Young Skaters Give Epic Ice Skating Performance That Will Send Chills Down Everyone’s Spine


Are you more of a winter person or summer? Do you enjoy the sun’s rays hitting you right in the face as you lay on the beach on a humid day? Or, do you like to watch the snow fall from your living room while you enjoy a cozy evening indoors? Whatever you prefer, there’s always an activity for any kind of weather.

As it starts getting cold out, it always makes me think of all kinds of winter activities that my family and I can participate in: drinking cocoa by the fire (is this an ACTIVITY though?), walking with crunchy snow under my feet, sledding, and something that I won’t be doing, ice skating.

I’m always incredibly impressed with ice skaters, especially the pairs skaters. They perform beautifully choreographed dance routines with lifts, jumps, and footwork that would impress any ballroom dancer. But, they do it on slick ice with thin blades strapped to their feet. For someone like me, this is out of the question. I’m clumsy just walking on the flat ground wearing sensible shoes, so ice skating is an accident waiting to happen and I don’t think I can afford that.




Every time that I watch a perfect routine, I can’t help but think of all of the times it didn’t go so perfectly. I imagine that the skaters spend a fair amount of time practicing the routine, and that means falling. But, watching the duo in this video perform, it’s hard to believe that they ever make a mistake.

Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres’ are French figure skaters. Before this routine at the European Figure Skating Championship, they had won four French championships and competed in the European Figure Skating Championship several times in the past, but only managed to place fourth. They were determined to get the win they deserved.

So, they took the ice and performed this stunning routine. The duo skated flawlessly and executed complicated moves and combinations while making it look effortless. But, it was their connection that took the performance to the next level. The music and routine had a sultry vibe that radiated off the ice. The audience and judges could almost feel the heat coming from the pair.

Their dedication paid off, and they finally won the championship that they deserved — they will remember this competition for the rest of their lives!

Watch their amazing performance below and please like and share the video!

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