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Little Girl Cries Listening To Andrea Bocelli And Elmo


Music has such incredible power to stir emotion. Think of the last time you heard your favorite song; or, how fast household chores went when you played an album you hadn’t heard in ages. And, what about that haunting theme track you came across in a movie that sent chills down your spine? Your wedding song? Your happy dance song? Any little ditty that gets stuck in your head and adds a little pep to your step, or makes you stop what you’re doing and take a walk down memory lane – that’s the true beauty of music, a universal language that speaks to everyone, young or old!

So, when Andrea Bocelli was brought on to “Sesame Street” as a part of a segment with Elmo, it’s no surprise that their duet was an emotional hit among adults and children.

The producers of “Sesame Street” had a stroke of genius when they thought up the idea to bring Andrea Bocelli in as a special guest. Alongside Elmo, his classic “Time to Say Goodbye” was reimagined to become “Time to Say Goodnight” in a delightfully sweet part of the show to help encourage bedtime for kids. The appearance shows Andrea trying to tuck Elmo in at nighttime, but the beloved red fuzzy character is reluctant, insisting that he’s not tired.

And so, Andrea breaks into his song, a lullaby to help Elmo fall asleep, and it’s beautiful. Andrea’s heavenly voice speaks to the soul to the point where he is able to elicit such emotion from anyone (and mostly everyone!) who watches this episode, like this mom and her little girl.



In the video, mom is on the couch with her adorable little girl, watching Andrea and Elmo on TV. Mom is recording her daughter’s emotional reaction from start to finish and it’s absolutely precious. The girl’s eyes are glued to the screen all the way through as she experiences a range of emotion. At first, she is transfixed, appearing curious and clearly enjoying what she’s watching. As Andrea starts to sing, she leans forward a little more, looking mesmerized, hardly blinking! Her lip is pouted out a bit as she breaks her stare to give mom a look. At this point, she’s on the brink of tears, for no reason other than being emotionally engaged.

This little girl is dealing with some complex emotions, trying to filter through the beauty and haunting tone of the song she’s hearing. In the end, she is full on crying, as her mom brings her in closer for a hug, saying, “Poor baby, come here. It’s ok.” She just had her first soul-stirring experience! This toddler is an old soul from another time and place with a deeply loving, poetic heart! She appreciates heartfelt music and can pick up on some of the more complicated emotions even some of us adults struggle with. What a cutie! I hope she gets a big hug and lots of love and continues to develop a better understanding of how emotions and feelings work!

Click below to watch this sweet little girl get a taste of how evocative music can be!

Family shows little quintessences’ daily routine, and we think it’s amazing. VIDEO


When a family has tiny children, the parents’ way of life totally changes. Children come with a lot of responsibilities.

You must intellectually and emotionally prepare before making such a move. When Scarlett became pregnant for the third time, Jamie and Scarlet already had two adult children.

She and her husband were overjoyed since they had always wanted a third kid. However, during the following test, they were informed that they would be having quintuplets.

Despite everything, the couple concluded that this was God’s gift to them.
Quadruplets and even quintuplets began to appear more often.




The chance of a woman having numerous pregnancies increases with age, although the reason for this is unknown.

Quintuplets are born in just one occurrence out of every 55,000,000 pregnancies. In comparison, fraternal twins are far more common: one twin is born per 80–90 births.

And, as reproductive technology has advanced, significantly more twins and triplets have been born in recent years.

Scarlet and Jamie became parents to a large number of children with the birth of their children.

It’s challenging to care for five babies, but the couple manages. They claim that older children are really helpful.

Their entire day is spent swaddling, feeding, washing, and strolling. Despite the hardships, Scarlet is incredibly happy and adores all of her children.

Sweetest Babies In The World – Adorable Baby Videos


Prepare to embark on a heartwarming journey into the realm of pure cuteness with our collection of “Sweetest Babies In The World” – a compilation of irresistibly adorable baby videos that are sure to bring a smile to your face.

In this enchanting montage, witness the charm of chubby cheeks, contagious giggles, and innocent expressions that define the essence of babyhood. From tiny toes to toothless grins, each clip encapsulates the joy and wonder that these little bundles of joy bring into our lives.’




Whether they’re taking their first wobbly steps, babbling in baby language, or simply cuddling with stuffed animals, these precious moments are a celebration of the sheer sweetness that babies exude. It’s a testament to the universal appeal of the pure, unfiltered joy that babies bring to the world.

Join us in relishing these endearing moments that remind us of the magic found in the simplest acts of discovery and delight. “Sweetest Babies In The World” is a heart-melting collection that transcends language and borders, uniting viewers in the shared joy of witnessing the cutest babies on their journey through the early stages of life. Get ready for a dose of pure joy and a reminder of the incredible beauty that comes with the innocence of infancy.

The baby doesn’t walk yet but already has amazing dancing skills


Children consistently amaze us with their charming antics, creating countless moments that bring joy to our lives. These precious instances are often captured on camera, allowing us to relish and chuckle at their adorable behavior later on.


Among these heartwarming moments, there are instances where children showcase an extraordinary connection to music. The sheer delight they express when a melody starts playing is enough to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Some little ones not only dance but also enthusiastically sing along, creating scenes so endearing that laughter becomes inevitable.

One particular young marvel stands out for his love of music. Despite not yet mastering the art of walking, this tiny dynamo possesses an impressive sense of rhythm. When the music begins, he eagerly engages in a delightful dance, nodding his head in time with the beat, displaying a remarkable ability to sync his movements.


Even in moments of play, when a musical interlude takes center stage, this little one can’t resist moving to the rhythm. Witnessing his cute and funny dance breaks is a heartwarming spectacle that highlights the innate joy and innocence of childhood.

Boy hears his favorite song and starts to move, then something amazing happens…


Parents can find themselves overwhelmed and vulnerable when their children don’t get along, presenting a significant and often challenging issue. Addressing such conflicts can be complicated, leaving parents with limited options beyond suggesting activities to foster better relationships and hoping for positive outcomes.

However, not all parents face the complexities of sibling discord; some are fortunate to witness their children effortlessly forming close bonds from the beginning. In these cases, the sibling relationship proves to be incredibly valuable and irreplaceable.

Observing such harmonious pairs is a joyous experience; they seem inseparable, like two peas in a pod. Despite notable age and size differences, these siblings delight in each other’s company, embracing their unique individualities.


The dynamics between older and younger siblings can sometimes be strained, with older children feeling threatened or envious of the attention bestowed upon the younger ones. Resentment may arise as older siblings perceive the younger ones as diverting parental attention away from them.

In a heartwarming twist, not every day offers the sight of an older brother dancing with his younger sibling in the kitchen. Fortunately, the mother happened to have her camera ready, capturing this endearing moment on video and sharing it with the world.

These babies’ conversation will make you melt


Babies are undeniably among the most adorable creatures, with their chubby faces and sweet smiles compensating for the occasional chaos they bring. In a heartwarming video, twin babies are captured engaging in what appears to be an adorable exchange, generating giggles between them.

While the babies haven’t yet learned words, their non-verbal communication is evident, and their sweet interaction is a source of joy. The video raises the question of what might be going on in their minds, as research suggests that twins often communicate in unique ways.



The video showcases the twins entertaining each other, providing their mom with a delightful moment to capture on camera. The twins’ bond is evident, and their joyful exchange reflects the pure innocence of infancy. The mom describes them as best friends, emphasizing the unique connection they share.

The fleeting moments of pure joy and innocence exhibited by these twins are indeed a privilege to witness, highlighting the special bond between siblings and the delight they bring to those around them.

Meet the Beautiful, Healthy, and Talkative Newborn Who’s Simply Adorable


In the tender embrace of a new beginning, a family has been blessed with a precious addition – a beautiful, healthy, and astonishingly talkative newborn. From the first moments of life, this little bundle of joy has captured hearts with not just her undeniable cuteness but also her surprisingly expressive nature.

Her cherubic face, adorned with delicate features and eyes that seem to hold the wisdom of the universe, radiates an innocent charm that is impossible to ignore. Born into a world of love and care, she embodies the epitome of health, bringing immeasurable joy to those around her.

But what truly sets this little one apart is her talkative nature. From soft coos to adorable babbling, her tiny voice fills the air with a melody of pure delight. Every gurgle and giggle becomes a symphony that warms the hearts of anyone lucky enough to be in her presence.



The nursery is transformed into a haven of happiness as this talkative newborn engages in animated conversations with her doting parents. It’s as if she has a world of stories to share, and each precious sound is a glimpse into the captivating personality unfolding before their eyes.

As friends and family gather to meet the newest member of the clan, they are greeted not just by a cute face but by a lively spirit that seems eager to connect with the world. It’s a testament to the joy that new life brings – a reminder that every coo, every smile, and every tiny gesture is a celebration of the miracle of birth.

In the album of family memories, this talkative newborn will undoubtedly hold a special place, a beacon of happiness that marked the beginning of a beautiful journey. Her presence is a reminder that in the small, everyday moments, we find the most profound and heartwarming expressions of life’s beauty.

24 Hours with a newborn baby. So adorable


Join us on a heartwarming journey as we share the everyday adventures of parenting our precious two-week-old bundle of joy, Joshua. From the tender moments of soothing baby cries to the joyous giggles that fill our home, this video captures the essence of the early days with our newest family member.

Morning Serenity (6:00 AM – 9:00 AM):
The day begins with the soft coos and gentle stirrings of baby Joshua. As the morning sunlight filters through the windows, our focus shifts to the delicate routine of feeding, changing diapers, and ensuring that Joshua is snug and content. The art of getting some precious sleep ourselves becomes a delicate balance, all while savoring the quiet beauty of these early morning moments.

Afternoon Discoveries (10:00 AM – 2:00 PM):
As the sun climbs higher in the sky, we dive into the charming adventures that come with caring for a newborn. Joshua’s first day out becomes a special milestone, filled with the wonder of introducing him to the world beyond our home. The video captures the essence of these new experiences, from coo-filled stroller rides to the delightful chaos of baby feeds and diaper changes on the go.




Evening Calm (3:00 PM – 6:00 PM):
The afternoon unfolds with tender moments of baby Joshua napping, surrounded by the love and warmth of our family. We navigate the intricacies of parenthood, ensuring that every need is met with care and affection. The video showcases the beauty of these quiet moments, where the world seems to slow down, and our hearts are filled with gratitude.

Nighttime Symphony (7:00 PM – 10:00 PM):
As the day transitions into night, our focus shifts to creating a peaceful bedtime routine for Joshua. The soothing lullabies, gentle rocking, and bedtime stories create a serene atmosphere as we prepare our little one for a restful night’s sleep. The video captures the tenderness of these nighttime rituals, highlighting the love that surrounds Joshua as he drifts off to dreamland.

As you watch this glimpse into our world with Joshua, we invite you to join us on the continuing adventure of parenthood. Stay tuned for the sequel, “24 Hours with 2 Toddlers,” as we navigate the joys and challenges of raising a growing family

Big sister cries meeting new baby for the first time


If ever the expression about a picture being worth a thousand words is true, it is for this video of a big sister crying as she meets her new baby sibling for the first time! It’s a tearjerker and a smile-maker!

Watch this clip of a precious big sister as she holds her tiny baby brother during their first meeting. Her soft, fluffy hands are those of a toddler; she’s still so little herself. But, as she leans her sweet head next to the baby’s, she is experiencing a whole lotta little girl emotion! She’s not angry, throwing a fit, jealous, fussy, or sleepy, but she might be a little bit overwhelmed. Little one is just in love!

Though not pouting, her lower lip is pushed out. And it looks like her beautiful watery eyes spill a few drops onto Baby Boy. She whimpers a bit, and someone in the room assures her that it’s okay.



She lifts her head and says something not quite discernable. Then, she gently pats her little brother’s face a time or two and lightly wipes her damp hand on the sheet that’s wrapped around the infant. It is a touching moment—one Mom and Dad are sure to remember for a long, long time. Maybe, Sis will as well!

We sometimes forget how deeply little ones and children feel because we can’t always see or observe the feelings. They can’t always communicate their feelings in ways that we adults recognize. But, there is no confusion about this demonstration of emotion.

The two little ones are nestled together on bedding that has giraffes, whales, kitty cats, and more. Also visible on the comforter are the words “cutie” and “happy baby.” Check and double-check! Sometimes toddlers aren’t thrilled to have a new one enter the home, but this little sweetheart seems completely on board with her new family member and cuddle partner!

Congratulations, happy family!

“Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.

Best of Babies Eating Lemons


Having a sour day? Are you in need of a smile? Well, you have come to the right place! This video of adorable babies eating lemons is packed with fun and laughter–it will turn any frown upside down. May your day be blessed and full of happiness!