Baby Dances Like Nobody’s Watching When He’s Supposed To Be Taking 1st Steps!


Amanda Russell and her family were capturing video of her little son, Declan, taking some of his first baby steps. But as the child took a step or two unaided, he suddenly caught an earful of the song playing in the background, and his tentative walking turned into subtle dancing before you can say, “boogie.”



With his eyes on the person filming, Declan does a little hip wiggle and shoulder roll combo that makes his family immediately crack up. They’re still laughing hysterically as the baby turns around, grabs the oven door, and starts shaking his diaper-clad booty in time with the music. It’s impossibly cute, and we’re delighted they shared it with the world!

Watch Declan the dancing baby in the video below, and be sure to share to make others giggle too.


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