Girl Can’t Contain Herself When Her Stepfather Gets Down On One Knee With Adoption Papers


Growing up, I always thought it was harsh when I heard one of my classmates talk about how they despise their mother or father’s new lover. But now that I’m older, I’ve discovered why that could be. Some children initially get off on the wrong foot with their new stepparent because they think they’re trying to replace their birth mother or father. Other times, they don’t like that their parent starts to act differently now that they’ve introduced a new lover into their life. Schedules get busier, and routines may change. For a child, it’s definitely hard to accept. But of course, many children do end up getting along with their stepparent at some point.

Things were different for little Kylee when her mother Annie began dating a man named Tim Bobbitt. Almost immediately, Tim got along with Kylee, referring to her as his “little buddy.” Then as Annie and Tim’s wedding day arrived, Kylee read an emotional letter at the altar asking Tim to adopt her. Everyone at the wedding was in tears hearing the letter. But it wasn’t until November 2, 2017 that Tim actually got his hands on those adoption papers.

With Kylee being such a light in his life, Tim wanted to present the papers to her in a special way. So, he scheduled a photoshoot for him and his stepdaughter. Initially, Kylee thought it was nothing more than a family photoshoot.


But her stepfather had a plan. During the photoshoot, a video recording showed Tim getting down on one knee and telling his pre-teen stepdaughter how much he meant to her and how he was looking forward to making new memories with her. After reading a sweet letter to her face-to-face, Tim presented her the official adoption papers that she so patiently had been waiting for!

“And the reason why I can say that is because today…is the day I get to adopt you,” he said to Kylee right before revealing the paperwork.

Kylee was left speechless and promptly broke down in tears knowing that Tim was now officially her father! All she could do was cry in her father’s arms during the emotional moment and look at her other family members in complete disbelief. How adorable!

That same day Kylee was presented those papers, the Bobbitt family formally went from four to five.

Watch the tear-jerking adoption proposal unfold below. Tim couldn’t have made that moment more special. It was nothing short of passionate and moving!

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