5-Year-Old Shows Mom His Shoe-Tying Trick


While we all have our individual talents, it’s impossible to be good at everything. You may be an amazing writer but hold absolutely no skill in math, or maybe you’re an excellent scientific researcher but hold no passion in photography. This can be frustrating at times, but it’s also what makes this world an interesting and diverse place.

But if you think back to your childhood years, there must have been something that you found particularly difficult? Telling the time is sometimes tricky, letting go of your beloved dummy is also an emotion-felt process. Luckily, as time goes by, people invent quirky and interesting ways to tackle these problems. You can consider these your parent cheat sheets, if you will.


So, when this little boy came up with a genius way to tie his shoe laces, it was imperative that his mother recorded it in order to make life easier for parents worldwide. We personally want to thank Colton Lillard’s mother, Ashley for sharing this.

Colton is a five-year-old boy who clearly has a fascinating take on the world. Instead of tying his shoe laces the old-fashioned way, he somehow devised a way in which to tie them that is easier and more fun—and managed to make it look effortless in the process! In this way, he’s helping children who are struggling to tie their shoes with ease.

So if this video has helped you ditch the velcro on your child’s shoes and managed to help them tie their laces effectively on their own, do let us know in the comments. Additionally, if you know of any struggling parents out there, share it with them to make their lives easier. In this way, we’re tackling one small problem at a time.

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