These babies have mesmerized many with their dancing


There are many talented and gifted children in the world, but not everyone has the opportunity to realize his talent.

This is especially true for children from villages and from poor countries. Often they go unnoticed.

Luckily African boy Eddie has managed to push his way forward and become famous.

From childhood the boy was musical and loved to dance.

Among African peoples, dance is part of the culture. That is why there are so many talented dancers among them.

In African dances, the body speaks, articulates. Limbs, shoulders, head, chest, hips can perform different movements at the same time․




Even while the dancer is motionless, separate parts of his body can perform many complex movements.

Children of the dark continent have been dancing since childhood, that’s why they are so plastic and feel the rhythm well.

Dancing in Africa is truly a global hobby, and more than that, even a lifestyle.

Each tribe dances in one way or another unique to it, and even the children sitting on the backs of their mothers move in unison with the melody.

Dance also has a very important aspect as an educational tool.

Through dance, African children are taught physical self-control and social standards of behavior.

Children in African tribes often even create their own dance and masquerade groups.

Such groups of children often join dancing adults during communal holidays and festivals.

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