like that special moment when a mother holds their newborn child for the very first time. It’s a time filled with love, joy and overwhelming thankfulness to our God in Heaven.



New mother, Cache Gifford, is holding her triplet baby girls for the first time and it’s absolutely beautiful. While they may still be in the hospital, these girls are getting lots of love and affection from Mom.

Just watch as she holds all three and gently rocks them back and forth. Every so often, she stops to kiss them on the forehead and you can tell that she is beaming with love for her daughters.

There’s no doubt that Journi, Chezny and Tatym will be greatly loved and cared for. This is such a sweet moment and I’m so glad that they were able to capture it on camera to cherish for a lifetime.

Who else is smiling so big right now?

A Heart-To-Heart Chat With The Littlest Sibling


In a sunlit room adorned with soft hues, a touching scene unfolds. Big sister, with gentle grace and a heart full of love, cradles her adorable little sibling in her arms. The air is filled with a sense of serenity as she engages in an intimate conversation with the youngest family member.

As big sister speaks in hushed tones, the little one gazes up with wide, innocent eyes, absorbing every word like precious pearls of wisdom. The room is filled not only with the comforting lullabies of sisterly affection but also with the unspoken language of a bond that transcends words.



The gentle sway of the sister’s embrace creates a rhythmic dance, and the little sibling responds with babbling laughter. It’s a dialogue of whispers and gurgles, a symphony of sibling connection that needs no formal language. The tenderness in big sister’s eyes speaks volumes about the protective love she feels for her adorable companion.

In this simple yet profound moment, the beauty of sisterhood unfolds. The room becomes a haven of warmth, where the soft murmur of conversation weaves a tapestry of familial love. The little sibling, cradled in the safety of big sister’s arms, discovers the world through a lens of affection and security.

Little boy’s version of Pledge of Allegiance will melt your heart


Oh, those were the days of kindergarten. What some of us adults would give to go back in time to when it was all about making macaroni necklaces, using glue sticks, and learning the fundamentals. Doesn’t it sound fantastic?


It’s also the first year that many of us began our mornings by saying the «Pledge of Allegiance» facing the school flag. We were twenty or so young voices attempting to recite the lyrics, all with our right hands covering our hearts. While the artwork is adorable, one boy’s rendition maybe even better.


Lacey Nicole Holmes, a Texas parent, published a video on Facebook that had many people in tears. It’s a video of her two-and-a-half-year-old kid repeating the Pledge of Allegiance in their house.


Toddlers usually sing nursery rhymes and songs from their favorite programs (my kids sang Barney songs so many times that I still can’t get them out of my brain).
It’s not every day that you witness a little youngster repeating the words to something as patriotic as our pledge. This small fellow has it all figured out as well.

In Holmes’ video, her young son is dressed in a monster truck t-shirt and stands in their living room. He’s put his right hand over his heart, as we were taught in school, and he’s ready to show everyone what he’s learned.

The youngster instructs his mother to begin recording by saying, «Go.»

While there is no American flag visible in the video, the toddler’s eyes flick upward, as if he is staring at one in the background. He then begins chanting patriotic phrases.

You can see right away that he’s a child who knows the Pledge of Allegiance by heart. But, as one would expect from a two-year-old, the way he pronounces the words is far too precious.

According to the website US History, Francis Bellamy wrote the «Pledge of Allegiance» in 1892, but it was not the same as we know it today. It was originally written:

«I swear loyalty to my flag and the Republic it represents.»

«Under God» was also missing from the original edition. The Pledge of Allegiance evolved over time, with «the flag of the United States of America» added in 1923 and «under God» added in 1954.

Twins Hear Daddy Playing Guitar And Bust Out With Move That Has Mom Crying From Laughter


Children make life worth living. There is definitely a reason why the cutest videos always have baby humans and baby animals in them. When a little child starts to jump around and dance, everyone wants to stop and watch.This video is bound to make you smile. The mother and father just wanted to play guitar during dinner, but the baby twins had something else in mind.

As soon as the music started to play, the adorable girls started to dance in their chairs and move in rhythm to the beat. Judging by their amazing performance, these twins are definitely going to cause double the trouble in the future!While the video is absolutely adorable, it is not surprising that these babies would love to dance so much.

According to research, music is extremely important for young children. Music helps children figure out how to move around and express their emotions in a healthy way.

Music can also help with language learning. When you hear a song, it is easier to pick up on the intonation in the language. It also makes memorization a lot easier. This is one of the reasons why students often use music to learn a foreign language.

A study from the McMaster University found that babies who are exposed to music are more likely to smile. When these musical babies cry, they are easier to soothe than babies that do not hear music. Plus, extra music exposure is linked to babies who are more likely to explore the world around them.

If these little girls could talk and read the research studies, they would definitely agree with the scientists. They absolutely love dancing along to their dad’s music. While they are supposed to be eating dinner, it does not look like these girls care much about the food. They would much rather jam to the guitar and have a dance party.

Cute baby trying to talk with mommy


Prepare to be enchanted by the sweetest exchange between a precious little one and their mommy! Watch as this cute baby takes on the challenge of expressing their thoughts, filling the room with the delightful melody of baby babble that only a mother could truly understand.



In this heartwarming video, witness the sheer determination in those sparkling eyes as the baby attempts to convey a world of emotions. Gurgles, coos, and tiny gestures become the language of love, creating an unspoken dialogue that transcends words.

As mommy listens attentively, you’ll be captivated by the sheer joy that radiates from both sides of this adorable conversation. It’s a testament to the magical connection between a baby and their mother—a bond built on love, understanding, and the shared joy of these precious early moments

Ocean And Stormy’s Adorable One-Month Celebration


Meet the dynamic duo, Ocean and Stormy, the newest stars in the family galaxy at just one month old. These precious twins are not only stealing hearts but also proving that cuteness comes in pairs. From their tiny toes to their button noses, every detail about Ocean and Stormy is a symphony of adorable.


As one-month-old bundles of joy, Ocean and Stormy have already formed an unbreakable bond. Whether they’re synchronized in sweet slumber or engaged in a delightful game of “baby babble,” the connection between these twins is as magical as a seaside sunrise.


Speaking of which, Ocean and Stormy seem to have inherited their namesake’s fascination with the elements. Ocean’s eyes sparkle like the deep blue sea, while Stormy’s curiosity mirrors the unpredictable dance of a storm. Together, they create a captivating blend of tranquility and excitement.


Their daily routine is a delightful whirlwind of feedings, diaper changes, and, of course, playtime. It’s during these precious moments that their individual personalities begin to emerge. Ocean, with a calm demeanor reminiscent of a gentle tide, and Stormy, with an energy that mirrors a playful gust of wind, are a dynamic duo that keeps everyone on their toes.

The family photo album is quickly filling up with snapshots of these two cuties, capturing their every milestone—tiny fingers gripping onto bigger ones, shared glances that speak volumes, and the heart-melting synchronized yawns that make parenthood an unforgettable journey.

As Ocean and Stormy celebrate their first month in this big, beautiful world, their charm and sweetness continue to enchant everyone lucky enough to be a part of their lives. Double the joy, double the love—Ocean and Stormy, the adorable twins, are proof that the tiniest packages can bring the greatest happiness.

Toddler Goes Off On Dad For Leaving Toilet Seat Up And It’s Sweeping The Internet


A three-year-old recently went off on her dad for leaving the toilet seat up. The little girl, whose name is Bradlee, stated that this is an issue that has been going on for a long time.


Bradlee asked her dad why he did not put the toilet seat down. He replied by asking Bradlee if she wanted him to lift the toilet seat up and then put it back down. Bradlee told her dad that he has to put the toilet seat down for the big girls. She referred to the toilet lid as the potty lid.


This is an argument that has likely gone on in many households. Wives and daughters often get frustrated because the men do not put the toilet seats down. Bradlee did not have any problem telling her dad about how she felt about him leaving the toilet seat up.


The video of the toddler scolding her father has gone viral. It has been shared all over Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites. The video has also been uploaded to Youtube and been viewed over 375,000 times. Bradlee’s message to the men is very clear. They have to put the toilet seat down for the “big girls.”