8 Siblings Spread Cheer With Ugly Sweater Christmas Dance


Every family has their own holiday traditions.

It may be building gingerbread houses, or… it may be yelling at each other.

Some are more fun than others.

What matters around the holiday season is that you spend time together and appreciate the fact that you’re all in each other’s lives.



One family in particular however, has a family tradition that is very hard to beat…

Their annual family Christmas dance. And wow, it is impressive!
I don’t know about you, but I can’t even dance like that when I’m alone…

The music abruptly changes to Justin Bieber’s rendition of “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”.

This is a very contemporary version indeed! It’s upbeat and poppy.

That’s more like it, now we can feel that holiday spirit!

The family moves with impressive coordination, young and old, every generation seems to be getting involved.

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