Toddler Belts Out National Anthem For Favourite Baseball Team


Learning a national anthem takes practice when you’re a little kid. There are a lot of words to remember and while the melody flows and sounds nice, it’s not usually as catchy as something you’d hear on a popular radio station. It takes practice and lots of listening to in order to get it right. Knowing the anthem of the country you’re from provides a sense of pride, too. It’s important to nail it down at a young age because once you know it, you’ve got it with you for the rest of your life!

I remember when I learned the anthem, but I don’t recall being this clear with the words, or this confident at such a young age. I’ll admit that there are times I still forget the words, and I’m an adult now! But, three-year-old Drake from Auburn, New York, USA, knows his country’s anthem inside out. This kid is a star in the making.

This cutie pie toddler loves baseball especially his hometown team, the Auburn Doubledays. He loves going with his family to watch games and be a part of the action. So much so, that the organizers thought they would reach out to the little guy and ask him if he wanted to sing the anthem before they kick off the game. Well, you can only imagine his surprise and delight! He was asked last minute if he wanted to perform and the kid didn’t hesitate for a second. Why would he? He’s a fan!



Drake stepped up to the plate and delivered a solid performance. Other than the little bit of guidance he got at the beginning, the kid was unstoppable. He had the whole song committed to memory and was able to sing it from start to finish with minimal help! Drake is fearless and rambles through the song without a hitch. Of course, the crowd goes wild at the end, enamored with the little blondie! His mom hopes he’ll be invited to return and sing for a fundraiser to raise money for hip dysplasia, a condition that affects his sister.

Hopefully, this performance left such an impression, Drake will be able to sing again. That’ll make the fundraiser extra special for him, his sister and his adoring family. It would be a rewarding feeling for the little one, too!

Click below to watch this really cute performance from a tiny boy with a big heart and a lot of voice!

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