“Dad organized a musical group with kids during the forced vacation. Keep an eye on the soloist!”


A large family has found a cool way to have fun during enforced vacations.
The group already has fans, but so far, only on YouTube. They are confident that this talented family has a bright future!

The head of the family is a professional musician. The group practices every day, performing songs of different genres, from rock and roll to hard rock. Colt is the lead singer and main guitarist.



Cash, who is 10 years old, accompanies his father on the bass guitar, Beckett, who is 8 years old, keeps the beat on the drums, and Bellamy, who is 6 years old, dances, sings, and occasionally plays the maracas.

I must emphasize that they are doing remarkably well. Their cover of the Beatles’ song “Come Together” has been viewed by over half a million people, with more than seven thousand likes. What do you think?

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