A gift of fate: Sextuplets were born after a long treatment


A real Christmas miracle happened in the family of spouses Eric and Courtney Waldrop. On the eve of the holidays, the woman gave birth to healthy gears – boys named Tag, Blue and Lake and girls – Rawlings, Rain and Rivers. Now there are 9 children in the Waldrop family! Courtney and Eric also have three older sons, 8-year-old Sailor and 5-year-old twins Bridge and Wells.


After the birth of her first child, Courtney could not bear the second baby. She got pregnant without problems, but at 2-3 months the woman constantly had miscarriages. It was difficult to survive, because she and her husband always wanted to have many children. In order not to experience the pain of losing a child again, Courtney turned to specialists. Her next pregnancy took place under the supervision of doctors and ended happily: Courtney gave birth to two baby twins at once.

The Waldrops were not going to stop at three sons. They really wanted the boys to have a sister, maybe two. The couple’s dream did not want to come true: Courtney’s next pregnancy ended in a miscarriage again. “Just imagine how difficult it is to lose babies one by one. I just couldn’t bear the baby!” – complained mother of many children.

Courtney was treated for infertility in a good clinic. Doctors used therapy that would reduce the likelihood of multiple pregnancies to a minimum. “Kourtney already had problems with bearing children. Multiple pregnancies was contraindicated for her, as it could lead to stroke, diabetes and late miscarriage, ”said the doctor.

When Kourtney got pregnant, she had a first-trimester scan. The doctor heard the sound of six hearts and realized that Courtney had a multiple pregnancies – what they feared. The woman was carrying gears! “I was shocked by the news of the gears … But I firmly decided that I could bear the children,” Courtney said.



Experts were not so sure of the woman’s strength and suggested that she have a “selective abortion” – remove several embryos from the uterus. This option Courtney immediately cut off. “How can you choose which of your children will live?” – the mother of many children was surprised.

It was impossible to bear the babies at least until the term of 35 weeks, so the doctors determined that a caesarean section would have to be done at 28-30 weeks. At the beginning of pregnancy, Courtney was at home, but from the 25th week she had to go to the clinic. There she underwent therapy to slow the growth of babies. “The most difficult thing for me was to eat huge portions of lunch so that my kids get all the useful micronutrients. Fortunately, from the beginning of the second trimester, my appetite was not so bad. ” Courtney recalls.


At 29 weeks, the moment X came – the woman began to have contractions. Doctors quickly mobilized and performed a caesarean section. The operation took only 4 minutes and beautiful gears were born. “It is still too early to make predictions about the health of babies,” experts say.

However, Courtney and Eric have no doubt that their gears will grow strong and healthy. After all, they are a gift from above; a real miracle with which parents of many children will definitely not part.

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